motive. >> we have received a number of calls about is this a hate crime. we are still early in this investigation. we cannot make that determination at this moment. >> the georgia shootings do follow a wave of unprovoked attacks across the country of people of asian descent. president biden has just been briefed. vice president kamala harris also addressing the terrible shootings. >> we don't know, we are not yet clear about the motives. i want to say to our asian communities we stand with you and understand how this has frightened and shocked all people. >> and the shootings condemned. >> i want to mention what happened just a few hours ago in atlanta in which several women were killed, including, we believe, four women of asian descent. we are horrified. >> counterterrorism agents were sent to atlanta out of new york city out of an abundance of caution. i am joined with correspondents who have been working on the case. blaine, first to you, what is the latest? >> we have a lot of information from the news conference but there are a number of questions left to be answered. first, is that the suspect taken into custody last night, the 21-year-old did accept responsibility for the three shootings. we are talking about three shootings that unfolded in three different locations over the span of about an hour or so much the place where i am now which is close proximity to the other two. the other two were just across the street. it originated about 45 minutes north of atlanta. we know the suspect did cover a lot of ground yesterday. the first shooting happened around 5:00 in the afternoon. it was less than an hour later the police got a call about a shooting there. and then they got a call during that response about shots fired across the street. the suspect was taken into custody but it was about two hours south of atlanta. there was a pit maneuver to get him into custody. he said he was headed to florida to commit more heinous crimes of the same nature. officials say it is too early to know whether race was a factor, but according to an investigator, he said race was not his motivation and that he was motivated by his own addiction. take a listen. >> the suspect did take responsibility for the shootings. he did that early on once we began interviews with him. he claims that these -- like i say, it is still early, but he says it is not racially motivated. he said he has an addiction that allows him to go to these places and it was a temptation he wanted to eliminate. >> the captain saying he wanted to eliminate temptation for himself. the mayor of atlanta, when asked about the businesses, one, said she wasn't going to get into victim blaming or shaming, but she said these businesses were not on the radar of atlanta police. as far as they know these are legally operating businesses within the city of atlanta. important to provide that context. police still are trying to figure out what the motive are. we have heard a number of people coming out and standing with the asian community, the mayor among them and the vice president as well. a lot of questions left to be answered, rand yeah -- andrea. >> and tom, no matter the motive in this case, this increases the terror for asian american communities all over the country. tell us what's happening in new york and what you are learning around the country. >> that's right. this is a trend we picked up on approximately a year ago and something i have worked on with my blowing in the investigative unit. that is the rise in crime against acians. the majority of victims are acians. this is something that asian crime that has been on the rise for at least the last year. it is concerning. the nypd sending out its critical response command officers to predominantly asian neighborhoods in new york city. i think you alluded to it. nypd does this, first idea that a crime may have been committed in a specific community with a victim of that crime. whatever the motive turns out to be, the nypd is going to immediately deploy those officers just to avoid additional attacks or copy cat attacks and to provide security for those communities. >> the atlanta mayor keisha lance bottoms speaking. >> whatever the motivation was for this guy, we know that many of the victims, the majority of the victims were asian. we also know that this is an issue that's happening across the country. it is unacceptable, hateful. and it has to stop. >> joining us now is the new york democratic congressman, and the ambassador to chinatown. >> thanks for joining us. congresswoman, first to you. there have been 3800 anti-asian incidence reported already this year. your reaction to what happened in georgia, the killing, and the fear that the asian americans must be feeling across the country. >> thanks for having us. this is a fear that is not new. this is a fear that has been dramatically increasing the past year especially from the rhetoric that came out of the former president. we feel that we have been invisible. we are so hurt about what happened last night in atlanta, but also hurt about this year's long work of hateful incidents and hate crimes that have skyrocketed across the country. we are thankful for the allyship, like black and latinos in fighting racism. >> talk to me about what your group has been taking track of, what has been escalating in the past year. >> thanks. over the past year, we recorded over 3800 incidents against asian americans. there were racially. and women are attacked 3.2 times more than men and girls 2.3 times more than boys. others that are elderly and women are disproportionately attacked. this is a -- time. >> just to follow up, do you think the origins in wuhan and the way that former president trump and the secretary of state referred to it as the china virus caused this misblame. >> there is a clear correlation. his hate speech went viral. his words made the association that the virus was chinese. it is just a biological virus but became the chinese virus and the stigma was that vie niece -- chinese were the ones carrying the virus. >> can you caulk talk about oak and the community efforts there. >> i would like to send my condolence to the victims' families by this senseless act of violence. the community is hurt, saddened. this doesn't help with the strings of attacks around the united states. like the doctor said, this comes from the last administration saying it was a chinese virus. it was a product of that speech. we are now trying to cope. we will be walking around and continue to keep the community safe. i hope that something gets done about this. because it's not fair. not fair to the asian american communities and it's not fair for all the victims family. i believe that it's going to take a lot to get over this. eight people just lost lives because of -- man, i can't find the right word to describe this atrocity. i'm saddened and heartbroken about it. >> it is a horror. congresswoman, you have been sponsoring anti-asian legislation. >> we are working on legislation. prior to that, last year in light of president trump's comments, congress passed a symbolic resolution that condemns bigotry and hatred against acians -- acians, but against 168 republicans. we are now working on legislation that has more teeth. we want to be sure that the department of justice is providing resources and personnel in dealing with hate crimes. we want more education and resources for our local communities to make sure that people have accurate information from coronavirus to house to report hateful incidents and hate crimes. >> thank you all so very much. it is a terrible day. eight young women dying is unspeakable. we welcome your input as to what america can do to try to address this issue. thank you all so very much. homeland security at this hour is testifying before a house committee. they are grilling about the priority of the southern border while he says his priority is returning it to a humane system. >> sometimes the tools defy values and principles for which we all stand. one of the tools of deterrence that the trump administration employ was deplorable. absolutely unacceptable. what i am committed to and execute is to ensure that we have an immigration system that works and that migration to our country is safe, orderly and humane. >> this comes as the second is warning that the u.s. expects to see more migrants at the southern border than in the last 20 years. it is a growing challenge for the white house with unaccompanied minors flooding the boarders. numbers up from last week. now there is a place being set up in dallas to handle some of them. the message this morning from president biden was don't come. >> don't come. we are in the process of setting. you will be able to apply for asylum in place. don't leave your town or city or community. >> joining me is roberta jacobson, president biden's ambassador to the southern border. great to see you garn. -- again. the president is saying to migrants don't come. how does that message come to migrants at the southern border. they don't have those communications. >> people do pick up the president's message all over. that's why we work with civil society groups, international organization for migration and other groups to repeat the president's message that people should not come in this fashion. that we will be opening new paths for legal entry into the united states, but that we are enforcing our laws. i think the president's message will get widely distributed. but as i said before, the smugglers are very agile and their message gets through quickly. >> we are told that some migrants are choosing to send unaccompanied children to the border because they think they are the best opportunity to get in, that children can get in under covid rules while adults can't. is that a factor? >> there is a great deal of hardship in central america, a great deal of desperation for people to attempt this journey in the first place. families with children, sending older children ahead. it is reflective of crises pounded by climate change, two hurricanes in 15 days, violence, et cetera. there are people in dire straits. which is why we feel urgency to get humanitarian assistance there faster so they can stay home and open up legal paths for people so they don't have to undertake these journeys. >> of the numbers of immigrants and of the children being held by border patrol. as of sunday we are told that more than 3,000 have been held in custody more more than the 72-hour legal limit. how quickly can this be resolved? >> the answer is we will continue to ensure that we expand options for these children to meet the need. i think secretary mallorca said previously that the border patrol stations are no place for children. he is right about that. that's why we are expanding the number of beds and accelerating the process to get children through hhs and to families and sponsors so that we can shorten the amount of time kids are in either cdc or hhs custody and on to families and ensuring that we have appropriate places that protect and safe guard children. i think all of us agree that children need to be handled in a humane and safe way. the pandemic obviously complicates that. >> how quickly do you think you can get up to speed with fema and others taking charge and getting these children out of border patrol custody? >> well, what we have seen already is that both hhs and its influx facilities and fema with two facilities coming online and we are looking at more options, they are moving very quickly so we can assure the children are in appropriate care. it isn't just a building. it is staffed to handle them. it is important to make sure that we make sure the background checks are conducted on staff, that we do everything we can to ensure they are in a safe place and that we don't put children at risk. we are moving children as quickly as we possibly can. >> most organizations, including ms nbc news is reporting that the border patrol is denying information today. can you resolve that? >> i would urge nbc and others to talk with the department of homeland security and customs and border protection -- >> i think they are. >> i will take back the question. i also think it's important that we be setting about the task of moving children to appropriate places. we are not hiding anything. we do want to be sure that the story is told transparently, but we are also in a situation of urgent need for children and need to move children and that has to take first priority. >> what are the big issues of a long-term issue whether the trump administration cut out support to the triangle. how quickly can money be gotten to those countries and resolve the problem where it starts? >> that is a push. there are two kinds of assistance we are pushing to the northern triangle of central america. there is over $500,000 that was in the budget that just cleared bureaucratal. but the other thing is surging humanitarian assistance which the state department is doing is we can create job generating programs, so we can keep kids in school, so we can do feeding programs. these are quick dispersing programs we will be pushing down range right away. >> roberta, great to see you. thank you. and the president unplugged. speaking candidly about taxes, vaccine, new york state. the comments ahead. xes, vaccine, new york state. the comments ahead i've been taking prevagen on a regular basis for at least eight years. for me, the greatest benefit over the years has been that prevagen seems to help me recall things and also think more clearly. and i enthusiastically recommend prevagen. it has helped me an awful lot. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. here you go, let me help you. hi mr. charles, we made you dinner. ahh, thank you! ready to eat? yes i am! starting today, nobody has to settle for less than the very best. because only verizon gives you 5g from america's most reliable 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>> i may not get it, but i will get the democrats. >> he will need all 50 democrats and i guess that is to be determined but i guess democrats will be with him on that. this has been a priority for the democratic party for sometime, tax reform, specifically raising taxes on the wealthiest people, those making over $400,000 a year. that's to pay for the infrastructure plan biden wants to push as well as climate programs and other inequities so so many americans during this pandemic. >> infrastructure would be the second and last chance to use reconciliation with only 50 votes if he can get all of the democrats. the president went a lot further than he has previously on andrew comeau his long time friend. >> amidst the claims of the women, should he resign? >> yes, and be prosecuted to. >> and amidst those claims he be gone. >> that's what happens. and there could be a criminal prosecution attached to it. >> that's a political bombshell. >> yes, it is. it was striking to hear president biden weigh in that extensively against the allegations against governor cuomo and also taking it a step further saying if these allegations are true, there could be a prosecution. he follows up by saying he believes the women should be believed and have a right to be heard. so the question becomes is it appropriate when there is this ongoing investigation. that could be at the forefront of the breezing. we have yet to hear from vice president harris on this issue. i wouldn't be surprised if she doesn't get questions. you have mounting democrats in new york who say it's time for governor comeau to step down. politics is quite complicated for president biden. this is one of his longtime allies. >> he still has support of democrats, if not republicans. intelligence officials say russia tried to influence the election. not by changing votes. what he was up to. g votes. what he was up to. hi. so you're the scientist here. does my aveeno® daily moisturizer really make my dry skin healthier in one day? 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>> i am not going to comment about individuals. it doesn't take much memory to remember those who were promulgating the kind of fake russian propaganda coming out, names that were in the declassified portion of this report. also republican members of our intel committee which accepted the intelligence communities, had even tried to urge other members of the senate were being manipulated unknowingly by russian propaganda. some of them did and some didn't. we will have to be on guard because, as we have seen, the vulnerability of our system are not only the electoral machinery, but also misinformation oftentimes promulgated by social media. this will be an on going challenge. i am glad to see the intel community coming out in a clearer way about china. china is an on going threat. they do intend to try to influence our politics. when i say china, i mean the communist party of china. we should be careful to point out our beef is with that party and xi ping and not with the people of china. people misuse that term and it has caused an upturn in anti-asian violence. >> i interviewed the uk foreign minister today. let's hear what he had to say. >> russia's behavior breaches international normal. we have to have them in a willingness not to engage that in a behavior. >> a continuing threat is north korea. after outreach from the white house to north korea, they heard back and it was a threat from kim jong's sister. what should our response to north korea about. at the pentagon this morning, they said they may be ready to fire an ibm that can hit the u.s. >> i will comment on that, but let me comment on russia. i agree with our friends that we need an international response. it is not just taking place in our election cycle but many of the european election cycles. and the solar wind pac, where we need an international response and legislation, which i am working on, to make sure there is, at least during the middle of an incident, mandatory reporting for critical infrastructure and interagencies so we are aware of those intrusions. we had not had a voluntary company coming forward, we might not have been aware of the russian hacks. so russian hack we need to address. kim jong, i agree we need to engage. that did not get any tangible benefits. secretary blinken we reaffirm a coalition because it will take that to hold north korea accountable. and the california governor at full court press trying to save his job. trying to save his job tering meals. ♪ veggies taste amazing with knorr. i'm still going for what's next. even with higher stroke risk due to... afib not caused by a heart valve problem. so if there's a better treatment than warfarin,... i want that. eliquis. eliquis reduces stroke risk better than warfarin. and has less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis has both. don't stop taking eliquis without talking to your doctor as this may increase your risk of stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking, you may bruise more easily... or take longer for bleeding to stop. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, or unusual bruising. it may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. the number one cardiologist-prescribed blood thinner. ask your doctor about eliquis. never run dry of... killer attitude. or hydration. neutrogena® hydro boost. the #1 hyaluronic acid moisturizer delivers 2x the hydration for supple, bouncy skin. neutrogena®. when our daughter and her kids moved in with us... our bargain detergent couldn't keep up. turns out it's mostly water. so, we switched back to tide. one wash, stains are gone. daughter: slurping don't pay for water. pay for clean. it's got to be tide. the recall question against california governor gavern newsom could be put to voters as early as this fall. they have surpassed the 1.5 million signatures needed by today's deadline. the governor acknowledged it yesterday. >> the reality is it looks like it's going on the ballot. we will fight it and defeat it. at the same time it won't keep me from performing my job 24/7. >> i am joined by my guests. welcome all. jake, first to you, they appear to this point, let me describe the dominos that will begin to call, assuming 1.5 million signatures have, in fact, been turned in today on time. what's going to happen from here is then by april 29th, the county needs to verify and count all of those signatures. then by may 9th, the state has to go in and count signatures again. that then sets up another 60-day window, 30-day window for budgeting. all of that then leads to a possible recall election as early as september. as late as maybe november and december. there will be two questions on that ballot. should governor newsom be recalled, and who would you want to replace him? that could bring in a new governor. the question in california is timing. if it takes until september to get this done, will people even remember the pandemic? we have 2 million americans eligible for vaccines. we could be back to some sort of normalcy by september or november. it is also fire season. another natural disaster that plagued california every year. the mood of voters by september, november, december, that's really going to be the question here. >> michael steele, gavin newsom has been claiming in the republican inspired. that the biggest fundraiser to the recall effort is the rnc. first of all, can you fact-check that? and does that matter? >> it does to some extent. i guess in large measure, the republican party in california has been on its heels for quite a number of years. no big secret about that. we've been in this space before. in fact, this is the sixth recall against governor newsom since 2018, all brought by the republican party. but this is the one that seems to have stuck, and it largely turns on the fact that the governor was, you know, doing one of those do as i say, not as i do. had one of those moments when he was telling people they had to stay in, couldn't socially engage, while he went out to a restaurant with friends in contravention of his own orders. prior to that, there are only 50,000 people, plus or minus, that had signed the petition to recall. after that incident occurred, that number jumped to 440,000 plus. so the governor has his own voice to kind of ride on this because he brought it to his political doorstep. but the party is going to play, and they're going to play hard and try to push on this to at least have a fighting chance to get a republican governor elected, as some are looking at this, should this recall be successful. there are a lot of balls in the air on this one, but the politics are stinging the governor. >> memo to self, when you're putting your state in a lockdown during a pandemic, don't go to one of the most famous restaurants in california, if not the country, as we have pictures of him enjoying a luxurious dinner when the rest of the state is, as i say, shut in, right? >> he should not have gone to the restaurant, and he knows that. more fundamental things here. no schwarzenegger looking to emerge as an alternate. even kevin faulkner, the former mayor of san diego, who is going to run, announced he voted for trump in 2020. this is going to be as much a referendum on trump as on newsom. secondly, i totally agree that the time is newsom's ally. september, october, november, this state, i think, will have an economy that's booming. it'll be open again, and i suspect the virus will be pretty much totally under control. finally, the demographics here have changed drastically since 2003 when davis was recalled. it is a much more democratic state. gore won it by 12% in 2000. biden won it by 30% in 2020. gray davis, the year before he was recalled, was re-elected governor by 5%. newsom's margin was 24%. i think the recall is going to make the ballot and fail at the ballot box. >> and, bob, just to clarify, of course, it was gray davis, the former governor, who was the last recalled, and that's how arnold schwarzenegger became the governor, right? >> yes. gray davis had been re-elected by only 5%. there was an energy crisis. there was a recall movement. then arnold schwarzenegger, who fit the state idealogically in a way these other republicans don't, emerged as an alternative. so people recalled the governor and elected schwarzenegger. >> michael steele, why is newsom such a big target for the rnc? do they see him as a future national figure? >> oh, sure they do. but, you know, look, there are a lot of hurdles before you get to that point. you know, the governor of california has to deal with the current vice president of the united states in that regard, in terms of political futures. but there is an effort to try to, i think to bob's point, to mix it up a little bit on the ground for the republican party. as i said, it's been on its heels in the past, in the recent past, and is now trying to find some footing. the problem is, how much of the trump or trumpism sort of vibe can they shake to go into this because the demographics and politics of california have changed? folks have to keep in mind, when governor davis was recalled, he was at 26% approval. that's not governor newsom's problem. governor newsom is in the high 40s, close to 50% approval, even with the hits that he's taken. so the realities politically are very different than they were 20 years ago. but the politics, andrea, somewhat the same. >> as always, politics never changes in a funny way. jake ward, michael steele, bob shrum, great to see you all. that does it for this edition of "andrea mitchell reports." follow the show online, facebook, and twitter @mitchell reports. chuck todd is up next. happy st. patrick's day, everyone. this is msnbc. and forgot where she was. you can always spot a first time gain flings user. ♪ i'm a verizon engineer, part of the team that built 5g right. the only one from america's most reliable network. we designed our 5g to make the things you do every day, better. with 5g nationwide, millions of people can now work, listen, and stream in verizon 5g quality. and in parts of many cities where people can use massive capacity, we have ultra wideband. the fastest 5g in the world. this is the 5g that's built for you. this is 5g built right. only from verizon. with relapsing forms of ms, there's a lot to deal with. not just unpredictable relapses. all these other things too. who needs that kind of drama? kesimpta is a once-monthly at-home injection that may help you put this rms drama in its place. kesimpta was proven superior at reducing the rate of relapses, active lesions and slowing disability progression versus aubagio. don't take kesimpta if you have hepatitis b, and tell your doctor if you have had it, as it could come back. kesimpta can cause serious side effects, including infections. while no cases of pml were recorded in rms clinical trials, it could happen. tell your doctor if you had or plan to have vaccines, or if you are or plan to become pregnant. kesimpta may cause a decrease in some types of antibodies. the most common side effects are upper respiratory tract infection, headache and injection reactions. dealing with this rms drama? it's time to ask your doctor about kesimpta. dramatic results. less rms drama. you're strong. you power through chronic migraine - 15 or more headache days a month, ...each lasting 4 hours or more. botox® prevents headaches in adults with chronic migraine. so, if you haven't tried botox® for your chronic migraine, ...check with your doctor if botox® is right for you, and if samples are available. effects of botox® may spread hours to weeks after injection ...causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away, as difficulty swallowing, ...speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness... ...can be signs of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions... ...neck and injection site pain... ...fatigue, and headache. don't receive botox® if there's a skin infection. tell your doctor your medical history, muscle or nerve conditions... ...and medications, including botulinum toxins, as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. 95% of patients may pay as little as zero dollars for botox®. so, text to see how you can save. botox® has been preventing headaches and migraines before they even start for 10 years. so, ask your doctor about botox® today. welcome to a busy wednesday. it is "meet the press daily." i'm chuck todd. any moment, we expect to hear from president biden. he's going to be speaking at the white house, where we expect him to address the shooting in atlanta, where a lone gunman appears to have gone on a two-county rampage last night at area spas, killing eight people, including six asian women. at a press conference this morning, authorities say the suspect, 21-year-old robert aaron long, has taken responsibility for the shootings, and long claimed to them that his actions were not racially motivated. they also caution that a determination has not been made about his motive here. the local sheriff told reporters a short time ago

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