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kind, mental relief. not everyone is able to breathe easier as questions over whether americans who needed help, the most will get it. we'll already know that black americans are not getting the vaccine in a way that's proportionate. coming up, we'll talk to a doctor who says it's not just fear widening that gap but lack of communities having access that they never had it to begin with. i also get into a gap in priorities in washington because even with his response getting high marks from the american people is already clear that just as when biden was last in the white house, republicans will have no qualms about extending american suffering if it means shortening a democrat's reach. double that if he's black or at least black adjacent. but this time they have two obsessions, biden and our former president, who is in no legal position to lead them to electoral redemption right now and may not ever be. as the tentacles of various civil and criminal investigations tighten around donald j. trump. in the meantime, the republicans will do what they know, they'll cheat at the ballot and nearly every statehouse in the country has seen vote are suppression bills curdle their way up since the new year. we start tonight with a panel -- can congresswoman -- we'll go straight to our congresswoman ilan omar, congresswoman from minnesota. according to the president this week, some americans may have already sooefd their relief money as early as this weekend. have you heard from any of your minneapolis constituents that they've received theirs as of yet? >> great to be with you reverend al. some have received their checks, some have noted pending in their accounts. it's really exciting that some have received that $1,400 relief that was desperately needed with so many of our constituents and with the american rescue plan, we were also able to extend it to the adult dependents and people with mixed statuses. so this is something that got done because so many people were willing to fight for this relief and it's really exciting to already hear from our constituents who are seeing it in their accounts. >> fight for many of the people that fought for this and you and your colleagues and what is called the squad have become the faces of the progressive movement in congress for better or for worse i'm sure. but we're at just about two months into the biden era and we seen where he's drawn down on some bolder initiatives. how do you assess the first nearly 60 days and spaking for yourself of course, where is the president's ambitions working and where is he not being ambitious enough? >> it's been really exciting to see a lot of the promises that president biden made of things that he would get done, reversing the muslim ban to get implemented on the first day and to see the recovery plan implemented in less than 100 days is really exciting to see these survival checks in the hands of people, to get a handle on the vaccinations and the spread of covid, give people peace of mind but we also know there's a long road and long fight ahead of us as we continue to fight for the $15 minimum wage for medicare for all, getting an immigration plan together, fighting for hr-1, which is the for the people act in reforming our democracy. there's still a lot of work ahead of us but the administration has been working hand in hand with the progressive caucus and we know that we collectively will deliver on behalf of the american people. >> now, while the relief package is certainly a step in the right direction, some lawmakers contend that it doesn't do enough for homeowners and some 12 million renters who are on average $6,000 behind on rent payments. this week you and progressive colleagues introduced the rent and mortgage cancellation act in congress, which would cancel rent and mortgage through april of next year, while a provision would compensate landlords for their last revenues. can you tell us more about it? >> yeah. so the rent and mortgage cancellation act does create a relief fund so that mortgage holders and landlords are able to get the resources that they need as we create forgiveness program for renters. look, the american rescue plan does extend the moratorium, it does provide rental and utility assistance, but it doesn't fully address the problem, as you just mentioned, there are about 11 million americans who owe about $6,000 in back rent. we already had a housing crisis. so many people are already housing insecure, many faced with homelessness and we have to do everything that we can and the solution under the rent/mortgage cancellation bill that we introduced is one that fully, comprehensively addresses the housing crisis that we have on our hands. >> now, you haven't joined us here on "politicsnation" since before the january 6th insurrection. you of course were at the capitol that day. given how much our former president invoked your name to incite his base, i'd imagine you had much to fear during those hours. fast forward two months later, the insurrection is being investigated on the hill, the fbi director is calling out the threat of white supremacist terror and the trial of derek chauvin for george floyd's death, which set off historic protests last year began this week, jury selection began this week in your district. congresswoman, obviously two months is not enough to undo the damage of the last four years or centuries. i'd like to hear your voice on race relations. you're not just one who talks on the hill. i remember you marched with us. i'll show a picture of you marching on the front line with me and king kung's granddaughter. you've been in the streets as well as on the hill. how do you assess where we are? >> we have a long way to go. racism is not only pervasive in american society, it's also pervasive on capitol hill. we just heard from senator ron johnson who said he was at ease with the insurrection as a mob that was chanting "hang mike pence," who was our vice president at the time, who came to harm lawmakers and in an incident where not only the fbi but capitol police felt that my life was endangered enough like leadership and placed me in protection with them and he said he would have felt that his life would be threatened if black lives matter protesters showed up. >> johnson said he was not threatened who people -- your life is as recognizable as anybody in congress and others in danger, including saying hang mike pence, who was then the vice president. >> and who injured more than a hundred police officers and led to the death of one police officer. and the deaths of others. that tells you where we are as a nation. there is lots of work that the administration, you know, president biden and vice president harris are doing in addressing race relations in our country. there's a lot of work that's getting done on the ground in our communities, but if we are not having honest conversation about how race is perpetuated in our systems, i mean, i just recently was celebrating the amount of resources that's going to black farmers and you heard senator lindsey graham talk about how that's reparations when we know that black farmers who make up 2% of the farming community and receive something like 0.5% of the resources that are available to american farmers really shows you how there is an unwillingness from republicans to address the inequalities that exist within our systems, address how race -- it's part of the decisions that they make in keeping some of the members of our societies without resources. so as we fight for policies that create true equality, we also have to fight the rhetoric that is coming from these lawmakers that ultimately trickle down and impact, you know, black communities around this country and ultimately lead to the murder of george floyd. >> all right. well, i'm sorry i have to leave it there. i'm out of time. always enjoy having you on. we're going to have the black farmers on the show tomorrow night. i'm glad you mentioned that. joining me congresswoman ilhan omar. joining me juanita and also susan del percio. coming up, stops are focused on key states for electoral victories. do you think voters will still remember this by the time they head to the polls in the 2022 midterms in. >> i think voters are absolutely going to remember this going into the 2022 midterms because this drum beat is just getting started, rev. this is not going to stop after this tour. anything that happens that implements a segment of this bill, whether it's related to schools reopening, child care tax credits, this administration is actually going to continue to remind voters that they delivered on this, they provided these implementations and the support in the face of obstruction from gop members. the other thing that's noteworthy is the white house plans to include mayors and governors from the states who are democrats and republicans to show how much support this bill had, even though the gop refused to support it in congress and to have those republicans out front staying my states needed this, my constituents needed this and that is something they're going to remember. >> after nancy pelosi called out republicans for always voting no and taking the dough, senator weiker did that approving about the stimulus bill. he voted against the bill and tweeted this saying like he was part of what, in fact, happened that was positive for his constituents. are republicans going to try to pretend they did vote for the very popular legislation and will voters buy that, susan? >> they may try but i don't think anybody's going to buy it, rev. what's more important of what the president is doing on this tour. it not just cementing what he has done. i agree with juanita, where it was an excellent point with even republican mayors and governors who supported this, but it's also showing government working. i think he's trying to get those approval numbers for him up in those states and that will pressure republicans come the infrastructure bill because they were on the wrong side of the covid relief bill. now it's time if they want to do infrastructure, they may want to get on board because this bill was at 75%. i imagine infrastructure will be about the same and i think that's the long game that president biden is playing. >> i want you both to take a listen to how house minority leader kevin mccarthy characterized the american rescue plan on fox and friends just yesterday. >> your money is going to pay for illegal immigrants' health care. your money also is being sent to san francisco city where your money will be spent giving alcohol and marijuana to the homeless. that is what that bill is doing. >> what is he talking about? juanita and then susan. i want to hear both of you responding. what is he talking about? >> he's talking about the same racist and classist play book we saw deployed by the previous president that we're going to keep seeing deployed across states in this country, really talking across the issues that will rile up that audience that watches fox news and get their interest. this is literally the best that they have. this is literally their response to, yes, people are getting direct deposits in their accounts. yes, schools are reopening safely. yes, more vaccines are being distributed. pull on racism? that's literally all they have here. >> i think they should stick to mr. potato head. everything else is above their pay grade. they really have no policy to offer up. it's just so clear. they don't even know how to attack joe biden or the democrats because the policies are so well received among the american public. >> and this is the minority leader of the house, the leader of the republicans in the house. let me bring you to another one. very briefly this week a republican state lawmaker in arizona argued that the quality of voters mattered just as much as the quantity. that's a quote. republicans are more concerned about fraud. so we don't mind putting security measures in that won't let everybody vote. but everybody shouldn't be voting. that's end of quote. i mean, is this straight out a jim crow or what? juanita? >> that's exactly right, rev. it's straight out of jim crow. we know the dog whistles. we've heard them since black have had the right to vote in this country. he's again resorting to the same play book. we know the claims around the 2020 election that were all lies. there was next to no evidence of voting fraud, yet republicans are still pulling on this string. and we heard the same type of argument from the arizona gop lawyer who presented in front of the supreme court the same concept and said with his entire chest that the reason they're arguing for these voters suppression tactics is because when more people vote, they're at a disadvantage from democrats. it's the same dog whistles the gop is trying to leverage here and it's outright wrong and why we need action from congress on bills like hr-1 that will protect people's rights to votes, that will remove barriers to voters and thwart the voter suppression tactics we see going on across the country. >> susan? >> i agree. voter suppression is i think the most important issue facing our country right now. it's the foundation, it's our democracy. voters should be picking their elected officials. elected officials don't get to choose their constituents. it doesn't work like that. and if republicans can't win votes based on competitive ideas and bringing good policy, then they shouldn't be elected and it's time to pack it up. you have to represent the people that elect you. if you don't want to have them, then get out. >> all right, i'll leave it there. juanita tolliver and susan del percio, thank you both as always. coming up, there's no other way to say it, the republican party got trumped and they're paying for it big league. first my colleague with today's top new stories. cori? >> today is the one-year anniversary of president donald trump declaring covid-19 a national emergency. the u.s. has counted more than 29.4 million confirmed cases since then. and more than 535,000 americans have died from the virus. >> police in london scuffled with protesters. the di appearance and death of sarah everhard has sparked a national outcry over women's safety. >> new york governor andrew cuomo is under increasing pressure to resign. chuck schumer and senator gillibrand added their voices to the chorus of those calling for him to step down. cuomo says he's not going anywhere. >> astronauts mike who have kins and victor glover jr. helped prep for upgrades to the station. the mission was six and a half hours long. and daylight saving time begins tonight. remember to set your clock an hour ahead. we'll lose an hour asleep. we'll lose an hour asleep. you're clearly someone who takes care of yourself. so why wait to screen for colon cancer? because when caught in early stages, it's more treatable. i'm cologuard. i'm noninvasive and detect altered dna in your stool to find 92% of colon cancers even in early stages. tell me more. it's for people 45 plus at average risk for colon cancer, not high risk. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your prescriber or an online prescriber if cologuard is right for you. i'll do it. good plan. 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(deborah) when i finally had miracle-ear and i could hear for the first time, i started crying. i could hear everything. new miracle-earmini. so small and comfortable that no one will see them, but you'll notice the difference. call today to start your 30-day risk-free trial at your local miracle-ear. and for this week's gotcha, i want to talk to the republican party, which gambled everything on the presidency of donald trump and lost the white house, the senate and the house of representatives in just four years. and that bad bet isn't just a political loss but a financial one, too. because donald trump might be a relative newcomer to national politics, but he's no amateur when it comes to grif. indeed his approach to every venture can be summed up neatly by his failed atlantic city casinos, stiff the contractors, use the assets to commit fraud, money laundering or related crimes and then walk away and leave someone else to clean up the mess. he did the same thing with his fraudulently named trump university. lured innocent americans in with the strength of the trump brand, then bilked them for all they were worth. it was a rare trump venture because he was actually held to account for his dishonesty, ordered by a federal court to pay a $25 million settlement to those he had stubborn as he is, donald trump learned from that experience. it certainly hasn't stopped him from bad faith deals, but now he just sells his names to other developers. so he gets a check while they do all the actual work of building and maintaining properties. and while that worked for a while, the actions of the man have made the trump brand increasingly toxic. the pga cancelled a planned tournament at his golf course and trump hotels around the world are looking to strip the trump name from their facades and their brands. left with hundreds of millions of dollars in personal debt and a dwindling business empire, donald trump is turning to the only reliable money-making arena he has left, politics. he's threatened the republican national committee to stop using his name and likeness in their fund-raising efforts, though perhaps he could be persuaded to change his mind for a cut of the proceeds. he's also trying to convince gop donors to skip their giving to the republican party and donate to him directly. and given the cult-like devotion to trump explicitly encouraged by the party over the last half decade, the base is likely to heed that call. so the republican establishment is hurtling toward the same fate as this trump property in atlantic city, with all its value extracted by donald trump himself, the trump plaza hotel and casino was demolished last month to cheers from onlookers. going all in on donald trump was a bad bet for the gop and if they don't do something fast, they'll end up just like every other failed trump venture, reduced to a pile of rubble while the man responsible walks away with a big payout. i gotcha. i gotcha ♪ ♪there are so many more, that never found their fame.♪ ♪and some might seem bizarre to you,♪ ♪and some are only for a few...♪ ♪but many are small businesses that simply lack the tool♪ ♪to find excited people who will stop and say 'that's cool'♪ ♪there's an idea for everyone♪ ♪and you'll love yours, she'll love hers too♪ ♪these two get served up coffee, 'cause they adore the brew♪ ♪if you're the type who needs to cruise,♪ ♪or likes your bags in vivid hues,♪ ♪behold, it's there.♪ ♪these bikers got some new headwear.♪ ♪small businesses and people - make connections so profound♪ ♪and all 'cause personalized ads help good ideas get found.♪ with relapsing forms of ms, there's a lot to deal with. not just unpredictable relapses. all these other things too. who needs that kind of drama? kesimpta is a once-monthly at-home injection that may help you put this rms drama in its place. kesimpta was proven superior at reducing the rate of relapses, active lesions and slowing disability progression versus aubagio. don't take kesimpta if you have hepatitis b, and tell your doctor if you have had it, as it could come back. kesimpta can cause serious side effects, including infections. while no cases of pml were recorded in rms clinical trials, it could happen. tell your doctor if you had or plan to have vaccines, or if you are or plan to become pregnant. kesimpta may cause a decrease in some types of antibodies. the most common side effects are upper respiratory tract infection, headache and injection reactions. dealing with this rms drama? it's time to ask your doctor about kesimpta. dramatic results. less rms drama. the net of criminal and civil investigations around citizen donald trump continues to grow. the big lie that donald trump perpetuated and incited an insurrection behind has been weaponized in his absence from office, as republican politicians continue to wave a bloody shirt in his name and tacitly the insurrectionists while demonizing anti-racist movements and launching an all-out assault on voting rights across the country, aimed squarely at the voters of color that defeated them last year. joining me now is dave aaronberg, state attorney for palm beach county florida. you're a prosecutor. the justice department is now calling the investigation into the january 6th capitol attack one of the largest? u.s. history and is expecting at least 400 to be charged. your thoughts. >> well, first, it good to you on with you, rev. you can tell that the d.o.j. is clearly under new management. they have already charged 320 people. they have had 900 search warrants served and they're following up on more than 200,000 tips. but the key to getting justice here, rev, is not to just be satisfied with prosecuting people for trespass or unlawful entry, you have to go up the ladder and get to the organizers, get to the leaders and that's what prosecutors are trying to do. that's why they're asking for more time from the courts. you want to prosecute a case of seditious conspiracy, but that is just more than showing people encouraging rioters and cheer leading from the sidelines. you need evidence of an agreement with another personally to forcefully shut down the certification of the vote. it a hide burden but you can get there by getting people to flip and getting through encrypted calls that are so important. we know the oath keepers were involved in this riot and the leader of the oath keepers, he was on phone before during and after the siege. and some of those calls involve roger stone, a trump buddy and known trickster. if you can get them to flip on others, that can be the key to open up the charge for seditious conspiracy. >> i've organized and still do many marches and rallies in washington and elsewhere, would it also look at those that financed the march? the staging and the sound and all, somebody paid for that, somebody had to apply for the permits. would it also look into them and their intended, their emails and their planning on why they put up the money, why they guaranteed, why they put up the insurance. somebody put this together. >> rev, you're right. you want to follow the paper trail and the money trail but the problem is the people who funded the rally, you got to show more than just getting people to the rally. you got to show that they were aware that people would go ahead and march on to the capitol and invade the capitol. it's okay to have a rally outside the capitol. that's protected by the first amendment. in fact, there's a high bar on prosecuting cases when the first amendment is involved. if you can show an agreement, a conspiracy to shut down the vote where the people who finance this operation had an agreement with one or more people to go in there and stop the certificate certification of the vote, now they can be charged. it's a high bar to reach. >> what does it mean that this week the georgia prosecutor investigating trump's alleged election interference in the state hired a lawyer specializing in racketeering cases? i asked specifically about georgia because the president went to great lengths to overturn the votes of a largely people of color in that state and of course republican lawmakers are trying to do the rest there along with florida and nearly every other state. what does it mean they're bringing in this specialist on racketeering? >> it shows that the d.a. means business. racketeering charges were intended to go after the mob, never been used to investigate a former president. i guess when the former president acts like a mafia boss, it's fair game. now it's interesting because racketeering, which can give you up to 20 years in prison for each count, that is way more serious than anything we've discussed so far when it comes tonight president's phone call. and this d.a. has experience in this charge. she has used it in an innovative way, for example, to go after three dozen public school educators in atlanta for a cheating scandal. that was back in 2015. so if there's any jurisdiction that would include racketeering, it's that one. you need to show the president committed two or more underlying crimes that are under the racketeering statute in furtherance of a scheme. not impossible but it's a high burden to show that he has beyond a reasonable doubt for each of these separate crimes as part of a scheme to get him that conviction. >> all right, dave aronberg, thanks for being on with us tonight. coming up, while the biden administration touts vaccine success, i'll be talking about vaccine access to people of color next. e access to people o color next that put a fire in my heart. it made me realize where i got my passion for social justice. bring your family history to life like never before. get started for free at (woman) what should we do with it first? 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(vo female) get 0% for 63 months on select new 2021 models. now through march 31st. woman: i have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are getting clearer ♪ ♪ yeah i feel free ♪ ♪ to bare my skin, ♪ ♪ yeah, that's all me ♪ ♪ nothing and me ♪ ♪ go hand in hand ♪ ♪ nothing on my skin, that's my new plan ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ woman: keep your skin clearer with skyrizi. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. of those, nearly 9 out of 10 sustained it through 1 year. and skyrizi is 4 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. ♪ i see nothing in a different way ♪ ♪ and it's my moment so i just gotta say ♪ ♪ nothing is everything ♪ skyrizi may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. before treatment, your doctor should check you for infections and tuberculosis. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms such as fevers, sweats, chills, muscle aches, or coughs or if you plan to, or recently received a vaccine. ♪ nothing is everything ♪ woman: now is the time to ask your dermatologist about skyrizi. >> it seems unbelievable, but i promise you the day will come when memory of the loved one you lost will bring a smile to your lips before a tear to your eye. it will come, i promise you. youe it will come, i promise you. president biden this week directed states to make vaccines available to all adults by may 1st. now public health officials are gearing up for the next challenge, making sure all americans who are eligible actually go out and get the shot, especially communities of color. a study conducted by the kaiser family foundation found that across 35 states the average vaccination rate for white americans were nearly twice as high as the rate for black people. my next guest says there are two major barriers to getting african-americans vaccinated. access and information. joining me now is pediatrician and public health advocate dr. rea boyd. dr. boyd, throughout the rollout, a major concern has been equity, that communities of color will be left behind. one example, the "philadelphia enquirer" took a look and found at rite aid that for every dose they gave to black people, 21 went to white recipients. shocking news, since black people make up over half of philly's overall population. what do you believe is behind this? >> well, first, thank you so much for having me today and i completely agree with you that the racial inequities we've seen has been really alarming. in cities like philly that have such sizable black populations, they make up the least amount of population who is have access to the vaccine. we're worried the reason they don't have access is because of the way we built up access points favor those were insurance or cell phones and not something that everybody has access to. >> i want to play a clip from the campaign you are spearheading with other black doctors and kamal bell. >> there's good news out there. there's a covid-19 vaccine. yay! but the bad news is as black folks, it's hard to trust what's going on. so what do we do? well, we turn to people we can trust, black folks. but not just your uncle at the cookout. no, no, no. not him at all. i'm talking about black scientists, black doctors and black nurses. >> what else can you tell us about this campaign? >> so this is a campaign that was put together by black doctors, nurses and researchers from across the country and we started this before a single vaccine even had emergency use authorization. we wanted to make sure that when black folks became eligible to receive the vaccine, that they had information. the campaign lives on our web site and we're partnering to bring the conversation to people's community so black folks who doesn't have access to the internet can have access to this critical information. >> this week the former presidents and first ladies came together and released a psa for all americans to get vaccinated. the psa shows all of them getting the shot. however, former president trump was not involved. is getting vaccinated at risk of becoming a partisan issue, doctor? >> you know, it can't become a partisan issue. what we know is that black folks in particular have been targeted for misinformation around the vaccine, but they're not alone. and those who don't intend to get vaccinated, their number one concern is around safety. it's the number one concern regardless of ethnic background or who they voted for. people have legitimate questions and concerns and they need to be answers. we did this campaign to answer questions specifically for black folks but really for anybody. >> on thursday president biden addressed the nation and shared he's confident that he is ahead of the 100 million shots and 100 days goal. he now believes that the u.s. will achieve this milestone by day 60. he also went on to announce that states should make all adults eligible for the vaccine by may 1st. is this a realistic timeline in your judgment? >> absolutely. this is the most deadly pandemic the nation has seen in a century and the racial health inequities are so staggering. for me it's so reassuring to see the biden administration really meet this moment with the urgency that it requires. so they have taken the necessary steps to increase vaccine production and supply so that we can meet those deadlines and it's really, really necessary. >> now, there is a new trend of states starting to reopen the majority of their residents have access to vaccines. for example, in connecticut restaurant capacity limits will end in restaurants on march 19th. in texas the mask mandate has been lifted. although only 9% of residents have been fully vaccinated. are governors moving too quick? >> you know, that's an important question to ask. although we know 80 million americans and more are getting vaccinated, we still know only 10% of our population is vaccinated, which means we are not close to what herd immunity would require, which is around 70 to 80% of our population to be vaccinated. the best thing to do is to take public health precautions, wear masks, physically distant, and the best way for people to take those precautions is to have their state or local municipality continue to adhere to important public health guidelines. we hope that states don't open too quickly because we are just nearing the end of this pandemic and we would hate to exacerbate it because we opened too quickly. >> so let me repeat for emphasis, we're at 10% of vaccination. we need to be at 70 to 80% for herd immunity. thank you very much for joining us. up next, my to final thoughts. stay with us. y to final thought. stay with us ying freshly squeezed orange juice. now no fruit is forbidden. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? 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Politicsnation , Lead , Definition , One , It , Nation , Step , Joe Biden , Relief Package , Reset , Covid 19 , Everything , Black Americans , Relief , Relief Funds , Vaccine Allocation , Eforms , Everyone , Help , Mental Relief , Questions , Most , Way , Emergency Use Authorization , Doctor , Gap , Black , Coming Up , People , Access , Response , Communities , Priorities , Washington , Republicans , Suffering , Reach , Qualms , Shortening , Democrat , White House , President , Obsessions , Least , Position , Redemption , Two , Donald J Trump , Investigations , Tentacles , Vote , Country , Statehouse , Suppression Bills , Ballot , Congresswoman , Panel , Congresswoman Ilan Omar , Constituents , Many , Relief Money , Minneapolis , Minnesota , Some , Accounts , Checks , Reverend Al Sharpton , Something , Rescue Plan , Statuses , Dependents , American , 400 , 1400 , Congress , Colleagues , For Better Or Worse , Progressive Movement , Faces , Squad , Initiatives , Lot , Course , Enough , Ambitions , Spaking , 60 , Things , Recovery Plan , Ban , Muslim , 100 , Hands , Vaccinations , Handle , Covid , Survival Checks , Spread , Wall , Road , Peace Of Mind , Immigration Plan , Medicare , Minimum Wage , 5 , 15 , Administration , Fighting , Work , Hr 1 , Democracy , Progressive Caucus , Hand In , 1 , Doesn T , Lawmakers , Renters , Homeowners , Behalf , Direction , 12 Million , Brent , Mortgage , Mortgage Cancellation Act , Rent Payments , Provision , 000 , 6000 , Landlords , Cancellation , Revenues , Fact , Resources , Mortgage Holders , Relief Fund , Forgiveness Program , Problem , Moratorium , Back Rent , Utility , Rental , Assistance , 11 Million , Housing Crisis , Mortgage Cancellation Bill , Homelessness , Solution , Haven T , January 6th Insurrection , 6 , January 6th , Name , Insurrection , Base , Capitol , The Hill , Fast Forward , Death , Fbi , George Floyd , Trial , Protests , Director , Terror , Threat , Derek Chauvin , White Supremacist , Jury Selection , District , Damage , Four , Race Relations , I Remember You , Voice , Picture , Kung , Streets , Front Line , Granddaughter , Racism , Ron Johnson , Long Way To Go , Capitol Hill , American Society , Vice President , Mob , Hang Mike Pence , Life , Incident , Protection , Leadership , Capitol Police Felt , Protesters , Lives , Anybody , Mike Pence , Others , Danger , A Hundred , Police Officers , Police Officer , Deaths , Led , Lots , Ground , Doing , Harris , Farmers , Conversation , Race , Systems , Amount , Lindsey Graham , Farming Community , Preparations , Talk , 2 , Unwillingness , 0 5 , Part , Members , Inequalities , Societies , Decisions , Policies , Rhetoric , Equality , Impact , Murder , Show , Me Congresswoman Ilhan Omar , Me Juanita , Susan Del Percio , Voters , States , Midterms , Victories , Polls , 2022 , Relief Bill , Rev , Anything , Tour , Drum Beat , Segment , Child Care Tax Credits , Schools Reopening , Implementations , Thing , Governors , Support , Mayors , Plans , Face , Obstruction , Weiker , Dough , Nancy Pelosi , Stimulus Bill , What , Saying , Legislation , Point , Government Working , Infrastructure Bill , Approval Numbers , Side , Infrastructure , Biden Is Playing , Same , Game , 75 , Money , Listen , Health Care , Immigrants , House Minority Leader , Kevin Mccarthy , Rescue Plan On Fox And Friends , City , Homeless , Alcohol , Marijuana , San Francisco , Classist , Both , Racist , Fox News , Best , Interest , Yes , Schools , Audience , Deposits , Vaccines , Potato Head , Mr , Pay Grade , Minority Leader , Policy , House , House Of Representatives , Public , Quote , State Lawmaker , Quality , Quantity , Arizona , Everybody , Fraud , Everybody Vote , Won T , Security Measures , Shouldn T Be Voting , Dog Whistles , Jim Crow , Election , Evidence , Voting Fraud , Play Book , Lies , Claims , String , 2020 , Lawyer , Type , Reason , Concept , Voters Suppression Tactics , Chest , Front , Argument , Supreme Court , Bills , Disadvantage , Action , Votes , Barriers , Voter Suppression Tactics , Voter Suppression , Rights , Issue , Officials , Win , Ideas , It Doesn T , Foundation , Elected , Shouldn T , Juanita Tolliver , Colleague , Anniversary , League , Stories , Cori , 19 , Cases , Police , Emergency , Virus , London , 29 4 Million , 535000 , Safety , Andrew Cuomo , Women , Outcry , Sarah Everhard , Appearance , New York , Senator , Pressure , Calling , Voices , Chorus , Chuck Schumer , Astronauts Mike , Station , Mission , Anywhere , Upgrades , Prep , Victor , Glover Jr , Six , Daylight Saving Time , Clock , Someone , Colon Cancer , Stages , Care , Risk , Colon Cancers , Cologuard , Stool , Dna , 45 , 92 , Plan , Prescriber , Hearing Aids , Results , Hair , Nobody , Deborah Vo , Experience , Miracle Ear , Time , Brand Leader , Vo , Hearing Aid , Exclusive , Miracle Earmini A , Deborah , 70 , Difference , Miracle Earmini , 30 , Gotcha , Presidency , Senate , Politics , Bet , Isn T , Loss , Amateur , Newcomer , Approach , Venture , Money Laundering , Assets , Contractors , Atlantic City Casinos , Grif , Innocent Americans , Crimes , Trump Brand , Mess , Strength , Leave , Trump University , Settlement , Trump Venture , Court , Dishonesty , Worth , 25 Million , 5 Million , Names , Deals , Check , Hasn T , Developers , Building , Bad Faith , Oman , Trump , Pga , Brand , Properties , Actions , World , Golf Course , Brands , Tournament , Hotels , Facades , Debt , Millions , Hundreds , Business Empire , Republican National Committee , Likeness , Money Making Arena , Giving , Mind , Fund Raising Efforts , Proceeds , Cut , Donors , Call , Establishment , Party , Hurtling , Fate , Devotion , Value , Trump Property , Onlookers , Trump Plaza Hotel And Casino , Atlantic City , Rubble , Pile , More , Walks , Fame , Big Payout , Businesses , Idea , Few , Tool , Bags , Brew , Cruise , Coffee , Behold , Vivid Hues , Ads , Bikers , Connections , Headwear , Injection , Don T Take Kesimpta , Kind , Relapses , Relapsing , Drama , Ms , Rms Drama , Rate , Versus Aubagio , Place , Hepatitis B , Superior , Lesions , Side Effects , Infections , Trials , Types , Pml , Antibodies , Decrease , Kesimpta , Headache , Reactions , Upper Respiratory Tract Infection , Net , Big Lie , Politicians , Office , Insurrectionists , Shirt , Absence , Weaponized , People O Color , Dave Aaronberg , Assault , Voting Rights , Movements , Justice , Prosecutor , Investigation , Largest , Palm Beach County , Department , Florida , Thoughts , First , History , Doj , Management , 320 , Key , Search Warrants , Prosecuting , Tips , 200000 , 900 , Case , Leaders , Courts , Prosecutors , Ladder , Entry , Organizers , Trespass , Agreement , Sidelines , Rioters , Seditious Conspiracy , Personally , Calls , Leader , Oath Keepers , Certification , Riot , Phone , Siege , Buddy , Roger Stone , Known Trickster , Charge , Marches , Elsewhere , Rallies , Somebody , Planning , Sound , Permits , Emails , Staging , Rally , Insurance , Money Trail , Paper Trail , Amendment , Bar , Conspiracy , Certificate Certification , Operation , Georgia Prosecutor Investigating Trump , Estate , Interference , Lengths , Georgia , Rest , Specialist , Racketeering , Business , Charges , Fair Game , Facts , D A , Mafia Boss , Count , Phone Call , Prison , 20 , Philadelphia Enquirer , Jurisdiction , Cheating Scandal , Dozen Public School Educators In Atlanta , Three , 2015 , Scheme , Racketeering Statute , Furtherance , Burden , Doubt , Thanks , Conviction , Peach , Vaccine Success , Dave Aronberg , Family History , Fire In My Heart , My Passion For Social Justice , Woman , Road Trip , Ancestry Com , Diablo Chili , Waiver , Waitress , Loud Laughter , Forester , Subaru Forester , Vo Female , Vo Male , 0 , 63 , Nothing , Skin , Skyrizi , Models , Plaque Psoriasis , March 31st , 31 , 2021 , 10 , 3 , 90 , 4 , 9 , Starter Doses , Ability , Symptoms , Chills , Infection , Tuberculosis , Treatment , Fevers , Sweats , Muscle Aches , Coughs , Dermatologist , Loved One , Memory , Eye , Lips , Tear , Smile , Youe , Health , Adults , May 1st , Challenge , Shot , Vaccination Rate , Study , Kaiser Family Foundation , 35 , Information , Pediatrician , Guest , Public Health , Concern , Advocate , Equity , Rollout , Rea Boyd , Dose , Look , Rite Aid , News , Philly , Population , Half , Recipients , 21 , Cities , Inequities , Populations , Campaign , Cell Phones , Access Points , Clip , Doctors , Bad News , Kamal Bell , Folks , What S Going On , Uncle , Cookout , Scientists , Nurses , Researchers , Psa , Presidents , Community , Internet , Web Site , Ladies , Former , Particular , Misinformation , Concerns , Background , Who Don T , Goal , 100 Million , Timeline , Judgment , Health Inequities , Urgency , Pandemic , Supply , Steps , Deadlines , Vaccine Production , Trend , Residents , Restaurants , Majority , Restaurant Capacity Limits , Mask Mandate , Connecticut , March 19th , Texas , Question , 80 Million , Herd Immunity , 80 , Precautions , Don T Open , Municipality , Wear Masks , Guidelines , Vaccination , Emphasis , Nexium 24hr , Stay , Fruit , Ying , Acid , Up Next , Orange Juice , 24 , Don T Take Vascepa , Heartburn , Risk Factors , Diabetes , Triglycerides , Heart Disease , Night Protection , Statin , Heart Attack , Stroke , Fda , 25 , Heart Rhythm Problems , Ingredient , Bleeding , Icosapent Ethyl , Irregular Heartbeat , Cardio Protection , Joint Pain , Muscle , Income Planning , Income , Cash Flow , Savings , Stop , Tax Efficient , Fees , Chance , Ways , Rock On , Au Gratin , Calzone , Saving To Living , Doughballs In Aurora , Butt , Monkeys , Calzones , Sh Yeah , Prescriptions , Trip , Save A , Walgreens , Bread , Know , Bread Layers , The Real Deal , Ya , Guy Fieri , Ya Gotta , King S Hawaiian , Angelic Choir , Breonna Taylor , Apartment , Protest , Summer , Old Black Woman , Louisville , 26 , Kendis Gibson , Accountability , Mother , Words , Tamika Taylor , Daughter , Message , Everyone Else , Fight , Harness , Plenty , Policemen , State Attorney General , Family , Settlements , Law , Families , Funds , Police Reform , Children , Fight Goes On , Demonstration , You R , Burger , Wings , Glitters , Applebee S , , Fine , Table , Cheesiest , Allergies , Kraft , Body , Season , Psst , Spraying Flonase , Deep Vein Thrombosis , Leg Pain , Reasons , Redness , Swelling , Difficulty Breathing , Chest Pain , Pulmonary Embolism , Lungs , Discomfort , Person , Walk In Bath , My Name Is Ken , Kohler , Opening , Finger Snaps , Competitors , Huh , Expert , Bathing , Shoulders , Back , Seat , Neck , Drains , Bath Fills , Hydrotherapy , Jets , Deep Soaking , Exclusive Bubblemassage , Bath , Plumbing Brand , Kohler America , Installer , Independence , One Thousand , One Thousand Dollars , Payments , Eighteen , Watching , Alicia Menendez , Coverage , Eastern , 00 , Alejandro Mayorkas , Breaking News , On The Air , Influx , Dhs , Fema , Bank Account , Border , Jacob Soboroff ,

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