Transcripts For MSNBC The Beat With Ari Melber 20240711

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Alone while pushing new reform in congress as well. The centerpiece today is reversing Donald Trumps approach to immigration, launching a process for reuniting around 600 Migrant Children in the u. S. Who remain separated from their parents under Donald Trumps hardline policies. Biden ordering the federal government to do a top to Bottom Breakdown of Immigration Policies and finding ways to root out measures that bidens team says under trump were cruel and inhumane, or just not working. Im not making new law. Im eliminating bad policy. What im doing is taking on the issues that 99 that the president , the last president of the United States issues Executive Orders i thought were very counterproductive to our security, counterproductive to who we are as a country. We want to put in place an Immigration Process here that can that is humane, that is moral, thats going to take some time. Its not going to happen overnight. A moral policy, they say, pursuing an ethical approach to immigration with a timeline. The Administration Says its stopping the border wall. Its cancelling that middle eastern travel ban. We knew about that. Its also trying to repair this damage they say has been done to families by the previous administration, including the treatment of children that many experts view as ongoing human rights abuse done In The Name Of the United States. Now these are first steps. They also struggle against a harsh reality, that immigration is still one telephone most Harsh Con Soechts law and policy. Its hard to do anything cohesive without the congress. Take one large problem that has faced administrations in both parties, and by the way is not just about trumpism. Im talking about the handling of Asylum Seekers from Central America. This goes back to multiple administrations. Its a tough problem. You can blame the countries that make it so hard for these people to live there, which is why they seek asylum. But blaming only gets you so far. President bush says that the goal here in these new policies that im taking on for you, one of the goals is to curb the extremes that mandated some of those migrants wait in squalid camps in mexico as they seek asylum, leaving their home countries in Central America. But look at this tonight. The New York Times reporting the biden order sets up a review that will, quote, not immediately address the reality that many of those migrants, including children, have been waiting for months in dangerous conditions already. That is just a tough part of the problem. And even apart from those humanitarian cases, lets remember, as its immigration day in the Biden White House today, there are 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States right now that are awaiting some kind of plan when Congressional Republicans have largely blocked efforts at comprehensive Immigration Reform. That goes back as far as when President Bush was calling for it. But these hurdles are a reminder that ending a construction of a failed largely politically symbolic wall, or ending the use of Immigration Policy as a tool of alleged child abuse, while those are obviously steps, they dont really address in a measurable way what is the majority of the people affected by the ongoing failure to have Immigration Comprehensive Policy Reform in the United States. Now to be fair, President Bush and his team are acknowledging many of the facts i just reported to you. Thats why theyre also pushing a wider legislative plan. We have coverage on that momentarily. And theyre also touting Change Starting at the top, including something not only do you not see this every day you have never seen it before, the first latino and first immigrant to run dhs and Border Enforcement to be sworn in today. Joining us now is Erika Andiola from the Immigration Advocacy Group raizas. And a daca recipient herself, and Juanita Tolliver, a democratic strategist here on the beat. Good to be with both of you tonight kicking us off. Well get to the legislative piece. On the orders and the diagnosis i shared, erika, your thoughts on all of the above. Yeah, well, its a start. I was expecting at the organization that i work with, i was expecting there was going to be a lot more announced today. As far as the task force, look, thats a great first step. We need to make sure that this passport is not just reunifying the families who were separated. We know there is more than 600 of them that we know of. But they are reunited in the United States, right . Were not expecting for people to be back in the country that they left seeking asylum in the United States. And also we are ensuring that the families who remain separated because of deportations in the United States are also being taken care of and that we have some ability for people who were separated because of Zero Tolerance to be in the United States with some sort of protection from deportation. And at raices right now we have a case of a young man right now who is in detention, was separated from his 9yearold child. He was actually 6 years old in 2018. They were separated for two months, and his dad is now back in detention. And he is about to be deported again. So to us, its important that we look at this beyond just the reunification of the families that were mentioned and that is a much bigger effort also to end mpp, and to end all of the trump policies that right now have people waiting in mexico and all the others being deported and detained. Juanita . Yeah, i think erika hit the nail on the head by saying this is a start. I think where the white house is falling short for advocates is really around the fact that there is no response or stopgap measures available to all the people who still need that comprehensive reform. We saw in the proposal that biden shared with congress on Inauguration Day it was sweeping reform that had a pathway to citizenship for 11 million undocumented individuals. But what we dont see in this moment is, okay, how are we providing restitution for the families who are separated . How are we meeting the needs of the individuals who are waiting at the border right now for their asylum and Refugee Applications . How are we meeting their needs in realtime . Because what were hearing out of the white house is those needs wont be met until this review is done, which is months from now. I think those assurances that advocates require right now are completely valid. I think the concerns are completely valid, and what theyre communicating to the white house right now, keep that same energy. We want sweeping proposals. We want sweeping responses and solutions to an overall system that needs to be overhauled. Right. And i think anything that involves a federal review you say oh, thats six months, thats 12 months to then get action. Then youre a year out from the midterms. There is an understandable desire to do a lot right away. Our panel stays as we turn to the other thing i promised everyone, because the details do matter. A lot of lives hang in the balance, wider reforms that theyre pushing here legislatively. The Biden Administration has this new bill. We just mentioned part of it. It would create a path to citizenship for 11 million undocumented immigrants. And while this would be far more than the current limbo that theyre in, the proposal is not exactly easy. The path takes longer than most grad school. Five years to get a greencard to work. Another three for them to become citizens. It would also enable more visitors who are here and graduates from u. S. Universities to stay. The new biden bill tries to address some of this foreign crisis that makes this such a difficult issue no matter who is running the United States. It would add some aid to countries in Central America where the local issues with poverty and violence are part of what drives people to flee, no matter how high the risks may look on the road through mexico to the United States. The bill doesnt say exactly how much should be spent on new Border Patrol initiatives. It should also explore how dhs technology can do Border Enforcement. While the Trump Administration has made many moves through Executive Power on this executive issue, it didnt even try to pass an immigration bill. Thats one of the many examples where the hard work involved was apparently a barrier that administration. Its a contrast we should note to the previous two administrations before trump in both parties where president s tried to get a deal through congress, although neither did. As a nation that values immigration and depends on immigration, we should have Immigration Laws that work and make us proud. Legal immigration is one of the top concerns of the American People, and congress failure to act on it is a disappointment. Thats why im committed to passing comprehensive Immigration Reform as president of the United States. Both parties wrote this legislation, but republicans blocked it. The bill hasnt really changed. The only thing that has changed apparently was the politics. Erika, youre such an expert on this. We put that together to give everyone clarity that while looking through our National Politics at washington in the trump eraas you still have a recent history for those who have lived through it where congress has basically said no to both parties. Your view of why that is important for the biden folks to find some other way if they want to get breakthrough, because ill tell you from a legal perspective, you cant leave this kind of limbo, the 11 million and other things for decades on end and expect anything good to come of it. I say that as a sort of nonideological observation. Yeah, no, youre completely right. We have been promised by both parties for decades now, ari. For decades that there is going to be some sort of path to citizenship for people like myself, like my family, and many others in this country. And what is important for us is not just the details of the bill but also how are they going to get it done, right . And in this moment, to me, the fact that theyre trying to do all this bipartisan work with republicans just tells me that there is going to be more honestly a lot more delays on what can happen on immigration. So were really asking democrats at this moment to keep that promise, right . And that democrats can do it on their own. There is many ways for this to happen, and, you know, one of them is the Reconciliation Process as an example that we still have a lot to go through, right. And we know that Senator Sanders is going to be the new Budget Chair Committee and the chair of the committee, and him and many others in the leadership of the Democratic Party have the ability to ensure that there is protections for immigrants in these bills that can be passed without republicans. They need to keep their promise. And again, its not just about the details of the bill, which is the bill is very there is a lot of really great things in the bill that was sent to congress, but also we need to see something actually happen and not just the promise again. All such important points. Ive got congressman adam schiff standing by. Its that kind of news night. I want to thank Erika Andiola and Juanita Tolliver for kicks us off. The Trump Trial Prosecutors are now for the first time revealing what they say is the evidence that should merit the conviction of donald trump and thus barring him from ever Holding Office again. This is a brandnew brief. It states that trump has responsibility for the january 6th insurrection, that it was a betrayal of historic proportions. It argues his actions threaten the lives of senior government officials. Some of those are of course senate jurors. The Impeachment Managers add the evidence is overwhelming. They say trump is, quote, responsible for inciting the riot, that he aimed a loaded cannon, Quote Unquote at the capitol. Trumps defense is leaving the door open to go back maybe to the big election lie, but there is also a procedural argument here. Youre going hear more about this in the days ahead. You got hear both sides rgz as we always say to understand a case. Well, maybe because trumps lawyers dont want to spend much time on what he said in those hours leading up to the violent attack, they instead want to talk about history and constitutional process, and they have every right to mount this kind of defense. They are claiming the senate cannot, quote, remove from office a man who does not hold office. This is false and misleading given the way that impeachment has always worked. Indeed, you only bar people after they have been convicted and out of office. House impeachment manage sayers, quote, there is no january exception to impeachment as a rebuttal to that procedural point. The larger argument here is that donald trump was president , was commander in chief. The buck stops there, and that what he said or did or didnt say or didnt do, because its a trial, and he is entitled to his defense, but all of that matters. It doesnt just stop because he was close to leaving office. Impeachment managers are also previewing, and were learning about this in little bits in dribs and drabs to speak to a nation that may want to move on from some of this. They have video planned, perhaps witnesses. And the prosecutors argue, again in this new brief if provoking a riot is not impeachable, its hard to imagine what would be. Its a big question, and we have a very experienced guest to get into all it. As i mentioned tonight on the beat we have congressman adam schiff. He was famously the Lead Impeachment Manager at Donald Trumps first trial. Were going get into all of this right after our shortest break in just 30 seconds. 30 seconds this is ours. The new lexus is. All in on the sports sedan. Lease the 2021 is 300 for 359 a month for thirty nine months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Joining me now is seasoned prosecutor and congressman adam schiff. He was of course the Lead Impeachment Manager in Donald Trumps first impeachment trial. Thanks for being here tonight. Thank you. Good to be with you. Great to have you. We can get into a lot of these legal arguments, what the constitution says and means. I trust you and i will do that, but i want to begin with something more basic, a question that is on the mind of many americans. Why would this time be any different than last . Well, look, this is a very different president ial abuse, and in this case, you dont need the imagination of senators to wonder what it would be like to be on the Ukraine Frontlines with russia and have military aid withheld in order to help the president of the United States cheat an election. These senators were there. They were on the frontlines as that mob was tearing through the capitol. Theyre firsthand witnesses in addition to everything else. And the core of what the president did and tried to interfere with the peaceful transfer of power, as the House Manager says, if thats not impeachable, to incite an insurrection against that peaceful transfer, then nothing would be. This is clearly what the founders had in mind when they provided that remedy. Do you think that donald trump acted in ways that make it a National Security priority to prevent him from ever lawfully being president again, which is one of the remedies if there is a conviction . Absolutely. You know, it was very apparent after the first trial that if he were left in office, that he would seek to cheat again, that he would do great damage to the country. It is equally plain now faa that if he is not disqualified from running for office again, then we can expect that if he runs in four years, he will put the country through the same hell, through the same lies about the election, through the same false claims of fraud if he loses, through the same incendiary rhetoric and incitement to violence. And that is a very direct threat to our countrys security. And of course, it does immeasurable damage to our reputation abroad and the health of our democracy. How important is it in your view that the trial speak to the rest of the country . Because the attack of the 6th was violent. There will be memorials tonight for one of the capitol officers who died among five total people. It was a trauma, and yet there is so much going on, and people are, as you know, living through a recession and covid and all this other stuff in 2021 that there has been a little bit of a mood of okay, that was terrible, maybe we move hearing this again. What is important in your mind to tell the nation through this through this process next week for those who say well, yeah, it was terrible, we lived through it, we want to move on . Well, ari, thats a very important question, because the managers try this case not just in the senator, but perhaps more importantly to the American People. And you dont start from the presumption that everyone knows all the fax. Indeed, we didnt start from the presumption that all the senators knew the facts in the last trial. One of the things that the managers brief lays out so well today is the entire chronology, the narrative arc of this terrible tragedy with the president saying before the election that he wouldnt accept it if he lost the election, with him making claims in advance that there was going to be massive fraud, with him challenging the election immediately, even when he understood, as we all did, that the first returns would not necessarily be indicative of who would win that state. His efforts to try to force locals Elections Officials and then statewide Elections Officials, his efforts of course all turned down, finally culminating in what he viewed as the last chance to stop the peaceful transfer of power, that is bring this mob into d. C. , lighting the fuse and setting this tragedy in motion. So that story needs to be told with the kind of clarity that you can in a trial. Number one, because the senators need to do their constitutional duty and disqualify him, but number two, if they dont, the American People need to have a basis to hold their senators accountable, but they also need to know the danger of this man Going Forward should he ever try the run again. Yeah, and that really goes to, as you say, what he did. He publicly summoned people to come on january 6th, not a random day, not a rally day, no. To come and try to pressure what would ultimately be an illegal and violent pressure on that final step in certifying his loss there in the senate, as i think we all remember. We lived through it. I want to play for you something that may or may not come up in evidence, but its certainly damning, which is those people explaining why they were there. Take a look. Our president , president donald trump, asked us to good to the march on the 6th, and he said be there. And so i went, and i answered the call of my president. I felt like my presence on the State Capitol steps, on those ivory steps was more important to me than my very life. How does that fit into the argument that donald trump intentionally, deliberately incited the resurrection . It will be up to the managers to decide up to the volume of the evidence which they want to present, but statements like that, that people that participated understood exactly what the president was telling them to do and perhaps even more powerfully, the video of people during the insurrection yelling out that they were there because the president told them they could or should, thats a very powerful evidence that in fact the president incited them to this insurrection. So i think it is very relevant, important evidence. Some of the lawyers watching might say, well, can you introduce that, or is that hearsay . Its up to the senators to say what evidence they will accept and which way to give that evidence, but all of this is certainly relevant to the abuse of the president s power. And the final question i want to ask you, im not making light of this, congressman. But youve tangled with donald trump. I think youve seen he has a penchant for being often his own worst advocate. Thats why he was banned from twitter over this same incident, yet it may help him in the long run, because we wont hear as many incriminating things as quickly, necessarily. And so im curious. A part from the defenses that he and his team have started to raise, many of which are really weak, what about the more serious argument that people in office, you, donald trump, future president s, they need a very wide latitude to speak. And while this is not a traditional First Amendment case, and there are nuances to that, we have historically said that they can say all kinds of things and that you really dont want to set too much of a precedent where words alone can convict, remove, or bar an official. Youre response to that. Well, people understand that there is not a First Amendment defense to inciting an insurrection or to abusing the power of your office. If a president says to a foreign power secretly that i will do anything you want because i want to build a tower in moscow, thats not protected by the First Amendment simply because he vocalizeds his corrupt intent. If the president were to engage in bribery and did so through vocalization of the terms of the bribe, thats not protected by the First Amendment. And if you incite people to attack the capitol, thats not protected either. So its a false argument. You know, i think it has a superficial kind of appeal to people who dont necessarily understand what is the role of the First Amendment in an impeachment proceeding. But the long and the short of it, there is no First Amendment defense to ignoring and violating your constitutional duty. And even if there were, there is no First Amendment protected ability to incite an attack on the capitol. Plainly put, and important to get all of the sides as everyones got digest this, because lord knows its important and lives were lost and the Accountability Part is not over. Congressman schiff, thank you, sir. Thank you. Appreciate it. We have a lot more in the program, including going from adam schiff to jon bon jovi. Thats how we do it on the beat. This is his debut on the program. Were excited for that later. And charges for Capitol Rioters as aoc reveals new and harrowing details about what she experienced inside that building. Got my ears got my heart got my soul got my mouth i got life facing leaks takes strength, so heres to the strong, who trust in our performance and comfortable, longlasting protection. Because your strength is supported by ours. Depend. The only thing stronger than us, is you. At philadelphia, we know what makes the perfect schmear of cream cheese. Depend. You need only the freshest milk and cream. That one and the worlds best, and possibly only, schmelier. 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Are doing the heavy lifting, jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. It only takes about a minute. Wait, a minute . But what have you been doing for the last two hours . Delegating . Oh, good one. Move your Xfinity Services without breaking a sweat. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Xfinity makes moving easy. Go online to transfer your services in about a minute. Get started today. House republican leader Kevin Mccarthy has said to me Behind Closed Doors with a very controversial brandnew freshman congresswoman Marjorie Taylor greene. This is supposed to happen as soon as early tonight. The Republican Party has a problem here. Pressure to punish or sanction her in some way for what were about to show you as well as there are wider calls to remove her from committees like the education and Budget Committees or even more, some talk about what else could be done when you have a known promoter of really vile conspiracy theory, some of them dangerous. She suggested that School Shootings and the Parkland Shooting were just staged, which is widely viewed as not only false, but highly disrespectful to the many lives lost. There are many inflammatory and conspiratorial comments as well. The Resource Officer at parkland had done his job, then Nicholas Cruz wouldnt have killed anybody in your high school. There is an islamic invasion into our Government Offices right now. We had witnessed 9 11, right . We had witnessed 9 11. The terrorist attack, there is never any evidence shown for a plane in the pentagon. But anyways, im not going dive into the 9 11 conspiracy. Now the pressure on republican Leader Mccarthy has been ratcheting up, including from within the Republican Party. Take mitch mcconnell, who is rebuking her now. He didnt name the congresswoman, but he denounced Qanon Conspiracies as, quote, loony lies. Senator mcconnell says this is a cancer for the Republican Party and our country. Mcconnell also in a sign of what is going on between different Republican Leaders is supporting liz cheney, who is one of the only members of Republican Leadership who formally voted to impeach donald trump. He notes that she is still a lead were deep convictions and the courage to act on them. Its tension within the Republican Party. It relates to trump and trumpism, but it goes well beyond. Some are supporting taylor greene. Some want to remove cheney from House Leadership for that vote i mentioned. Democrats say greene should at least be banned from committee positions, and that would be a lawful remedy. Indeed, we have seen people from both parties stripped of Committee Assignments based on their conduct in the past. Were joined now by the former rnc chairman michael steele, who endorsed joe biden for president. Thanks for being here. Its good to be back with you, man. You know, this is much bigger than trump, although he may have been the gasoline and then some. But he sought of office. Shes not. And the embrace of lies on the one hand and hate, vile racism, antisemitism, 9 11 didnt happen, all that kind of congeals together. How big do you think this is in the current Republican Party, and what do you think of the different leaders approaches . Its a very big deal. And anyone who tries to diminish it and say that oh, well, its just Ant Intraparty thing and it will just be pushed aside, theyre full of it. Theyre missing whats happening in this moment. What will define it as how and weve already seen part of it with mcconnell, where he couldnt even call the womans name, Marjorie Taylor greene. He can say liz cheney but he cant say Marjorie Taylor greene. Just call the thing what it is. Use the name and call her out. So you have that in the senate. On the house side, youre going to have this meeting, which, okay, youre going have it privately, but what matters is what is said after the meeting. And what punishment, and there should be punishment, thats given to this congresswoman for her actions and her words. And the reality of it is i suspect youre not going get a lot out of this. This is not going to ber shouldd that portion of the base that is particularly still very much aligned and locked in with donald trump. So as mcconnell could not say Marjorie Taylor greenes name, i do not see mccarthy doing much better than that. Hmm, that bothered you, michael. Very much so. Call it out. You dont get past this, ari, unless you admit what the problem staring you in the face is. You cannot turn a blind eye it to and pretend its not there and Marjorie Taylor green is going to go slink back into their district when its time to go for the weekend and were all going to be kumbahyah. She clearly stalked a teenager who was involved in a horrific shooting and accused him of being, you know, weak. Then, of course, all the other stuff that was now coming out about what she was saying before she got to congress. Call it what it is. Yeah. Put the name on it. Yep. And clean yourself from it. Dont sit there and say that this is some kind of cancer on the party and then do nothing about it. Who has cancer and goes you know what . I dont want any treatment. Its crazy. Right. As you say, the method has to match. You say who are you addressing, what do you want to do about it. You know who partly disagrees with you, michael . Who . Tucker. Yeah, well. Now, now, we dont just air just anything around here, but he makes a point about proportion. Whatever your views of him or others views of him is a piece of this. So i want to resuscitate the fair part, not the other part, and that is how do we deal, and you and i have discussed this before. Right. With condemning without giving too much oxygen to one person or one theory. So take a little look at tucker. Just how dangerous is this threenamed congresswoman you probably have never heard of . Well, so dangerous that In The Name Of democracy she must be expelled tonight from the congress. Why . Simple. Donald trump is gone now. Thats very bad news for the many people who made a Living Yelling at donald trump. He is partly calling out the press and others, what he calls this trump grievance industry. But there is a sliver of a question here that id love you to give us your final thought on. How do you do this right without getting it overtake everything . Because i think we could agree, condemn specifically, but also this is not the only thing going on in america. Its not the only thing going on in america, absolutely true. But, look, you have a pattern of behavior. You have someone who is on the record, perpetuating lies and conspiracies about our government, about elected members. She has clearly when she campaigned for the office did a poster which i know, i absolutely know folks on my side would take as threatening if a democrat had a poster of an ar15 with three republican members faces on it. Oh, i know they absolutely would be outraged from it. So we know what her pattern of behavior is. We know who her constituents are in terms of the qanon community. We know where she is aligned. So, yeah you have to deal with that truth in that reality. And then when you layer that along with what happened on january 6th, we still dont know what she may have said or done. We know some people are concerned about with some members and the Republican Party may have done during that time period in terms of texting locations. We dont know. So there is a lot more here. But you got deal with whats right in front of you at the moment. Yeah. And thats all the American People are asking republicans to do. All key points. Im only wrapping you because ive got jon bon jovi coming up. I know, dude. Give my best to jon bon jovi and ill step aside. Michael steele, always really important clarity. I appreciate you. Up ahead, the rock legend, The One And Only jon bon jovi. Why . George floyd inspired one of his new songs on American Reckoning. And new arrests at the capitol. Aoc getting personal and emotional on why she feared for her life. All that ahead. Stay with us. Stay with us pronamel is formulated to help deliver minerals to the tooths surface to help reharden and strengthen your enamel. Im looking for my client. Im his accountant. Im so sorry. Hey hey man, youre here you dont trust me here in vegas, do you . Uh, well. I thought we had a breakthrough with the volkswagen. We did, yeah we broke through. Thats the volkswagen . thats the cross sport. Wow. Seatbelts please just tell me where were going. It seems like everything is getting thinner. But my Bladder Leak Pad . 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Congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez sharing her most extensive account of how she was personally targeted during this capitol hill riot. There are new criminal charges that also highlight the very threat that she is recounting and that other lawmakers of course faced in both parties. Federal prosecutors have now charged two women for storming the capitol, one who bragged we were looking for nancy to shoot her in the brain, but we didnt find her. End quote. The feds also show her in a photo with donald trump who was all the way inside the oval office. Arrested over a week after the riot back near the capitol and armed with a gun at the time. Meanwhile, The New Yorker has identified the rioter known as the Bullhorn Lady who broke into the capitol, helping coordinate movements during the ongoing criminal conspiracy in and around the building. She even told The New Yorker she was inspired by watching trump allies after the election saying, quote, that was motiving to me. I learned a lot from giuliani and peoples testimonies. That writer is actually still at large, wanted by the fbi while speaking out. We are going to continue to track the accountability and the evidence in all of this. Now coming up as promised, we have something very special, Rock Roll Hall Of Famer and icon jon bon jovi makes his the beat debut. Thats next. What are you doing . Art class. Its abstract expressionism. When you start with a better hot dog from oscar mayer, you can do no wrong. Its all for the love of hot dogs. Repair your enamel with pronamel repair. Our most advanced formula helps you brush in Vital Minerals to actively repair and strengthen enamel. So you dont just brush to clean, you brush to build. Pronamel intensive enamel repair. This is what Community Looks like. Caring for each other, protecting each other. And as the Covid Vaccine rolls out, well be ready to administer it. Well be ready to administer it. announcer welcome to the next, next level. 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While Police Violence is a longrunning issue in america, that Floyd Killing did break through during the pandemic. It sparked those National Protests and continued to elevate the blm and Police Reform movement. Many people remember where they were when they saw the news or saw floyds friends and family reacting in that heartbreaking public grieving. And that also includes jon bon jovi, whose 2020 album includes a searing song about George Floyds killing. That moment was a Turning Point for jon bon jovi for him to right wry this song. He talks about this in our new interview. So well start there. Here is a bit of that Exchange Airing right now for the first time. I just want to read from American Reckoning and hear from you about what youre telling us. You say damn those eight long minutes, Laying Facedown in cuffs on the ground. Bystanders pleaded for mercy as one cop shoved a kid in the crowd. When did a judge and a jury become a badge and a knee . Tell us than song. You know, are risks i wanted to take a stand on this record. I wanted to be in your shoes or anyone else who is reporting news. In essence, i said to myself i am a witness to history. And much like anyone else who had the opportunity to watch the television or read the newspaper, we were all witness to history. And in the case of the death of george floyd, there i was a captive audience watching the television and was so taken by the moment and the graphic nature of the moment, both visually and the audio reportings. And the best way for me to express what i saw was through the songs. And American Reckoning took shape. Its really powerful. Youre recounting it as soso many people shared in america and really around the world. How soon from seeing it, as well all did, did you know you were going to do a song . I watched as his friend, the basketball player, was recounting to craig melvin on the today show that in his last words he was calling for his mom. And my eyes just welled up with tears. And it was that morning i turn around, this is a day or two later, and i went to my office and closed the door, and i just started writing. When youre a songwriter, you can rhyme moon, june and spoon. You have light easy moments about nothing and make them happy and make them dance. When youre a witness to history and youre talking about something that happened in the day and age in which youre living, you better get it right. But it is americas reckoning, you know. Reckoning. You know, this time, the black lives Matter Movement has really taken a whole around the globe you saw the reaction in the streets worldwide. Jon bon jovi has tackled many topics as a singer songwriter from Rock N Roll Party tracks to the Working Class Anthems so many people love and remember. Shes deeply involved in news an life and philanthropy. He also performed at joe bidens inauguration singing Here Comes The Sun and in this brand new interview we touch on his new lyrics that dig into the problems of Russian Election interference and online bots that try to undercut our democracy. Quote, im no cable news reporter, they got nothing new to say. Im the voice of the new order, the star of anarchy today. Im the comments you keep reading at the bottom of the page, im real power, im a patriot, im a russian hack by trade. Explain. I think were all fearful that its bots and interference from Foreign Countries who are trying to influence the psyche of america. That was the first song i wrote for the record. So its technically august of 18 when i wrote that song. And i wrote it being critical of the last administration. And right in the first line it says a storm is coming. It was a reference to stormy daniels. But as time went on, it went from being manafort to barr to giuliani to cohen is referenced in there and then it becomes giuliani. You know, its like it didnt matter what point, there was always Blood In The Water. Theres still Blood In The Water circling the previous administration. It just seems that no matter what they said or did that people were gunning for them, as we can see why. Are you following the news a lot more than other periods in your life or have you always been this into it, were just learning about it now. I think ive always been a news junkie. My closer news are more in news than they are in entertainment, believe it or not. Im friends with a lot of your peers. And i try to be a student of Current Affairs as well as history. So i did pay attention. But i think that we, america, americans have really been sucked into the vortex of secondbysecond news, whether its the internet or television. You know, we have spent far too much time turning on the tube and watching the internet go by with a little tidbit and not all of it is verified news and it becomes hearsay and becomes truth in the eyes of those who want to believe it. How about consumers and citizens can relate to what hes saying there. Now, this interviews part of our maverick we get to go deep with some artists and cultural icons. We also had fun discussing classic bon jovi songs from its my life to Living On A Prayer plus his embrace on rejecting age, embracing fads and the true measure of success. Here are a few more quick highlights. Do not succumb to fads and fashions unless youre true to who you are. Its not going to resonate. After a while, you dont measure success in album sales and number one thisses and thats. Find your way. It can be done. I knocked on the way of a brand new Radio Station that was so new it didnt have a receptionist. Do you imagine people playing it decades from now imagining what was that like when we lived through it . When youre a songwriter and talking about something that happened in the day and age in which youre living, you better get it right. My ultimate argument is im the one that has to sing it. Ill never be 50 and painting my finger nails black. Im near 60. I did it my way and jbj said i did it my way too. Thats just a sampling. I encourage you to check out the entire interview, its long form, so we can really listen to what jon bon jovi had to say. Go to msnbc. Com mavericks for the full conversation as well as other recent installments of our exclusive digital series, mavericks with ari melber. Well be right back. Icks wit h a well be right back. The lexus es, now available with allwheel drive. This rain is bananas. Lease the 2021 es 250 allwheel drive for 349 a month for thirty six months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. 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We get into a lot more on politics, on music, on song writing, on doing it my way if you go visit the link for the full interview. Ill see you back here at 6 00 p. M. Eastern tomorrow. For one more Music Footnote before i go, if youre on instagram you can follow Me Ari Melber with d. J. Drama. So well be taking your questions. Its way more interactive than this tv thing if you want to tune in. Otherwise dont go anywhere, the reidout with joy reed starts right now. Good evening, everyone. We begin the reidout with the case for impeachment. Both the legal argument and the visceral emotional one. And the toll of the devastation of january 6th. In just two and a half hours, the remains of Slain Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick will lie in honor in the rotunda of the United States capito

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