Princess as she fights her conservatorship. Fox and friends first continues right now. Jillian The Whole World has rallied around Britney Spears. You are watching Fox And Friends First on thursday morning. Todd breaking right now. Jillian working to save people from a collapsed Apartment Building near miami, witnesses captured video moments after it cell. The building, this huge building gone. It is gone. Jillian a resident recorded this footage showing the building crumbling right before the collapse. Miamidade fire and rescue has one of 80 units on scene, people reportedly still trapped in the rubble. It is not clear what caused the collapse. We dont have word on injuries but we will stay on this and monitor the situation and bring you details as they come in. Daytona beach after an officer is shot in the head. Police really spotted him footage of the shooting overnight, they say the officer was attempting to get the suspect out of the car when he turned to open fire, the officer said to be in great condition, 500 Officer Searching for the suspect identified as wallace. Account the other lockdown was a 100, 000 reward being offered for information leading to his arrest. Shooting in florida another example of the exploding crime crisis in america. President biden outlining his plan to stop it. The president thousand 2 target guns. The president and Attorney General plan to mainly focus on gun control in the Rogue Gun Dealers. Take a listen. We are taking further steps. First, we will hold gun dealers that break the rules accountable for their actions. Cracking down as you heard from the Attorney General, enough Rogue Gun Dealers feel they can get away with selling guns to people who arent legally allowed to own them. Reporter this as crime surges in big cities, look at these that is, portland reporting a 126 increase in shootings, these Exploding Crime Rates follow calls around the country to defund the police. Now Police Officers are retiring in record numbers. In New York City more than 5000 in this past year. In chicago nearly 600, department are also struggling to hire new officers. Not everyone agrees targeting guns is the solution. Democrat policies, they want to blame the gun but absolve the shooter. They want to pass gun control but dont enforce it and even worse, they want to defund the very Law Enforcement officers that would enforce the law. Reporter the president took a swipe at the second amendment. No one needs to have a weapon that can fire over 30, 40, 50, even up to 100 rounds. If the deer were in kevlar vests as if you think you need to have weapons to take on the government you need a 15s and maybe some nuclear weapons. The National Rifle association believes bidens Initiative Distracts from a rise in crime. Ashley, thanks. Jillian overnight unlawful assemblies declared during a massive protest outside of South Carolina police department, several fires were reportedly started. It is unclear if any arrests were made. The unrest comes after a video went viral on social media appearing to show officers repeatedly hitting two black men during an arrest. Police said in a stay with the two individuals, one of which is a known offender did not comply with officers. They were being booked after two bags of marijuana were discovered in their car. Senator john kennedy had to say this about the rising crime in the us. Take a listen. Crime is up because many, not all that many members of the president s own party believe in defunding the police. Crime is a because many members of the president s own party turn cops into social workers. Crime is it because many the president s own party think all cops are racists. Crime is a because many members of the president s own party think that when a cop shoots a criminal it is always the cops fault. When a criminal shoots a cop it is always the guns fault. Reporter Senator Kennedy says crime will decrease until we refund police and stop over regulating them. Neil story here. John mcafee dies in a spanish prison. He was known for his outspoken political beliefs and spent many of his final years in exile over financial crimes charges. He died in an apparent suicide after a Spanish Court approved his extradition to the us where he faced charges of tax avoidance, he was 75 years old. Jillian an american scientist claims to have recovered early covid positive samples from the wuhan lab saying the previously deleted data shows the pandemic did not originate in a wuhan west market, the samples are genetically more similar to Bat Coronavirus is than previously known sequences. He says, quote, im cautiously optimistic that this is not the last piece of Information Thatn can be found. The National Institutes of health remove the sequences at the request of the submitting investigator who has rights over the material is 60 of registered voters believe covid 19 was created by scientists and leaked from a lab in china according to a fox news ball. Secretary of transportation people judge thinks the federal government should encourage private businesses to encourage vaccine counsel. When asked about texas banning the practice he said, quote, if a Company Wants to take steps to keep their workers and passengers safe i would think from a Government Perspective we want to do everything we can to encourage them. That is our view at the federal level but a spokesperson for the Department Of Transportation tells fox news the Biden Administration does not support any form of government mandated vaccine passport. A live look at the white house where Chuck Schumer and House Speaker nancy pelosi are set to meet with President Biden today to discuss infrastructure. A Bipartisan Group of negotiators met yesterday and the say the framework is set, a major Sticking Point has been how to pay for it. Republicans balked at new taxes and to keep the scope of the package on traditional infrastructure. Of the reported plan includes 973 billion in spending over 5 years, 1. 2 trillion of continued over eight years. Neil spiderman time. The head of the Catholic Church coming facetoface with your friendly neighborhood webs linger. Spiderman at the vatican at the pontifex weekly address. He is better known for donning Superhero Costumes and visiting kids hospital wards around the world. Spiderman gave the popes Signature Mask as a gift, unclear if he will wear during services this week. Jillian donald trump back, rally circus. He will hold a rally with fireworks for Independence Day in sarasota, florida july 3rd. The rally will be part of four postpresident ial rallies by trump kicking off saturday in ohio, trump is expected to endorse congressional candidate max miller. Rallies in North Carolina and georgia are planned in the near future. Neil can President Bidens crime plan get a handle on the outofcontrol violence we are seeing in cities like chicago . Giano caldwell shares this next. Jillian social media going crazy after cocacola block the phrase black lives benefits custom bottles. We are coming right back. E stinging. My skin was no longer mine. My psoriatic arthritis, made my joints stiff, swollen. Painful. Emerge tremfyant™. With tremfya®, adults with moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Can uncover clearer skin and improve symptoms at 16 weeks. Tremfya® is the only medication of its kind also approved for adults with active psoriatic arthritis. Serious allergic reactions may occur. Tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. Tremfya®. Emerge tremfyant™. Janssen can help you explore cost support options. Oh are you using liberty mutuals Tcoverage Customizer Tool . ™. So you only pay for what you need. Sorry . Limu, youre an animal only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Remarkable comeback, Police Search for suspects as a mother dies two days after she was he on camera drag from her car and shot. Todd horrible scene as officers, Homeless Camps for the suspect accused of stabbing a maryland grad student to death in broad daylight. Giano caldwell here to react. Biden announced his crime plan last night. Think it would have prevented these killings . Absolutely not. We know when it comes to Executive Orders a lot of times the resources they already have at their disposal. The truth is you cant believe what President Biden is saying when they collide. He says crime surge as people on its face, a baldfaced lie. Crime surged last year during the george boyd riots, County Prosecutors, county prosecutor industry, the county of cook which encompasses chicago which, releasing people from jail for some of the crimes they committed. The cook County Prosecutors and the beginning of her tenure the first 3 years virginia released 25,000, dropped 25,000 cases and some included murder as you think about the fact democrats in many of these cities, County Prosecutors across the country are releasing these individuals along with the defund the Police Movement that led to a 60 increase in homicides, that is the cause of this. Unless shes willing to be honest about it, we cant truly get it. Jillian i want to focus on two of these recent situations that happened and pull up this video of that couple being dragged out of their car and killed as a result of this situation. Jasmine perez died tuesday after this situation right here, she was shot in the neck by this group of suspects following that minor traffic crash. Her boyfriend, 24 years old, was pronounced dead at the hospital, they had two children, jaden will be one on friday. Look at those faces, that is a family forever torn apart, those kids will not have parents. That is one situation. The other is the maryland Graduate Student who was stabbed to death by homeless suspect. Why are people not outraged . These victims and families that are now forever broken as a result of what is going on . I appreciate your passion as you talk about this. The sad reality may sound harsh, this is a travesty but it is typical in chicago and i am sorry i Say Something like that is if it is an everyday occurrence. So many people it is an everyday occurrence. My Little Brother was sitting in the car with two of his friends shot 25 times, his best friend died in his arms, i think of the 7yearold girl at mcdonalds when a man shot the car and killed her. The Senior Citizen watering his grass and a man shot him. There are so many realities for folks who live in the city of chicago, democratic leaning cities worse crime is skyrocketing and theres nothing to do about it. The people of chicago, the democratic party, the state of illinois or the city councilmembers of chicago do not respect the mayor of chicago or take him seriously, their policy does not make the city as residents safe. This is become problematic on every level for every citizen but is a trend with everyman because they refuse to get tough. You cant say we will have gun policies where you are not fixing the People Holding the guns, making sure they are facing the time needed to deter the crime. It is a terrible situation but the reality in the city of chicago. Todd the answer is so simple. The people committing the crimes we need to stop but so many politicians focus on everything other than that. Thank you for your time and insight as always. Jillian the kids who have parents. Kristen instance. Jillian 16 after the hour, Vice President Kamala Harris finally set to visit the southern border. Todd introducing legislation to make this moment happen, joins us live. I became a sofi member because i needed to consolidate my credit card debt. I needed just one simple way to pay it all off. It was an easy decision to apply with sofi loans, just based on the Interest Rate and how much i would be saving. There was only one that stood out and one that actually made sense and that was sofi personal loans. It felt so freeing. I felt like i was finally out of this neverending trap of interest and payments and debt. Is now a good time for a flareup . Enough, crohns for adults with moderate to severe crohns or ulcerative colitis. 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Download the ww app today and say hello to a 14day free trial. You need a Financial Plan download the ww app today and that can help grow and protect your money. An annuity can help cover Essential Expenses in retirement, so you can live the life you want. This is what an annuity can do. Learn more at protectedincome. Org. Jillian this is happening live in florida, Emergency Crews respond to a major Building Collapse in that area. Overnight part of this condo complex crumbled to the ground. You have police and firefighters on the scene attempting to rescue residents, this along Collins Avenue which if you know the miami area is the main drag that runs through miami. A busy area during the day. In the overnight hours, not busy right now but busy with a response. Look at this massive response effort. Todd you wouldnt see that many sirens, that many lights happening in the middle of the night, felt like obama gone off, dont know how many people are hurt or if anyone is dead. You see firefighters working to find out what is going on in that particular apartment. We are monitoring the situation and will bring new information as it comes in. This could be a big story. Jillian we are praying for everyone who might be in that area. If youre waking up in florida this morning, it is 88 Young Collins avenue, the location on the scene. It is 5 21 on the east coast. This is a live look at miami and we will keep you updated with new developments as we get them. Neil border crisis, Vice President Kamala Harris will go firsthand tomorrow. Jillian david, good morning. Reporter the Vice President will head down to the border with Homeland Security secretary alejandro mayorkas. She has been criticized since President Biden tapped her to lead the immigration crisis, migrating to the border, specifically republicans are complaining about where the Vice President will visit. She will visit the el paso sector in the southwest section of texas which many officials should she needs to go to the Del Rio Sector which is 5, 6, 700 miles away from el paso. Texas Governor Greg Abbott put out a statement about the Vice President saying, quote, she will fail in her mission if she refuses to speak to residents of the Del Rio Sector whose homes and ranches are overwhelmed by gangs and smugglers. The Vice President s visit sends days before Governor Abbott joins donald trump at the border, trump said in a statement the Vice President is going now to maybe try to one up his visit. The White House Press secretary jen psaki, asked about this yesterday. Was it important for the white house to have her seen at the border before donald trump has a trip there next week . We made an assessment within our government about a good time to go to the border. This visit comes as the chief for customs and Border Protection got word, he is to be reassigned, rodney scott said on facebook just the simple leaves of the Service Administration could place the person in that position. Congressman Henry Cuellar said by understanding the challenges the government will address the factors leading migrants to make this journey. Looking at the root causes of migration, she went to central america, guatemala and mexico, to the border. Jillian thank you for being here, congresswoman. Appreciate it. Considering the former president announced she was visiting the border, listens what jen psaki says on the timing. The timing of this. The Vice President making a trip to the border, looking at progress that has been made to prevent or change what the president of the United States does. Jillian what do you think of the timing . It is taken 100 days since the Vice President was named borders are. She couldve gone to the border months ago. If she would go she would have heard what i heard when i went to the Del Rio Sector and had conversations with customs and Border Patrol agents which i heard earlier when you were talking about gangs overrunning Law Enforcement, the drugs, smuggling, go across the border. I hope that is what she hears when she goes and has these conversations but it has taken hundred days while the problem is compounding and American Families are risk because every state is a border state. It is a complete failure of the administrations policies. She will see that firsthand and will see and hear what they need to fix this problem which is what weve been talking about for months, securing our border, building the wall and putting title 42 into place permanently. Jillian do you expect anything to change after her visit . I certainly hope so. Some representatives on both sides of the aisle understand this is not a partisan problem. Our borders in arizona and california and to the north, we have a group of people who are ready to work on these solutions. We have been sounding the alarm on this crisis at the border, the Vice President needs to see this crisis at the border but she has chosen to visit bakeries and yarn shops instead. Jillian im curious to get perspectives on Congress Men And Women in other states. How is what is going on at the border affecting the people of your state of i . Iowa . I just finished visiting all the areas of my district. I hear about this a lot from families are concerned about safety and security. Our local sheriff concerned about drugs coming up Interstate 35 and then talk about the Human Smuggling Aspect of this, Law Enforcement will be faced with challenges as the smugglers win. The cartels are making millions of dollars. Every week, smuggling people. This is all under the Biden Administrations policy. Complete failure there. Iowa families realize that. I am sounding the alarm on this trying to make sure we work to secure our border. Jillian thank you so much for your time this morning, we appreciate it, have a good day. Neil as we go to break, our top story, a Parent Apartment Collapse in miami, florida, we have been following this all morning long. Reports of the Building Collapsing in the miami area. A Massive Police presence has been on scene. We have been bringing this and we went on air at 4 00 am. Reports are it happened at 2 00 am. Firefighters looking at the scene, this affidavit 88 and Collins Avenue in north miami. This is an extremely busy area. We are following the story all morning long as more information comes in. We will be right back. Good night syra. Night, drive safe. I love you. Drive safe. Ok buh bye mommy. You guys ready . You sure you got everything . Drive safe. We all say it; chevy can help you do it. With chevy safety assist standard on the new equinox and trailblazer part of the chevy family of suvs. Drive safe. Are things we know work to reduce gun violence, banning Assault Weapons and highcapacity magazines. Funding for Gun Violence Research at the cec and the National Institutes of health. Todd resident biden taking it guncontrol. Jillian how can we stop crime when cities with the worst violence go easy on criminals . Joining us is National Spokesperson of gun owners of america, antonio oka for. Thanks for being here. How did the president do with his messaging yesterday . This message is a long time coming, we had violence on our streets in over a year and seems to be getting worse. Unfortunately he talked about violence but didnt talk about the real source of this issue but if you continue this rhetoric of continuing to allow big cities like New York City saying it is okay to defund the police then of course we have issues with violence and they use this to Gun Crime Push which is guncontrol. Neil as part of the biden Crime Prevention plan, some the flow firearms used to commit violence, support local Law Enforcement, invest in community violence, interventions. Look at this. This is shocking to me. The Homicide Increase in los angeles and philadelphia up 22 in la, both of those cities have far less das. Do these measures matter if those das are still in office . Seems to me you can do all the measures you want. It is not going to matter if those guys are in the da chair . That is why it is so important people remember that if you really believe in the second amendment, protecting our rights and making sure those places you are in have the blue to protect those rights, it matters all the way down to the da. That is why you are seeing in chicago and baltimore and la and philadelphia that what is the big dominator is we see africanamerican and hispanic people who are victims of these crimes they are in gun free zones. They care about these people, have to be with that. With lawabiding citizens to do so. Jillian there is a lot that should go into the conversation about violence and how you help this situation that is so dire because you mention philadelphia and how it increased. There was a young man who was killed walking his dog by a suspect who was released on bail a short time before this happened. It was happening in the streets, what should we have a conversation about . It cant just be about guns. You have to talk about everything. Absolutely right. It is not just about guns but even in the title of the proposal that he made the whole thing, in the title, the violence is against guns, with licensed holders, with gun owning people, the every day american person who in 2020 increased to 8 million new gunowners. Instead of focusing on the real criminal on the streets. Appreciate your time is always. Joint chiefs of staff, teaching Critical Race Theory in the middle of the military. During House Armed Services committee. Take a listen. We do not teach Critical Race Theory. We dont embrace Critical Race Theory. I read lennon, that doesnt make me a communist. Jillian he refuted claims that troops are turning, quote, woke by being openminded and the red. Todd education secretary dell cardona will face questions and speak from a remote location for hearing on policies of the department of education. Critical race theory expected on the agenda. Emotion boiling over a School Board Meeting in virginias loudoun county. [shouting] todd the hearing set for 10 15 eastern time was my guess is more fireworks. Jillian meantime lets talk about the weather. Senior meteorologist janice dean with the forecast. It has been busy in the weather department. Carley janice adam was filling in for me last week. Thank you for mentioning me. Lets look at the last 24 hours. We have the potential for strong storms today, large hail, damaging wind, isolated tornadoes, severe thunderstorm watches and warnings in effect across the plains states, the Upper Midwest where we will see potential for all of the above, the hail, damaging winds, tornadoes and flash flooding will be an issue because this lingering front will bring potential for heavy rainfall in the next 12 to 24 hours. Know what to do if theres a watch or warning, we will see them throughout the day. There is your forecast, warm, hot and sticky across the south. It has been spectacular across the northeast and that weather will continue for us but the west another day of high heat especially to the northwest. They are not used to getting temperatures in the 90s to 100 degrees and this will be ongoing not only in the northwest across the southwest as well. We will monitor that the next couple days, another dry, very warm week across the west and that will lead not only to heat advisories but high fire danger as well. Todd lets switch gears. I want to open the dean family photo album. Jillian exciting news. Janice sixth grade, we had celebrations all week. That is why i was off much of the week had graduation yesterday and a big party friday. We are not supposed to tell anybody but tell you guys, i have got dances to perform at the friday todd a flash mob type deal. Janice hopefully none of the kids are listening. Jillian congratulations, so beautiful. They grow up so fast. Janice thank you, adam, fulfilling in for me this week. Jillian we are coming right back. I had the nightmare again maxine. The world was out of wonka bars. Relax. You just need digital workflows. They help keep everyone supplied and happy, proactively. Lets workflow it. Then you can stop having those nightmares. No, i would miss them too much. Whatever you business is facing. Lets workflow it. Servicenow. Enocide took the lives of six million jews and thousands of jewish survivors are still suffering in poverty today. God calls on people who believe in him to act on his word. Comfort ye, comfort my people. When i come here and i sit with lilia i realize what she needs right now is food. These elderly jews are weak and theyre sick. Theyre living on 2 a day which is impossible. This now, is how gods children are living. Take this time to send a Survival Food Box to these forgotten jews. The International Fellowship of christians and jews urgently need your gift of 25 now to help provide one Survival Food Box with all of the essentials they critically need for their diet for one month. No vitamins and no protein so my legs and hands are very weak. Oh, oh, oh lets make sure that we bring them just a little bit of hope. By bringing them a little bit of food. Become a part of the fellowship today by reaching out to bless these precious people of god. For just 25, you can help supply the essential foods they desperately need for one month. Thats less than a dollar a day. I just want to encourage all of you to join with Yael Eckstein and the wonderful work of the International Fellowship of christians and jews. God tells us to take care of them, to feed the hungry. And i pray Holocaust Survivors will be given the basic needs that they so desperately pray for to survive. Jillian live look in north miami where we have been covering Breaking News unfolding at this hour. Multiple miami news outlets reporting one death after a condo Building Collapses overnight. It is a partial Building Collapsed. You are looking live at this scene which is quite extensive, Collins Avenue and 80 eighth street, Rescue Efforts are underway. Local reports are saying 80 miamidade fire rescue crews are on scene and a lot of that on your screen right now, people are being pulled out of the rubble, one of the local news reports where you see a young boy being pulled out of the rubble, it is very much a Search And Rescue effort happening at this hour. Todd reports are the Champlain Towers south at 877 Collins Avenue. Obviously this happened about three hours ago so rescue is well underway. Varying local reports reporting people taken to the hospital. I have seen nine taken to local hospitals but expect the number to rise because that is a large building, we counted upwards of 11 stories. We need to determine how many were there but this is a story we will be following, this is a big deal. Throughout the course of the morning. Jillian fox news poll shows more americans raising concerns about the economy as they get back on their feet after pandemic related shutdowns. Todd Cheryl Casone joins us. Reporter inflation is a major concern for americans with the fox news poll finding 83 are extremely or very concerned about inflation, 77 worry about taxes. The federal deficit and Interest Rates top of mind. As for the tough hardship facing their families grocery prices 70 with 68 citing gas prices. That is the inflation story. Healthcare and mortgage registering. As for the view of the federal experts cite as a key factor in the current Labor Shortage 53 say it is hurting the us economy. Todd when you play in the woke web you get sticky. Reporter cocacola Facing Backlash after its Label Promotion blocked the phrase black live medical invited fans for words or phrases of the toys for 6 each but the blm message that gave users this message, and Error Message if you try to put black lives matter i your bottle, the name you requested is not an approved one. Names may not be approved if they are offensive to other people, trademark, celebrity names, we are trying to get this list right but if you think this is in error please contact the Customer Care team. Really angry on social media. Neil spears breaking her silence demanding a end to her conservatorship. We are talking to a legal expert next. The lexus es. Every curve, every innovation, every feeling. A product of mastery. Get 0. 9 Apr Financing on the 2021 es 350. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. We know how much you count on us. And thats why were here 24 7. Get 0. 9 Apr Financing on the 2021 es 350. And on the road maintaining a fast and reliable network. 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Todd miami herald reported a 12 Story Condo Tower Built in 1981 with more than 100 units. Pay attention to this throughout the course of the morning, this could be a big deal. Jillian strapped for cash. The National Guard may be forced to cut training if it reasons reimbursed for the month guardsmen spent guarding the capital. Todd what is the hold up . This administration right out of the park right there, has not been a priority for this administration. Todd it was a priority to get these guys out immediately but not a priority to house or anything like that. When you dont hold people accountable, what started before january, readiness is results, failed leadership in the House Of Representatives for preparedness and everything, you dont bring the guardian as a backup because you failed. 521 million is the cost of the National Guard to secure the capital during that time. I want to go to you, your perspective, if you cut training from this program that is normally going to impact the here and now but the future for a long time, folks who should have gotten the training who went on to develop skills who might not be as sharp as they should be, that is why we have that training in the process. As i came to washington dc, in grand rapids, dozens of National Guard recruits were starting their journey to go through their training, initial boot camp, i talked to High School Kids who just graduated and as this story was developing about their funding i was thinking, from rockford and michigan that were going down there to train yet here we hear they may cut their training, not sure what that will look like in the middle of boot camp. Jillian you are a retired marine corps lieutenant general. Im curious where you would have been without that training. Bill talked about young men and women going to basic training, think about people who have their specialties and taken time off from their jobs for a 2week Training Evolution somewhere else in the country. This disruption, this needless disruption of schedules that affect Military Training and readiness but the individuals ability to do their civilian job shows lack of coordinated leadership, how do you recruits if the people you are recruiting think they cant trust you to do the right thing. We appreciate your time, thanks, guys. Jillian Britney Spears breaks her silence demanding a end to her conservatorship. Will breaking down the case for you. Tremfya® is approved to help reduce joint symptoms in adults with active psoriatic arthritis. Some patients even felt less fatigued. Serious allergic reactions may occur. Tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. Tremfya®. Emerge tremfyant™. Janssen can help you explore cost support options. Test live video of people being pulled out of the rubleg. I saw video live on tv of a boy being pulled out alive of this rubble. There is a Search And Rescue effort going on right now. This is on 88th and Collins Avenue. This, again, is the scene unfolding in north miami in surf find side, florida. This is video from earlier this morning as you are looking at that rescue scene. We will continue to monitor the situation. Bring you any new information as it comes. In again, if you are waking up in the north miami area, there is a partial condo Building Collapsed. This is a serious situation. Especially given the time this happened in the overnight hours. You have to imagine you have had a lot of people inside these units sleeping in the overnight hours. So crews are out there. They are trying to rescue as many people from this rubble as they can. We will stay on top of this and keep you updated. Todd report three minutes on top of friends. Britney spears speaking out about her conservatorship in public for the first time. Here to way in is criminal defense attorney jonna spilbore. What was your take aways from this hearing . Well, speak out britney did. My heart aches for this woman. Look, she basically in 20minute to the court for the First Time Ever said in no Uncertain Terms she wants out from under this conservatorship and doesnt want a mental evaluation to make this happen. She has been traumatized. No parts of this womans lifey her own right down to who she could associate with. What medicine put in her mouth and what tans moves forced to make for over a dozen years. This is incredible and most certainly time to free britney. Todd here is britneys Statement Making a lot of headlines. The control he had over someone as powerful as me, meaning her father. He loved the control to hurt his own daughter 100,000 . I worked 7 days a week, no days off which in california the only similar thing to this is called sex trafficking. Going back to california, i was a lawyer there as recently as 2008. We had a fast track. Why is this taking so long . If they had a fast track as long as 2008. This is 2021. That is a fantastic question. I mean, lets even go back farther than that why did a Conservatorship Need to happen in the first place, todd . I mean, a lot of people have meltdowns. They have break with reality it doesnt automatically mean you have a conservatorship. Can you get nuresd back to health and get medicated and live a productive life without having the court or somebody else to take complete control over your life. A conservatorships purpose is not it turn somebody into a money making machine. Thats indentured servitude. That seems to be what happened here with Britney Spears. Todd got to leave it there the miami situation getting a let of attention this morning. This is a fascinating case. There be interesting what this means for britney and going beyond that conservatorships in the future. Jonna, we appreciate it as always. Thank you. Jillian we do leave you with another live look at that situation there in miami, in north miami florida. Make sure you stay with us for continuing coverage on that breaking partial Building Collapse in florida. Again, this is happening in the overnight hours in surf side. 88 and Collins Avenue where a Condo Building has partially collapsed in the middle of the night. Crews are out there. They are performing Search And Rescue right now. Fox friends will have the very latest coming up in just minutes. Have a good day. Joe biden laid out a series of gun control measures. No one needs to have a weapon that can fire 30, 40, 50, even up to hundred rounds. Whoever is advising the president on crime, his Secret Service name ought to be butt head. Kamala harris is going to the border. Three months after appointed border czar. We made an assessment within our government about when it was appropriate time for her to go to the border. First responders are working to save people from an collapsed Apartment Building near miami. Building, huge building gone. Its gone. Britney spears says that

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