Transcripts For MSNBC MSNBC Live With Katy Tur 20240711

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Lives or were injured. He said by and large the vast majority of the Men And Women are decent honorable people. What did he mean by that . That is exactly what he meant. How can he take steps to unify the country while the Impeachment Trial is going on . Well he can focus his efforts, which is exactly what he is doing, on delivering necessary relief to the American Public and using his forum to talk about how he is going to reopen schools. How he is going to get shots in the arms of americans. How he will ensure that the one in seven American Families who are. What is his message to republicans that say that the trial is undercuts any efforts. He invites republicans to help bring relief to the American Public. Talk about his agenda, President Biden has been signing executive orders, speaking to the american people, focusing on the senate next week. How concerned is he that the senate trial will undercut his momentum . I think he has been clear that there is an urgency to delivering relief to the american people. It is important and vital that the house and senate work quickly to get this bill passed. Can you wrap it up in a week . Im not giving a deadline, im just staying what he said many times publicly. One more question, there is discussion on the hill about tripping congresswoman Marjorie Taylor green of her assignments. We resisted speaking of her in this Briefing Room and im not going to do so today. It is up to the hill to make that determination. President biden always expressed support for unions and has distributed a plan to strengthen organizing around the country. There are thousands of workers at an amazon facility in alabama that are gearing up to cast a vote and potentially form a union inside the company. Does the white house and President Biden support their efforts to organize in forming that . The president is a strong longtime believer and supporter in the efforts of labor unions and supporters. I have not spoken to them about this specific one. I had another question on secretary Yellen Calling for a meeting with top financial regulators on gamestop. We understand that the meeting is likely to happen this week. Will it be held on thursday and will it be focused on whether or not robinhood treated investors unfairly . I send you to the Treasury Department for specifics on the timing or focus on the meeting. For any of you that have not seen this report secretary yellin called a meeting. She believes the integrity of markets is important and asked for a discussion in recent volatility in recent markets and whether or not they are consistent with Investor Protection and fair and efficient markets. That will be thefocus on the meeting. Any update on the white house visitor logs. Were you able to figure out if you can access the Trump Administration visitor laws. We cannot, that is under the purview of the national archives. In terms of the plans to release the visitor logs we plan to do that on a quarterly basis. Mitch mcconnell was critical today of giving generous funding to School Districts where the unions are not allowing the schools to open. Do you have reaction to that . I think the purpose of giving funding or supporting funding and getting it to School Districts is to ensure that teachers are safe, kids are safe, and that there is necessary ppe, that there is ventilation in the school, that there is the environment that allows for children to return safely. And that st The President S Focus. That is why he also wants to reopen schools and wants them not to just reopen, but wants them to stay open which as a mom that is pivotal. But he know its is essential that it is done in a safe way. Are the unions not allowing some School Districts to reopen. There is discussions between School Districts and elected officials, and the unions and we certainly hope and encourage progress on that front, but The President S Focus is on the schools reopening safely and them staying open. During the runoffs, as we discussed the payment is 1400. Is it an active constitution of actually raising that amount. Is that a broken promise to voters that may have been expecting 2,000 checks and would the administration be open to raising that amount. Youre right that the president is very focused on ensuring millions of americans receive those checks. They are talking about A Billion Dollar bill passing. The Biden Administration has extended temporary protective status for syrian nationals. Obviously the Trump Administration cut off protections for some of the countries, do they plan to reinstate them. The president spoke about his commitment to reinstating tps in some cases, but the review is not complete at this time. Thanks, earlier today on that call with democrats the president talked about better targeting the stimulus checks. Can you explain what he meant by that . Sure, as we said a few times, i know this is an ongoing process. The president having served in the senate for 36 years fully recognizes that the bill that he proposed, he did a prime time address on it two weeks ago, that may not look exactly like the bill that comes out and he knows that. Further targeting means not the side of the check, but it means the income level of people who receive the check and that is something that has been under discussion. It has been a conclusion, but certainly he is open to having that discussion. I also want to ask in the Previous Administration often when coronavirus cases came up in the white house it came out in the news media. Im wondering if this white house has a policy on releasing information about people who Test Positive in the white house and in the administration and people in contact with white house officials. For anyone that covered the campaign, i was not on the campaign, but they tried to be very transparent with anyone that had any contact with or would have been in close proximity to the president or Vice President. And we will certainly model that transparency if and when that occurs here. And venture to provide accurate and up to date information as quickly as possible to all of you through the media, and directly. Thank you, i have one question. The cdc director is saying the vaccination of teachers is not a prerequisite for opening up schools. Should teachers be prioritized in the vaccine line . I saw the comments, but i would say that even she would say if she would come in here they have not released their official guidance yet from the cdc on the vaccination of teachers and what would be peopled for the safe reopening of schools. So we hope to defer to that soon. The president himself spoke about the priority of vaccinating teachers. In most states theyre in the 1b category. There is federal guidelines and we work closely with governors but we leave it to them and ensuring that teachers vaccinated. Following the 2020 election, 28 states brought forward 126 bills, is he looking at that and talking to elections. The Vice President s priority is ensuring more people, not fewer people, have access to voting and that it is easier and not harder to do that. Woe saw voting by mail, early voting, and it could be modelings for the future. I dont think there has been a update since then, but he certainly cares more. President biden has stated that he wants to unite the country, he has revoked the mexico city policy, he ordered the review of title 10, and issued a statement strongly supported roe v. Wade. Is he going to reach out to pro life americans. Those have long been his positions and he was certainly just restating them and delivering on promises he made on the campaign trail. But he will reach out to all americans and that is how he will governor. He has every intention on delivering on that promise. Will he he is described as a devout catholic, will he allow his faith to guide him in policy making. He attends church weekly. He talked about the impact of his faith on healing on everything that he has been through. One of the things you didnt mention is the two marines in prison, trevor reid and paul wheelen. They appealed in moscow at the conviction and do you consider these two marines to be hostages . Well, ambassador sullivan, who i think you were referring to today, called trevor reeds Trooifl A Mockery of justice and we certainly agree. We have a range of communications with the russians. We have a Secretary Of State that is confirmed and a number of officials, but i will use this as an opportunity to again call on russia to release the two marines doing so on the heels to demonstrate that russia is ready to move past the bilateral relationship. But thats our view and we certainly raise it at every opportunity. Is there any other consequences under considerations . There is a review here, of course. I poke about it a little at the start of our relationship and a number of issues being looked into by the National Security team. I dont think im going to add a new character today. I want to follow up on ventilation of schools. How does the white house see that playing out . Is the president saying no school should be reopened until they get a brand new or renovated ventilation system. Ventilation, proper ventilation, Public Schools that dont have the benefit of tuition and things along those lines need proper ventilation. That is something that contributes to ensuring the safety of people indoors which is part of what school is. So theyre just conveying that important part of School Safety . There have been, you know, broad objectives that have been set by the cdc and others. They also have not put out their specific detailed guidelines yet and well look forward to seeing those, abiding by them, and communicating from here. The president said he really wants to protect the middle clastz. What is the income range by which you define the middle class. How much does someone who is middle class earning . What is the range . There is ranges in the bill, as you know, that are what the president proposed. I dont know that he looked at it as his own personal definition of the middle class as much as a definition of the people that need the help the most. So that is the rough range . He was not looking to answer economists around the world to define what is middle class. Another question, the Voting Rights act update, john lewis, you have the majority in the house and the senate, you talked about it on the campaign trail. Is that a priority and if it is a priority will you push forward on that prior it . It remains a priority, of course, the number one plan is to get the American Rescue plan through. He also talked about the build back better plan. That will be another priority that he proposed as well. So ensuring that it is easier to vote. That more people have access to voting. That were making it part of the right of being an american is a priority to the president. But i dont have a timeline or a date for you on when we push for that bill to move forward. One for more mcconnell he expects the administration to quickly address military leaders. What is the timeline on sanctions . Is leader mcconnell right that sanctions will be quicker . The State Department very rapidly completed their review designating or naming the coup in burma. And obviously the detention of civilian officials and the declaration of the National State of emergency is a direct assault on democracy and the rule of law. Were continuing to review our sanction authorities and some other options. Jake sullivan called me on sunday night to tell me we had to get a statement out. And we always put out a statement from the president and we acted quickly. It is a priority and certainly were reviewing our sanctions authorities and seeing where there is action to take there, something that the team is focused on. Have you been talking about the Iowa Caucuses or the talk about nevada wanting to go first . Were certainly not focused on the next Political Campaign quite yet and we dont have a Point Of View to share. Nevada is warmer, but all great states. Go ahead. You said that you will be checking with President Trump for the summer olympics, i believe. Does he think it is safe for the u. S. Team to go to tokyo . I know there has been some reporting on this. Were not currently talking about changing our posture or our plans as it relates to the beijing olympics. We are establishing a shared approach, but there is no discussion under way of a change in our plans from the United States at this point in time. One of the Law Enforcement gaps, President Trump said he was focusing on antifa, and what is President Biden doing about rightwing extreextremism . Its not a political review, its a review of Domestic Violence extremism. We want to look at that, not through a political lens, but the lens of a National Security expert and teams who have expertise in this area. When that is concluded well have more to say on it. You said beijing, what about tokyo sorry, there is a lot of olympics athletes going on. Nothing changed about our plans and i send you to the usoc to discuss any further plans for athletes. Lots of olympics. I would like to follow up with a previous question circling back to President Bidens comments yesterday when he said the vast majority of u. S. Officers were decent and honorable people. Why did he think it was important to stress that the vast majority are. I think he believes the Men And Women that have been serving our country in a variety of capacities have been criticized. They have been some have been threatened. The roles theyre playing have been questioned in the last several years. And he wanted to reiterate support for the work they do. But why did he make that delineation . I think because of despite reports of individuals and different areas who may have done things that were problematic, that the vast majority of Men And Women serving in Law Enforcement roles, serving in Civil Service roles, serving in roles across government do vital and essential work for the american people. Sebastian smith. I remember you and your mask, i like it, it has flamingos on it. Again, on tangss, on russia, is there any discussion on targeting people close to putin over what is happening . And how is the president talking to the eu allies about this . The president has certainly spoke within a number of european allies about a range of issues. In terms of what Sanctions Options may exist, the president reserves the right to respond in the manner and course of his choosing at any point in time, but were going to let this review complete and well make decisions about any specific steps they will take in response. And another one related but not exactly the same, does the president have any position on the presence of outlets tide like sputnik, but does he have position on that . In some countries theyre seen as Propaganda Tools given that things are fairly frosty right now . I have not spoken with the president about rt or sputnik. I think they are tools of pop began data work on behalf of the president. I have not discussed that with him specifically. I know at the State Department they had a briefing. They asked questions, but i think there is no question as were trying to decipher information that is accurate or inaccurate it is important people to know there are outlets working on behalf someone and theyre not operating as free bless like you are. It is important for people to understand and know there is an agenda and theyre not the same as a. P. , abc, and other outlets around the world. Can you clarify what President Bidens goal is for the number of vaccines. I thought he raised it 150, but the call said 100 million. The team will always push the team to go as big as possible but the goal remains 100 million in 100 days and that was a goal set in the fall before a single vaccine was put in the arm of an american. It was seen as bold an ambitious at the time. Were not going to stop at 100 million. That is the marker we set and were working to achieve it. I was wondering if the president has been frustrated by the case on the senate side and if he raised the message to senators . President s always want things to move faster. There was certainly a delay in the confirmation of a number of nominees over the course of weeks. Some of them were slower paced than they should have been early on. We would love for the Confer Nation Of Future attorney general merrick garland. That would certain i will be a break in the past. So there are key positions that have not moved through the Confirmation Process that were eager to see move forward. Former mayor Pete Buttigieg yesterday just confirmed as the first lbgtq secretary in a cabinet. He will play a pivotal role in our economic plans. Do you know on the cloud contract for the pentagon awarded to microsoft, will they reward that at all. It was awarded to microsoft instead of amazon and President Trump a had feelings about amazon at the time. I would send you to the pent gone on that. Go ahead in the back. Is president valley open to having mandatory year round schooling to get kids caught up . Would he be open to Something Like that our fulltime Summer School or whatever it takes . I have not discussed fulltime or year round schooling with the president. As you know that requires often State Funding and that is often up to governors to know if they can provide that funding. I dont think i have anything more on that. Anyone not get a question . Okay, thank you everyone. Thee ran out of questions there, jen psaki at the White House Press briefing. Clearly the white house today wants to focus on covid relief. Thats why you saw her come out and very clearly say here is what President Biden wants and here is what is in his plan and here is what the republicans want and here is what is not in their plan. Specifically when it comes to state and local funding and help for the people she says are struggling right now. All of that leads us to the breaking news on this hour on two major fronts. Democrats as you heard likely to go big and go it alone and the president s are facing a reckoning. He is now meeting with key democratics about Massive Covid relief plan. The democrats firm that it needs to look more like what the president proposed than what republicans want which is far less. Unity doesnt mean unanimity and it doesnt mean letting the Minority Party block progress in the senate. He will do his level best. He will negotiate in good faith. But he will not obstructionism prevent the delivery of desperately needed relief to the american people. If democrats go it alone out of the gate with no bipartisan deal, what does it spell for the rest of President Bidens agenda . That is just a start. There is also a lot of developing news including promising news on vaccines this afternoon. Well get to that in a moment, and its a reminder of what is at stake here. Desperately needed money for vaccine distribution. State governments, and a whole lot more. This is not just an argument over an amount on a spread sheet. For many it is the difference between making it and getting rushed. And for that reckoning to be a Fly On The Wall as republicans get together this afternoon to debate the fates of liz cheney and Marjorie Taylor green. Will she be stripped of her Leadership Position by fellow republicans for daring her to cross donald trump rather than punishing donald trump himself and will green be stripped of her Committee Assignments after suggesting, among other things, that the parkland and sandy hook shootings were staged. Behind door number one, facts, and door number two, lies and experience theories. Were going to learn what drx the party is going to embrace. Joining me now is jake sherman. Lets quickly start with covid relief, ashley. The white house is very focused on it. Porting about what joe biden told House Democrats. He said he doesnt want to give up on the promise he made to the American Public, but he is willing to come down from 1. 9 trillion. There is some room for negotiation, my question is given how far apart the democrats are right now from the republicans, who exactly is joe biden negotiating with . Is it republicans . Or is it joe manchin . There has been a tremendous amount of outreach to senator manchin. Probably about as many as any other senator. But i think in some ways youre seeing joe biden publicly negotiate with two very real earnest instincts inside of himself. And that is why you see this dual track. He is a creature of the senate. He is bipartisan biden. That is his instinct. That should not be confused totally to be a synonym for bipartisanship, but his inclination is to try to get to a deal and deal with the opposing party with civility. The flip side is that this is a president that was a candidate coming in promising to take on this virus and get it under control. He is describing himself as a wartime president. He views this bill at the 1. 9 trillion number. Even if there is some space to negotiate, as being critical to the success of dealing with the virus, the economy, and the success of his presidency. It teams like if one will win out he made clear he is willing to go it alone while saying even if they pursue Reconciliation Republicans could feel free to vote for that. Jake, what do you make of the exchange on what mitt romney was saying. That he was won wondering where the president planned to budge and psaki gave it back saying where do the republicans plan to budge . I completely agree with ashley which is why he is the bureau chief. She is 100 . I dont understand what the confusion is here. Democrats have been pushing for hundreds of millions in state and local aide for months. We have been talking about it now for six to eight months. They said donald trump wont give it to us, but when we win back the White House Well do a large state and local package. Do people expect now that they wont Dot A Large State and local package. What evidence are they using to come to that determination besides just living in a fantasy world. So when the republicans say we have a package, here is the deal, a package that is a third of what we want with that sudden key component. Will you take that or negotiate off of that . That is not a negotiaing stance. When youre a free thinking person, is it bidens responsibility . He has the house, the senate, and the white house. He has enough problems on his hands. He can get something through here with democrats. I understand that he wants bipartisanship, unfortunately for him in this instance he is not going to get it because theyre not close to each other. Sometimes the most obviously answer is the answer you need to settle on. This has nothing that biden is interested in so it is probably not a good point for negotiations. Jake, lets talk about republicans now. Kevin mccarthy is not going to remove taylor green from her committee aassignments whats going on . He was asking her to be removed from one instead of both committees. Again not much of a deal that Kevin Mccarthy was offering stenny hoyer. They were saying it was bad to he move a minority member from their committee meeting. She believes School Shootings are staged, so this is not somebody in the main stream of any party of any institution in america and i think they will vote unanimously tomorrow to strip her of her Committee Assignments. Mccarthy will say its unprecedented, but a person like this serving in congress is also unprecedented and democrats dont have much recourse other than punishing her in this way. The republican resport is that retort is that she said it before she got to congress, but that is immaterial. The House Democrats will bring it to a vote and then the republicans news to decide where they stand. It is interesting. This feels very much like covering trump in certain ways. Privately they tell you how horrified they are by his behavior and now her behavior, but publicly it subpoena often quite a different story. This is sort of the existential question. A lot of republicans are hesitant to rebuke her too strongly. They dont want to alienate her supporters. But to win a majority with the fuel like this, leading to the meetings, and john boehner getting his party to break and then they proceeded to wreck havoc on his caucus. With me now is deb by wassermanschultz. He coauthored a bill to remove congresswoman green from her two assignments. Talk to me about whether or not you have any concern about the precedent being set by democrats here for one party removing a member from the other party, the opposing party, from their positions. The concern that i have is that Kevin Mccarthy has chosen to embrace qanon, rather than the opportunity to remove her from her committees themselves and make sure that we dont have a member who has an ability to wreck havoc on the ability to get things done. And the ball was in his court and he decided to toss it asde. The house has to act because we cannot allow someone in our midst to have that kind of power. Republicans are arguing that they will use this against democrats when they have the power again. Im not comparing the two of them, but that is what republicans are doing. This is revolting. Theyre going to have an opportunity to row move her from her committees. But theyre deathly afraid of the backlash from the majority extremism in their party. They cower in fear of drawing a primary rather than standing up for what is right. Were talking about a member who has advocated. That the best way to get rid of nancy pelosi is through a bullet. That suggested that wildfires were set by jewish laser beams. Are they going to stand with a member who is embrace extremism and conspiracy theories. The house will have to act if they dont. Let me ask you about covid relief really fast. Were you on the call with President Biden talking about what he wants from the deal. I was on the call without going into too much detail, because our Conference Calls are internal, but President Biden first of all was wonderful to have him on the caucus call for the first time. He was enthusiastic and appreciative. He wants to make sure that we put resources out to crush the virus. To make sure we have an effective, efficient, and quick distribution of the vaccine and to make sure we get resources out to state and local governments to renters, to small businesses, and to the Education System to get kids back to cool. That is a huge part of how and why he became president of the United States and that is what america embraced and we are going to make sure we deliver it for them. Very quickly i know we he was willing to go down on 9 trillion. He also said that he would make the relief more targeted. Is that something that might be taken out of this bill to get that number down . Sorry, not unemployment, raising the minimum wage. Okay, you know i we have a lot of room to negotiate and that is what a push Me Pull You Process is about. In the United States congress, but we were given very clear Marching Orders from the american people. They want us to crush this virus. We need resources in the kmie because our economy has been devastated by the impact of the mismanagement and we have to make sure we dont short change and not provide enough resources to actually get this economy back on track and make sure we can crush the virus. Congresswoman debby wassermanshult, thank you for your time. And President Biden said he is not married to 1. 9 trillion. We have more reporting on what he might compromise on and what he will not compromise on. First up, a uk study found Astra Sdprks Eneca vaccine drastically cuts the transmission of the coronavirus. Transmission of the coronavirus. At wayfair. You can spend less on sofas that bring the whole family together. No matter what you need for your home you can spend less and get way more. This is the planning effect. As carla thinks about retirement, shell wonder, what if i could retire sooner . And so shell get some advice from fidelity, and fidelity will help her explore some different scenarios, like saving more every month. And that has carla feeling so confident that she can enjoy her dream. Right now. Thats the planning effect, from fidelity. For more i am joined by denvers governor. The democrats and the republicans are far apart. The republicans dont have anything for state and local funding and the democrats have 350 billion. Do you need that much . 350 billion is not entirely going to you, but do you see room to negotiate on that number . Of course we would be happy if colorado got all 350 billion, but i think there is room for a discussion. First of all, President Biden is absolutely right that they need to move fast. The need is urgent. Families that cant make their rent. School districts that need to return safely. For all of the reasons that he articulated. It is better to do it now and get it done. And i think the initial republican offer is not enough to get the country out of resection, return to school safely, it has to be significantly higher. If there is some accounts that need to be changed, President Biden is a master negotiator. And i have full confident confidence in his need to do it urgently. You, colorado, cut 3 billion from your budget last summer p the projections for this summer are looking a lot better. What does colorado in terms of funding need most right now . What area right now is struggling the most . The reason i like this state and local 8 piece is it allowed the level of government losest to the ground can allow the closest people to get peek back to work. It is certainly a big part of it, too, but when local governments and State Governments can build roads, put people back to work, invest in infrastructure, thats a big deal not just to get our economy going, but create something of lasting value that makes our nation even stronger. One of your colleagues sent a message saying act big, act bold, do whatever you need to do. They want to pass this through reconciliation and get it done fast. Do you think they should wait to get republicans on board or should they go at it alone right now . Absolutely, our country needs it. If that can be done with ten additional republican votes in the Senate Getting to 60 by all means, yes, of course. But if they cant get there, if those ten will not be there, if there is only two or three or five republicans or god forbid zero, then they need to move forward with the Reconciliation Process to get it done because the country needs help. Governor, i wish i had more time with you, but that News Briefing from the white house keeps squeezing this show. Thank you for coming on. I want to ask you about minimum wage next time. We have big news today from a fist of its kind medical study. The Oxford Astrazeneca vaccine shows to slow the spread of the virus. The news comes as the Biden Administration says they will ship a million doses per week to pharmacies nationwide to ease access for millions of americans. Joining me now is dr. Tom freeden. He is currently the president and ceo of resolve to save lives. Tom, thank you for joining us. Lets talk about the idea that the astrazeneca vaccine makes it harder for the virus too spread, makes you less likely to pass on the virus, what will that mean for or ability to get back to normal . News. As often with this particular company, i wish we saw more of the data because we dont have the kind of yeah. Complete transparency that i would wish. Fundamentally, we expect it will be similar to some of the other vaccines that not only do they protect you but they make it less likely youll get very ill, less likely that youll get infected, less likely that youll spread it to others because you have a lot of virus in your mouth and nose. But still, even after getting vaccinated, bottom line, katy, you need to wear a mask. So, how long, i mean, if we have a number of vaccines that are going to cut the transmission, say this is the same case for the moderna vaccine, say its the same case for the pfizer vaccine, and j j if that comes out. As is normally standard for vaccines. When do we when are we able to put away the masks, when are we able to sit in a crowded restaurant again and go back to what would be considered normal living . First off, lets take whats right in front of us. Right now, we got too little vaccine, too little equity in how vaccine is getting distributed. And too much spread of the virus and the looming risk of more infectious variants. We need to ramp up vaccination as is being done. We need to double down on protocols, that means Wearing Masks and minimizing time indoors near others who arent in our household. It also means thinking about whats going to come next. I do think well begin seeing falling death rates, substantially falling death rates, in march as the Nursing Home Vaccinations kick in and the over 65 vaccinations kick in. I think it will probably be until june, july, before we see that kind of dramatic decrease in case numbers that we really need and at that point, not only do we need to vaccinate better, but we also need to reboot our effort to test, isolate, contact trace, quarantine, so we can limit spread. Vaccines protect us, but we also have to protect vaccines by limiting the uncontrolled spread of covid. Because the more it spreads, the more likely it is that there will be variants that can evade either the vaccineinduced immunity or the immuity that our bodies make after weve been infected. I speak for many when i say get me that vaccine and get it to me fast. Dr. Tom frieden, thanks so much for joining us. We appreciate it. Up next, byebye bezos andl . Why the worlds richest man leaving his company why the worlds richest man is leaving his company and what it means for amazon. Kara swisher joins me in a moment. Jeff bezos is stepping down as ceo of amazon leaving the helm of the company that he created. Made him rich. Hes handing the reins over to andy jassy. The announcement came the same day amazon reported a year of record growth with a market value around 1. 7 trillion making it one of the most valuable companies in the entire world. Joining me now is New York Times contributor and cohost of the pivot podcast, all around one of the smartest people ive ever met. Kara swisher. Thanks for joining us. Hi. Why exactly is bezos doing this right now . I dont know why hes doing it right now. I think hed been pulling away from the daytoday of amazon for a while before the pandemic and sort of plunged back in to take more control during the pandemic and obviously amazons done tremendously during the pandemic. A lot of people need to use its services. By the way, just so you know, amazon wasnt started in a garage. That was google. He just drove across the country with his wife and moved to seattle. Thats all he did. In any case oh. Hes a little bit older than most people. I remember meeting him when they were a really Small Company and they were looking for their headquarters. At this point he has more interests, interested in space travel like a lot of really wealthy people are. They want to get off the planet as soon as possible apparently. He was already moving on to putting the company in the hands of executives like andy and others. And so, you know, i think he probably was like, i got things to do, like Bill Gates Is doing right now around covid and Climate Change and things like that. Are we going to see him get more philanthropic like Bill Gates Is, going to be more involved . His exwife is spending a lot of the money she has on philanthropic causes, not so much with jeff so far. No. I dont necessarily see that at all. I think hes very interested in space travel and living you know, he has this whole scheme to live in this sort of Odd Spaceship in the sky. Kind of thing that has, like, lawns and Playing Fields and cities and stuff like that. He has a Company Called blue origin. I think hes very interested in that. Mackenzie scott, his exwife, of course, is making amazing philanthropic donations. Very quietly and without a lot of strings. So, so shes doing it separately, and that will be shell be one of the most important philanthropists along with bill gates and his wife and they have a very serious endeavor with the Gates Foundation theyve been doing for years. I dont see that for jeff bezos. Its not really in his wheelhouse. Hmm. Whos andy jassy, what sort of challenges is he going to be facing with amazon . Who is he . Hes been there since the beginning. Hes been very quiet. You dont see a lot of executives at amazon besides jeff bezos. Andy started there out of Harvard Business school. He went there as a Marketing Manager and was jeffs technical Chief Of Staff for a while which is a big jumping off point for a lot of executives at these Tech Companies and sort of worked his way up and in 2003 he started a skunk works that became Amazon Web Services and its become the most important. And created this business that if it was spun off would be one of the most valuable companies on the planet by itself. And so, hes the right person to do this because he really is more of the innovator in the way jeff is. And has been with him like a lot of executives at amazon for the entire tenure of the company. Kara swisher, thanks so much. I saw a great clip earlier today an old clip from 1999 with bob simon and jeff bezos. They were driving around in what looked like a nondescript car and simon asked him about the valuation of amazon. It was like in the trillions back in 1999. And yeah. Millions. Actually. He asked him why the heck billions. Sorry. Why the heck are why the heck are you driving around in a honda . It was hilarious. Yeah. I remember his pleated khaki. He had pleaded khakis for far too long for someone that wealthy. Looked a lot different. Money does make you look different. Kara swisher, kara, thanks so much. I appreciate it. Thats going to do it for me today. If youre going out, wear a mask. If youre staying in, Chris Jansing picks up our coverage next. 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Moments ago on capitol hill, nbc news got these exclusive images of bruce castor, hes one of the lawyers who will represent former President Trump in next weeks trial

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