they'll be getting that check soon either by direct deposit or a check from the treasury, and they're going -- some will get it as early as this weekend. the moment of jubilation came just one day after the president's first prime time address where he set some bold new goals for vaccine distribution and the path to recovery. >> i'll direct all states, tribes and territories to make all adults, people 18 and over eligible to be vaccinated no later than may 1. i need every american to do their part. if we do this together by july the fourth there is a good chance you, your families and friends will be able to get together in your backyard or in your neighborhood and have a cookout or a barbecue and celebrate independence day. on july fourth with your loved ones is the goal. >> last hour i spoke with dr. francis collins director from the national institutes ever health. if he thinks -- i asked him if he thinks placing a marker like the fourth of july is a good idea when dealing to a virus that may not stick to those schedules? >> even though there is risk involved there because there's a lot about what's going to happen in the next three months that weigh don't completely control, but i think it is a good idea to get in people's minds what we can achieve, but notice the president said that will take american, not just a few people in the government. all of us have to be committed to the public health efforts to make july fourth possible. the biden administration announced the federal website designed to help americans find available vaccines nearby. it comes as vaccination numbers are routinely topping 2 million on day. on friday it was 3 million. biden promised 100 million doses. it putsed by own track to meet his goal in 60 days, well ahead of his 100-day goal and that will probably be nine days from now. a survey by the pew research center shows a majority of american, 70% are in favor of the american rescue plan and that includes 94% of democrats and 41% of republicans, but remember, not a single republican lawmaker in either the house or the senate voted for this covid relief bill cl is why you now see a flailing republican minority trying one of two desperate ploys. they will either try to take credit from benefits of the covid relief bill even though they didn't vote for it and they're hoping you aren't paying attention to that or they're trying to convince you that the benefits you're seeing are an illusion. they're extremely delayed reactions from something or other that donald trump did when he was president. >> senate republicans led the bipartisan cares act that got the country true last year. 2021 is set to be a historic comeback year. not because of the far-left legislation that was passed after the tide had already turned, but because of the resilience of the american people. >> i agree with the resilience of the american people part, but the part where mcconnell is trying to convince us that the gains that we're trying to see on the joe biden $1.9 trillion are not related to the historic package and they're left over package that republicans did support last year. you can call it a stretch or a silly and cynical lie. you are seeing the desperate lies from mitch mcconnell because he knows how big the legislation is and it is a huge deal that will likely pull the economy out of the covid-induced freefall that we've been experiencing and we will lift millions of americans out of poverty on the process and that will be the important part. according to the urban institute, it will drive down overall poverty across the nation by more than one-third and will cut child poverty by over one-half. this is due in large part to four of the key pillars of the legislation that directly affect american families. the extension of unemployment benefits, $1400 stimulus payments, child nutrition programs and the child tax credit. joining me now is sheilacohaltkar and author of "black edge" the story of the most wanted man on wall street, and she's currently working on a piece focusing on child poverty. my producer rich was saying that sometimes these things get buried in a bill. when you look at obama care you thought it was about everyone getting insured and medicaid was the bigger part of it. in this bill you're thinking about the $1400 check and that's the big part of it and the more important part of it is the fact that we have remarkable child poverty in this country and this bill will do something to removal most half of all children living in poverty from that situation. >> one of the aspects of the bill that people are most excited about is this expanded child tax credit and it works differently from child tax credits we've seen in the past. it is fully refundable which is a sort of confusing term that means that anyone, any parent below the income threshold of $70,000 a year can receive this benefit in the form of a cash payment every month beginning in july. you don't have to be employed to get the benefit. you don't have to file a tax return to get the benefit. you don't have to earn enough money to qualify to get taxes to get the benefit which was the case with previous child tax credits so economists and policy analysts are really excited about this because this has the potential to put $300 in the pocket of parents across the country and help smooth over a lot of uncertainty and volatility in people's monthly earnings and parents will no longer be held host ang for the parents to be able to find work. >> and low-income parents of which were, again, when you talk about $300. that is very meaningful. in most cases it goes to food. food or shelter. we know that children in this country continue to suffer from low nutrition and we have a growing number of impoverished and food insecure children in this country. >> no one is referring it that way because they don't want to scare conservatives, but we have seen from studies that have been done by ubi that people when need the money do not squander it and don't spend it on alcohol or go shopping. they actually use it for critical expenses and they help, again, smooth over this volatility. there are so many people working shift jobs where they don't know exactly how many hours they're going to get from week to week or day to day. they might be gig workers and they might be driving uber or delivering food for restaurants and they make it hard to predict whether you've had enough money every month to cover your bills and that leads to inordinate stress and anxiety and that prevents you from doing other things such as finding more stable, higher paying work and this has enormous potential to smooth that over and yes, it is likely to be spent on critical expenses such as groceries, gasoline. >> in the last year we haven't been able to explore interesting ideas because of the news, but perhaps now we will have a chance to talk about that because it is worth a discussion. sheelah is tauthor of "black edge," dirty money and the quest to bring down the most wanted man on wall street. let's bring in congresswoman barbara lee and she's the chair of the house majority leader's task force on poverty and opportunity. thank you for being here and congratulations on the bill and the things that you did, and i want to continue the conversation that i had with sheelah because you had a singular focus on this bill and it was not short-term relief and it was poverty alleviation and they are two things and they are both important, but a little bit different. >> yes, and thank you very much for having me, ari. poverty relief, first of all, we need to eliminate poverty in this country. there is no reason why we see so many people needing food. they're hungry and so we did extend the 15% increase in s.n.a.p. benefits and also with the child tax credit. this is extremely important because as the prior one on your show just mentioned, this will actually begin to lift children out of poverty, but also we had to, in this bill, put in money for direct cash assistance for enhanced unemployment benefits because people's benefits in terms of unemployment was going to run out on march the 14th. so we had to do that. we continue and will continue to fight to increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour. people right now at $7.25. they're working for poverty wages. yet they're still working and they need the benefits and they need the child tax credit. they need public housing and they need assistance just to survive and they're working so we must increase the minimum wage. >> let me talk about that because at $7.25 an hour, the annual wage is $15 an hour and you can't keep an individual person alive on that. it's $31,000, and there was an attempt to put it into this bill and it didn't work. what happens next on the minimum wage discussion? >> ari, i don't know if you remember, but we started in 2014, 2015 as a progressive caucus going around country supporting legislation. we called it the fight for 15 with our labor union brothers and sisters and so we've been working on legislation for years to increase the minimum wage to $15 which, of course, is a floor. we have to move to a living wage and so we're going to once again, keep moving with the legislation. we're going to get it through the house and then we'll work and i've talked to senator sanders and others and we'll figure out ways in the senate to get this passed. people should not have to work and live below the poverty line. so where there is a will there is a way and we're going right back to the drawing board as we speak to try to figure out how we're going to get this $15 minimum wage increased legislation passed. >> congresswoman, a couple of weeks ago i was in birmingham, alabama, talking to black residents there, and a number of them said we need a fairly aggressive campaign to understand the safety of this thing and there are conversations that go on here and there about the vaccine. one of the things you did was you helped to get $1 billion into the bill for vaccine confidence abilities through the cdc. what does that do? where does that money go? >> sure. thank you. we worked to get billions of dollars in for strategies addressed to black and brown communities and medically underserved communities and those communities that are disproportionately impacted by the daily virus and it's about access primarily and so what we have to do is make sure that people of color have access to the vaccine, and also the research has proven that once family members have access and get the vaccine or community members, then the likelihood of those trusted messengers delivering those messages to others works. so we have to have vaccine -- excuse me, confidence building, but we also have to make sure that there's access. so many people, i know in my communities especially senior citizens are not able to go online to set up appointments and so we have to have access so that the -- so the people who are working to deliver the vaccines can come to their homes to provide the shots, but also we have to have and we put into the bill, billions of dollars for workforce trainings so the faith-based organizations can recruit, train and hire individuals to deliver these public health messages so that we can make sure that the access and the confidence building is there through trusted messages that are culturally for those communities. >> thank you for being with us. representative barbara lee is a democratic congresswoman from california closely involved with a number of the measures in this bill. thanks for being with us. one year ago today breonna taylor was murdered in her own kentucky home. to this day breonna and her family have not seen justice and her mother spoke about her daughter's death in an emotional interview just this morning. >> i get up and i start -- there are days i don't want to get up, but it's all of the support, you know -- it's all the -- these people are for you so how do you 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in her own home during a botched police raid a year ago. louisville kentucky officers burst through her door with what is called a no-knock warrant. her boyfriend said he thought the police were intruders and the officers responded firing blindly. a daughter, a sister, a girlfriend, a medical worker was shot multiple times. one year later none of the officers have been charged and the only indictment was for a bullet that went through a neighbor's wall. a piece of sheetrock deserved more justice than a young black woman innocent of any crime. the world knows breonna taylor's name thanks to activists who made her a priority and there were dozens who have not received justice either. we will continue this discussion with whitney cunningham after a quick break. whitney cunningham quick break. extra cost. and more of the entertainment you love like apple music. and the beautiful iphone 12 on us when you buy one. only from verizon. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ darrell's family uses gain flings now so their 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killed by police since 2015. a fifth of those women were black. police violence against women is often overlooked and it can't be understated and even breonna taylor, a name known around the world was overlooked in the mainstream media until the death of george floyd sparked a movement. i want to bring in whitney cunningham with the 21st century policing task force and the host of the undistracted podcast. she is also an msnbc contributor. thank you so much for being with us, brittany. we are a year out from the killing of breonna taylor. what, in your opinion, has changed as a result of being able to say her name and talk about her because as we mentioned, justice hasn't been served and accountability has not been met. >> honestly, ali, not enough has changed. i mean, breonna taylor has come in a very long line of demonstrated callousness and hatred toward black women especially those of us with brown and darker hues. america was willing to accept breonna's labor on the front lines of a pandemic that would have killed her first, but not willing to acknowledge her humanity and her personhood while she was in her own home that was proven again when her killers were not charged with her murder, but rather with bullets in the drywall of her white neighbors. it was proven again just yesterday when an alabama courthouse upheld the conviction of a young woman whose name we do not say enough shakisha clemens who was assaulted by police in a waffle house in her hometown and is now being charged with her own assault. we've elected a black and south asian woman to be vice president of this country and still black women are not safe in the nation that we built for free. so the descendants of this country's true fore mothers and the women who saved democracy time and again and the women like breonna who continue to save this country from itself cannot rest in our own homes, and until we think of it like this, there will be another breonna taylor, and there will be another tamika palmer being forced to mourn her daughter. so not enough has changed, ali. >> you always talk about the fact -- it's the system we have to talk about. we have to think about bad apples and bad police in isolation. our friend kimberly crenshaw talks about intersectionality and i think it is such an interesting concept that people need to understand better. she defines it as social identities as race, class and gender overlapping or intersecting to create systems of oppression or discrimination. so if you're two of these things. if you're a woman or a person of color, your likelihood of being discriminated against in some systemic fashion is simply higher than if you're just one of those things. >> the likelihood is both higher and the ways that those oppressive systems intersect and interact is unique. samoya bailey coined the term to discuss in ways when systems of oppression for women, and those things become more complicated and yes, more deadly. so as you shared earlier there are hundreds of black women who have been killed by police, who have been assaulted by police, who continue to be assaulted by police and so often are not even included in the conversation. we're also seeing this manifest in the ways that protesters often led by women of power and by black women are being attacked and targeted. we know that protesters in louisville worked hard to pass things like breonna's law to restrict no-knock warrant and yet louisville is still a city where protest itself is trying to be criminalized where the ability to speak up to an officer is now an arrestable offense, that that is a bill that continues to be advanced in this place. the idea that change itself can be criminalized and black women targeted that is true in louisville and it's true in williams, an abolitionist organizer who was arrested in charlotte. a system like that, as i told you before, ali, cannot be reformed and it can only be transformed and we cannot afford for us to keep turning names into hash tags. it's not going to be enough for us to be sad about it. we actually have to change systems to do something about it. >> yeah. it doesn't bring them back. it doesn't take care of their family's loss and the loss of those souls. brittany, thanks for the fight and the energy that you bring to it all of the time. brittany cunningham is the host of the undistracted podcast and the founder of love and power works. the city of minneapolis settled a lawsuit with the family of george floyd, but the trial continues. jury selection for derek chauvin is on its fifth day. how the most-followed trial in recent memory is taking shape. more "velshi" in a moment. g sha. more "velshi" in a moment. did you know that your clothes can actually attract pet hair? with bounce pet hair & lint guard, your clothes can repel pet hair. look how the shirt on the left attracts pet hair like a magnet! pet hair is no match for bounce. with bounce, you can love your pets, and lint roll less. visible is 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'cause i do things a little differently. hey, i'll take one, please! wait, this isn't a hot-dog stand? no, can't you see the sign? wet. teddy. bears. get ya' wet teddy bears! one-hundred percent wet, guaranteed! or the next one is on me! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ r. nearly ten months after george floyd died at the hands of local police the city of minneapolis has reached a settlement with his family. it agreed to a payout of $27 million in what is the biggest settlement in u.s. history. while the large sum is certainly justified at a news conference this week george floyd's brother made clear that no price tag can ever be put on his brother's life. >> even though my brother is not here, he's here with me in my heart because if i could get him back i would give all of this back. i want to be able to thank all of the supporters, all of the protesters for standing especially during a pandemic when you didn't have to. >> yes. >> you put your lives on the line. there's nothing i can do to be able to repay you for that. >> meanwhile, jury selection in the trial of against derek chauvin the primary officer being charged in floyd's death is going to resume on monday. chauvin is charged with second-degree murder, manslaughter and now a third-degree murder charge has also been added to the docket. monday will be the fifth day of jury selection. a process that is very difficult in high-profile criminal cases like this one. the makeup of this jury could be everything. it could be everything between a guilty or not guilty verdict, race, age, where you live, how much news you consume, where you get it from and all of these things are factors when the prosecution and defense are selecting a jury. so far seven jurors have been seated and three white men, a hispanic man, a multiracial woman and one white woman. to get the full picture let's take a look at the questions that members of the jury pool faced this week. >> can you think of in your personal or professional life or in any of your activities where you've had to come -- you've been called upon to resolve a dispute between two people. >> so if you needed the police you would like to know that you could pick up the phone, call and that they would be available to help. it sounds like you have a strong respect for law enforcement. is that fair? >> would you be able to proudly say to your friends and facebook followers and family members i was a juror who found mr. chauvin not guilty? >> joining me now is l. chris stewart, attorney for george floyd's family and has also been the trial attorney for the families of other black men who died at the hands of police, including rayshard brooks and alton sterling. good to have you with us this morning. >> thanks for having me. >> chris, let's talk about jury selection here. how do you do it in a case that literally started a movement? this thing gave new life to the civil rights movement. i can't imagine you'd find people, and you would try to find someone who had not been exposed to the news coverage and that can't be possible and what's more difficult is people have gone into their corners over the last year and taken the position of blue lives or black lives. how does one arrive at a proper jury in a case like this? >> it's tough because everyone knows about the case and you probably debated with the family about the case so it's really -- when you're picking this jury about the mindset and the feeling that you get from them. i don't know how many juries i've picked and you can't get caught up by what they look like and what race they are and you have to look at what they're saying and see if they're being honest and it's all about their mental state and beliefs. >> so for a guy like you who has defended -- or not defended, represented people who have been killed by police. to some degree race is inherently part of how we see policing and injustice for communities. are you saying you can get past jury selection and not make that one of the main things that you think about? >> you just can't get caught up in it. think of the walter scott criminal trial for michael slater. we had an african-american juror when caused a mistrial because he couldn't make up his decision about the charges. in a demographic when you know you'll have a large percentage of white jurors, and injustice and in this situation you really have to go into there and, what are they saying? that is critical and what are their answers. don't just assume they're with you because they hit a demographic you like and listen to what they're saying. >>. >> what impact do the civil settlements like the one we saw with george floyd's family have on jurors? do they have any impact? do jurors get to think the city of minneapolis settled with the george floyd family. that must mean something? >> no. this happens all of the time. there are such different cases and such different standards in the law. i'm sure that will be a question that is asked during the jury selection now, but that is a non-factor related to the criminal case. the criminal case is really about what these people believe justice will look like for george floyd which, in our opinion is a guilty verdict. >> and what role, because in many cases, obviously, these settlements are sought, but as you heard george floyd's brother saying they want their brother back, they don't want the money. they don't fulfill the accountability question. >> there's nothing you can do to bring back a family member when you've lost a loved one, whether it's a civil rights case or someone getting hit by a tractor trailer. there's nothing you can do, but in our system in america they have to financially compensate for this person. the big thing this settlement does is it changes the evaluation process of what an african-american life means. it's always been undervalued. it's always been shunned or minor or laughed at. now it's not. cities will have to consider if i let my officers brutalize people or do things that are against policy or procedure we're going to have to take care of that. so now they'll implement stronger policies and make sure police chiefs are doing their jobs and get serious about it because it's costing them money, you know? >> chris, good to see you again. thank you. i look forward to talking to you again. chris stewart is the co-lead counsel for the family of george floyd. the biden administration has ratcheted up the vaccine rollout and there are communities who find themselves strapped for resources and many are communities of color and one includes one predominantly black neighborhood in selma, alabama, that is finally able to vaccinate its residents and the community got its vaccine shipments in week. what's behind that delay? we'll be talking about that next on "velshi." hat next on "velshi." it's the cheesiest. kraft. for the win win. during photosynthesis, plants convert solar energy into chemical energy, cleaning the oxygen we breathe. plants clean the air. when applied to stained textiles, plant-based surfactants like the ones in seventh generation detergent trap stains at the molecular level and flush them away. plant-based detergents clean your clothes. it's just science! just... science. seventh generation. powered by plants. tackles stains. are you one of the millions of americans who experience occasional bloating, gas or abdominal discomfort? 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because our expert pharmacists know you and your medications. get their advice on your medicare prescriptions and get back to what you'd rather be doing. who's a good boy leo! ♪♪ the vast inequities in healthcare laid bare by the pandemic have been playing out pretty drastically in the vaccine rollout. communities of color in the united states many of which struggled initially with getting covid tests are now facing hurdles in the vaccination process. one big reason is many of these areas are underserved already by health care and don't have the capacity even to store the vaccines at the temperatures that are necessary. nbc's allison barber was at a vaccination site in one of selma, alabama's predominantly black neighborhoods and it just received its first vaccine shipment this week. what's the story where you are? >> the rural medical health program. they have eight clinics across the black belt region. they initially knew they would not be able to get the pfizer vaccine because they being not get freezers that could get to the level of freezing necessary to store that vaccine and they could not afford to purchase those. so they didn't even try to get the pfizer vaccine. they went through and looked at their clinics and what they had capabilities wise in order to potentially have the moderna vaccine and they didn't have enough generators at all of their clinics to have what was necessary for that vaccine. in three of their clinics they thought we need the requirements to get the moderna vaccine and they put in applications to get them in three out of the eight clinics and application is still pending. finally this week they got a bit of a break when they found out they were approved for the johnson & johnson vaccine. they got 200 doses of that vaccine at the clinic here in selma and yesterday they started vaccinating staff. they experienced the hurdles they went through trying to get some sort of vaccine to this area and to their clinics is not a unique experience according to the ceo. listen here. >> as far as the supply, i can say that it started off very promising, but there are still facilities now that i'm in communication with that have completed the prerequisites with the department of public health that have still not received shipments. i think with the information that the leaders of the state of alabama have, they're doing the best that they can with the information that they have. i think additional conversations need to be had with the people here actually doing the work, so that those plans can be more refined. >> in sumpter county which is in western alabama, kind of just right next to the mississippi border and the furthest you can go west in the black belt here in alabama, they only have one hospital in that county and they knew, too, that they could want get the pfizer vaccine and they could not possibly afford those freezers, but they wanted to get the moderna vaccine because they are the only hospital in that area so they applied for that and i think we have video of what the refrigerator looks like and they were originally denied for the moderna vaccine because the refrigerator they have is a refridge that you might see in someone's home and they had someone from the health department to look at it, and they got approval to have the moderna vaccine there and they're starting to vaccinate people. a lot of the challenges are not new challenges. these are some of the poorest counties in alabama. it is predominantly black and they had issues with healthcare access in the past and when you talk to some community activists here they say that some of the issues here, they feel because it is a highly black population they're not getting as much help as they need. ali? >> thank you for continuing on this story, allison. allison barber in selma, alabama, in front of the historic edmund pettus bridge. thanks. good to see you. we haven't seen or heard from president trump at all since he left office in january, but that could change as the manhattan district attorney's office expands its investigation into now citizen trump's businesses. details when "velshi" continues. details when "velshi" continues. ever notice how stiff clothes can feel rough on your skin? for softer clothes that are gentle on your skin, try downy free & gentle. downy will soften your clothes without dyes or perfumes. the towel washed with downy is softer, and gentler on your skin. try downy free & gentle. psst! psst! allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! you're good. voiceover: riders. wanderers on the road of life. the journey is why they ride. when the road is all you need, there is no destination. uh, i-i'm actually just going to get an iced coffee. well, she may have a destination this one time, but usually -- no, i-i usually have a destination. yeah, but most of the time, her destination is freedom. nope, just the coffee shop. announcer: no matter why you ride, progressive has you covered with protection starting at $79 a year. voiceover: 'cause she's a biker... please don't follow me in. 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(naj) our fees are structured so we do better when you do better. at fisher investments we're clearly different. you can't plan for your period's... what the gush moments. but the right pad can. only always ultra thins have rapiddry technology and, they absorb 40% faster. the gush happens fast. that's why always absorbs faster. lactaid is 100% real milk, just without the lactose. so you can enjoy it even if you're sensitive. yet some say it isn't real milk. i guess those cows must actually be big dogs. sit! i said sit! when you switch to xfinity mobile, you're choosing to get connected to the most reliable network nationwide, now with 5g included. discover how to save up to $300 a year with shared data starting at $15 a month, or get the lowest price for one line of unlimited. come into your local xfinity store to make the most of your mobile experience. you can shop the latest phones, bring your own device, or trade in for extra savings. stop in or book an appointment to shop safely with peace of mind at your local xfinity store. an argument can be made that donald trump's biggest mistake was feeding his own ego by running for president. now that he no longer has presidential immunity, he's faced with nearly a dozen legal problems, many of which go back from the time he was president. ten of the legal problems are civil lawsuits including one by his own niece, two who filed defamation lawsuits after accusing him of rape and sexual assault and separate lawsuits for inciting a riot on january 6th. courts in d.c. and georgia are moving to eliminate donald trump's false statements on the election being stolen. his biggest battle may be coming from manhattan as it's reported the district attorney in manhattan may be in the final stages of its investigation of trump's financial records. one former top deputy said there could be decisions on whether to start trump before d.a. cyrus vance leaves office in december. when they have your tax returns and they're bringing in their hired guns like mike pomeranz who specializes in this type of work, you'd better grab some good lawyers. funny, he's got a lawyer who helped get him impeached the first time and previously michael cohen has met with the d.a. seven of times and is reportedly being asked by senior officials to return for an eighth interview. that caused former president nixon's attorney. quote, i assure you you do not invite someone to washington seven times. it's only a matter of how many days until d.a. vance indicts donald and company. my next guest says, quote -- it is likely to be speedier and more direct than any criminal reckoning. joining me now is the former united states attorney and professor at the university of alabama, joyce vance, also an msnbc contributor. good morning. you wrielt in the article, donald trump has famously expressed the view that only the guilty take the fifth, but the mere events around january 6th lacking any privilege might prove fuel for the criminal investigation. tell us what you mean by that. >> well, the fifth amend is a double-edged sword if you're donald trump. he now has two congressmen that implicate him surrounding the insurrection. one way to get out of the deposition for donald trump or others around him is to say i have a fifth amendment. i could potentially be indicted for events around the insurrection, so you can't take my deposition. of course, truss p has told us his views. the other option would be to submit to a deposition, to answer questions which you have to do under oath and it submits you to the penalty of perjury if you lie. so this civil process provides a simple mechanism for uncovering the truth. >> you further write about civil suits, civil lawsuits provide an ultimate path. i'm reminded that the ku klux klan was broken in alabama not by criminal prosecutions but by a civil lawsuit that led to its bankruptcy. so civil suits are a viable option even in things that maybe our viewers think should be criminal in nature. >> sure. you know, the issue here is this, ali. criminal cases, as the public knows, can move in a frus straitsingly slow fashion. they can linger on appeals for a long time. that doesn't mean they're not valuable. it just means when we have a system that's properly functioning protects the rights of criminal defendants. in civil cases, information tends to leak out at an earlier stage. you have dispositive motions that can be filed or arguments in court where truth comes to light. ultimately in the situation like the one trump face where there are ten pending civil lawsuits, it may well be the kum la active effect of the lawsuits if he loses that could have a very bad impact on his finances, something we know he's incredibly sensitive about. some of these cases, ali, also go to his personal finances, corporate finances, where he infamously told bob mueller in the course of the giggs, my personal finances are a red line you can't cross. the civil cases may help us better understand why that was such an important red line for the former president. >> and we sometimes have michael cohen join us. but one thing he can't talk about is anything he's talked to the manhattan d.a. about. what do you make of the fact he was invited seven times and has been invited back for an eighth. john deen talked about being a witness in watergate, being interviewed that many times. >> michael cohen can explain a lot of the evidence the manhattan d.a. has in hand. he may have been around a lot of the transactions, he may be able to look at the underlying taxes and tell them, who's in the room. he can help guide them to the best evidence and help them understand transactions that may have been criminal conduct. the fact that he's been there seven and is rumored to be going back for an eighth time is not good news for trump. >> joyce, good to see you as always. thank you. that does it for me. thank you for watching. catch me back here tomorrow morning from 8:00 to 10:00 a.m. on "velshi." if you missed the show, don't worry. you can listen to the full podcast on any device with tune in. the "cross connection" with tiffany cross starts right now. what you shepherded through the congress not only meets the moment, it does even more. it's historical and transformational. >> help is on the way. >> your empathy has become a trademark on your presidency and can be found on each and every page of the american rescue plan. >> this law is not the end of our efforts though. i view it as only the beginning. >> good morning. i'm tiffany cross and we have a lot to cover this morning on the "cross connection" including growing calls for governor andrew cuomo to resign and justice for breonna taylor who was killed one year ago today. the president signed the $1.9 trillion rescue plan into law this week, officially sending help to millions of americans who so desperately need it. >> people can expect to start seeing direct deposits hit their bank accounts as early as this weekend. >> that's right. check your bank account and see if it's where the money resides. this is a shot in the arm of the american economy and it benefits people who need it most.

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,Kraft ,Plants ,Generation ,Surfactants ,Solar Energy ,Ones ,Detergent ,Photosynthesis ,Oxygen ,Textiles ,Chemical Energy ,Science ,Level ,Trap Stains ,Detergents ,Tackles Stains ,Taking Align ,Quality Probiotic ,Discomfort ,Pros ,Bloating ,Try Align ,24 7 ,Gut ,Users ,Alignprobiotics Com ,Dualbiotics ,Driver ,Farmers ,Policy Perk ,Auto Claims ,Burke ,Looks ,Accident Forgiveness ,Zero ,Quote ,Bride ,Bum ,Farmers Policy Perks ,Pa Dum ,Burke Vo ,800 ,1 800 Farmers ,Rock On ,Au Gratin ,Calzone ,Butt ,Monkeys ,Calzones ,Sh Yeah ,Doughballs In Aurora ,Don T Take Vascepa ,Statin ,Risk Factors ,Diabetes ,Triglycerides ,Heart Disease ,Family History ,Heart Attack ,Fda ,Heart Rhythm Problems ,Side Effects ,Ingredient ,Icosapent Ethyl ,Protection ,Irregular Heartbeat ,Cardio Protection ,Joint Pain ,Muscle ,Leo ,Prescriptions ,Advice ,Medications ,Pharmacists ,Medicare ,Walgreens ,Healthcare ,Inequities ,Hurdles ,Areas ,Covid Tests ,Allison Barber ,Temperatures ,Neighborhoods ,Health Care ,Capacity ,Vaccination Site ,Nbc ,Clinics ,Black Belt ,Vaccine Shipment ,Program ,Region ,Eight ,Freezers ,Pfizer ,Capabilities ,Order ,Moderna ,Generators ,Requirements ,Application ,Clinic ,Applications ,Johnson ,Bit ,200 ,Area ,Experience ,Supply ,Staff ,Ceo ,Department ,Communication ,Information ,Public Health ,Shipments ,Prerequisites ,Facilities ,Leaders ,Best ,Plans ,Alabama Have ,Sumpter County ,Hospital ,County ,Furthest ,Border ,Kind ,Mississippi ,Refrigerator ,Moderna Vaccine ,Video ,Refridge ,Health Department ,Approval ,Challenges ,Some ,Issues ,Counties ,Healthcare Access ,Community Activists ,Story ,Population ,Front ,Allison ,We Haven T ,Office ,Manhattan District Attorney ,Edmund Pettus Bridge ,Details ,Businesses ,Citizen Trump ,Downy ,Perfumes ,Dyes ,Gentle ,Destination ,Voiceover ,Wanderers ,On The Road Of Life ,Coffee ,Road ,Journey ,Riders ,Uh ,Biker ,Announcer ,Matter ,Most ,Freedom ,Nope ,Coffee Shop ,Hi ,Progressive ,9 ,79 ,Money Manager ,Naj ,Money Managers ,Clients ,Client ,Cookie Cutter Portfolios ,Portfolios ,Fiduciary ,Needs ,Fisher Investments ,Investments ,Commissions ,Fees ,Gush ,Ipad ,Ultra Thins Have Rapiddry Technology ,40 ,Isn T Real Milk ,Milk ,Cows ,Lactose ,Sit ,Dogs ,Lactaid ,Xfinity Mobile ,Store ,Xfinity ,Price ,5g ,Data ,Device ,Stop ,Phones ,Trade ,Appointment ,Savings ,Peace Of Mind ,President ,Problems ,Argument ,Mistake ,Lego ,Immunity ,Lawsuits ,Defamation Lawsuits ,Sexual Assault ,Niece ,Rape ,Courts ,Statements ,Georgia ,Inciting A Riot On January 6th ,6 ,January 6th ,Trump ,District Attorney ,Deputy ,Records ,Stages ,Decisions ,Battle May ,Election ,Manhattan ,Cyrus Vance ,Tax Returns ,Type ,Guns ,Who ,Mike Pomeranz ,Lawyer ,Time ,Lawyers ,Funny ,Michael Cohen ,Nixon ,Officials ,Washington Seven Times ,Vance Indicts Donald ,Company ,Reckoning ,Guest ,Professor ,United States Attorney ,Article ,University Of Alabama ,Events ,View ,Privilege ,Fuel ,Congressmen ,Sword ,Deposition ,Insurrection ,Fifth Amendment ,Option ,Penalty ,Oath ,Perjury ,Views ,Truss P ,Truth ,Suits ,Mechanism ,Ku Klux Klan ,Viewers ,Bankruptcy ,Prosecutions ,Nature ,Knows ,Issue ,Public ,Appeals ,Straitsingly ,Emotions ,Defendants ,Stage ,Arguments ,Court ,Kum La Active Effect ,Finances ,Bob Mueller , Cross ,Red Line ,Giggs ,Anything ,Eighth ,Transactions ,Evidence ,Hand ,Watergate ,Witness ,John Deen ,Room ,Guide ,Conduct ,Joyce ,Don T Worry ,Tune ,10 ,8 ,Cross Connection ,Tiffany Cross ,Congress ,Empathy ,Transformational ,Presidency ,Trademark ,Beginning ,Page ,Andrew Cuomo ,Calls ,Shot ,Deposits ,Bank Accounts ,Bank Account ,Arm ,

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