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Learned after his firing. All that and the amazing story of a popup vaccination drive in a traffic jam in the snow. All in starts right now. Good evening from new york. Im chris hayes. It is now three weeks since the january 6th attack on the capitol. A day that will live on in american history. People will study that day for decades and probably centuries to come and the majority of republican Members Of Congress who again voted on the side of that mob voted to overturn a free and fair democratic election, to install the loser over the winner against the will of the people, the majority of republicans, the ones who have done that, they have nothing to get back on the right side of the boundary they all crossed that day. On january 6th, with their votes, the members moved from what might be called the government of a loyal populous moved into Something Different and dangerous. Today nancy pelosi described the terrifying situation they find themselves in. I do believe and i have said this all along well probably need a supplemental for more security for members when the enemy is within the House Of Representatives. It shouldnt be that not only is the president of the United States inciting an insurrection but ke o Members Of Congress to the point that theyre even concerned about members in the House Of Representatives being a danger to them. What exactly did you mean that the enemy is within . What exactly it means that we have Members Of Congress who want to bring guns on the floor and have threatened violence on other Members Of Congress. Keep in mind the speakers talking about people like freshman republican lauren bober of colorado tweeting about carrying the glock to the floor of congress and the day before the attack, saying today is 1776. Of course, the year of violent revolution. Somewhat famously so. They didnt go in like petition their government. Right . They fought them with guns. Paul go czar of arizona that tweeted biden should concede. I want the concession on my desk tomorrow. Dont make me come over there. These people have shown no compunction, no regret and then Marjorie Taylor green the focus of much more sustained attention on the record endorsing violence against speaker nancy pelosi. This is a facebook comment green liked from a january 2019 suggesting Quote A Bullet To The Head would be quicker to remove pelosi. Thumbs up. But thats just one of a long list of violent, racist and crazy things she has said including suggesting muslims should not be able to serve in public office, a contradiction of the plain text of the constitution she so claims to love and that black people are held slaves to the democratic party. She is on Video Harassing david hogg, a survivor of the Parkland School shooting climbing that the tragedy was a false flag. I didnt really happen. It was a fake or planted . This was a big Conspiracy Theory on the right for a while and trafficked in several other insane far right Conspiracy Theories like this one which i had to study about. I hadnt really encountered it but how Hillary Clinton murders babies and then theres another about a California Wild Fire being started by a laser beam and then governor jerry brown and the rothchilds were involved. Jewish Space Laser Beams starting the forest fire. And the best response to the leader of House Republican caucus can come up with that is theyll have a talk with her. Tell me about the laser beam. How did that work . Congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez whos been subject of death threats, theres a man arrested who posted assassinate aoc who stormed the capitol, since the attack on the capitol, mccarthy on this show last night saying hes basically afraid of Marjorie Taylor green. It increasingly seems unfortunately that in the House Republican caucus Kevin Mccarthy answers to these qanon Members Of Congress, not the other way around, and that is something that, frankly, needs to be said. He said hell pull representative Marjorie Taylor green aside so when i hear that Representative Mccarthy is going to pull a member aside who has made white supremacist sympathizing comments the thing that i think is what is he going to tell them . Keep it up . Because there are no consequences in the Republican Caucus for violence. Theres no consequences for racism. No consequences for misogyny. No consequences for insurrection. And no consequences means that they condone it. It means that that silence is acceptance. And they want it. Because they know that it is a core animating Political Energy for them. Kevin mccarthy doesnt care what Marjorie Taylor green says or believes. He sees and this is the hard part probably rightly that there is political power, energy, as alexandria ocasiocortez, said to be gained from it. Today mccarthy even made a deeply humiliating almost too awful to watch pilgrimage down to maralago to Kiss The Ring of the possibly soon to be impeached expresident. Theres no line that goes too far for him or the party. This is where we are, folks. There will be no self regulation. No self governance. No, did we go too far . There will be no growth. This is what the contemporary Republican Party and Conservative Movement right now is. And so now the question becomes like, what do you do with that when there are people like that that are part of the government of this country who believe what they believe . Congressman gohmert of california to expel congresswoman green from the house. He joins me now. This is an extremely rarely used step. Why do you want to do it . Under what power do you think there is to do it . The house has its own ability to seek and expel any member it chooses. Takes two thirds vote to do it but i want to say that this is a serious moment. Marjorie taylor green, a conspiracy theorist believes in all sorts of crazy things but the worst thing is that she is incited crowds in the past to storm the capitol, to go after nancy pelosi. They were even chanting hang mike pence. And now she is still a member of congress so i believe she is a Clear And Present Danger to the members of the House Of Representatives just simply for the fact to bring a gun to the House Office Buildings and shes walked around the Metal Detectors going to the floor. Theres a strong sense that something worse than september january 6 could happen if she continues in office. I want to press you on this. Is this a real concern or is this a rhetorical concern . Like, what you are implying is that you are scared that Marjorie Taylor greene might shoot someone at the capitol. Is that what you are saying . When members buy bulletproof vests and fitted which across the democratic caucus, when people are looking at new Security Measures for their homes including myself, yes, this is serious. People are deeply concerned. If she said, okay, im not going to bring my gun to the floor, not to the house, people would feel better but that doesnt mean she cant incite somebody. Theres a constitutional issue here. Theres kind of a history to this. You know, quite famously the Georgia Legislature tried to not seat julian bond back in the days of Civil Rights Movement when he was elected for opposition to the vietnam war. Efforts not to seat Adam Clayton Powell not allowed. I mean, it is a free country. We have the first amendment, freedom of conscience. People can believe crazy stuff. Are you worried how you draw the line here or what precedent you set . Were taking a very a scalpel coming the resolution to put forward to the floor. Were going to be very careful on what why were saying were asking her to be expelled. I believe it is because of the violence she instigated On January 6th. The direct threats to other members lives that shes done on social media. And i know its not during her time in office but im scared that somethings going to happen to another member and well be attending somebodys funeral in the near future. Look. I agree. I mean, the resolution, i understand the case for it, but it just seems to me theres a deeper issue here which is this is not a tenable legislating situation. Yeah. I mean, you know, enemy within, we are getting fitted for bulletproof vests. Youre all in the same legislature. This cant go on like this. Something has to happen to make this tenable. And thats the Republican Leadership taking responsibility for the members that are within their ranks and checking them. Putting them in their place and asking them to not bring their guns, taking a hard step against them. Mccarthy is going to speak to her. Thats just b. S. What is he going to tell her . He attacked me when i first got sworn in in 2017 because i took too long getting to congress. He was saying i shouldnt be seated but when it comes to political violence, Conspiracy Theories, attacking the institution of our democracy, then, oh, im just going to pull her aside. He needs to step up and control his caucus. Final question for you. It is striking to me that theres been no, zero as far as i can tell, mea culpa apology. You can imagine a universe she responds to the reporting that says that was a terrible thing to do. To thumbs up a post of a bullet between the eyes of the speaker. I am deeply sorry i did it. I did it by accident or regret it or whatever you want to say but am i wrong . There hasnt been that. No one saying anything like, im sorry. Yeah. She hasnt because we have to assume she Still Believes it. Right . It is hard to go against and apologize for something that you still deep in your heart believe in and i believe she believes in the conspiracies she is perpetrating, the fact that the election was stolen from donald trump, the fact that qanon Conspiracy Theories of pedophiles in the democratic party. The fact that parkland and the other Mass Shootings were staged. All of that, i believe she deeply believes and thats whats troubling. If you cant have a basis of fact, how are you going to have a political discourse in this country . All right. Congressman gomez, thank you so much for explaining where you are coming from tonight. Really appreciate it. Thank you so much. I want to bring in Xerlina Maxwell and rebecca tracer. So, when i talked about the untenability of the situation, i thought this tweet summed it up. Theres a right left populous momentum against robin hood, the trading app that cut off the traders mucking around with these wall street big wigs. Right . And aoc talks about it and ted cruz says i agree with this. A moment of unity. And then aoc says im happy to work with the republicans on this issue, where theres Common Ground but you almost had me murdered three weeks ago so you can sit this one out. If you want to help, you can resoon. It is like i just, rebecca, appreciated her making the sub text the text but this is not a way that any democratic legislative body can function. Right. And the thing that i think we have to reckon with and the democrats have to reckon with and alexandria ocasiocortez is going further in this reckoning than other people have yet is that this is not a problem that began or ends with Marjorie Taylor greene or ted cruz or josh hawley. This is happening, you know, stipulating that the politics of White Supremacist Resentiment and violent misogyny extend decades. You could see this building, this exact set of violent antagonism toward democracy itself, toward the United States and the institutions in the presidency of barack obama. Conspiracy theories, delegitimizing his presidency. Yelling at him you lie. Treating him as illegitimate. The summer of 2016 when you had a New Hampshire lawmaker calling for Hillary Clinton to be taken out on a firing line and shot for treason. A New Hampshire State Politician who was donald trump delegate. You saw trump himself threatening to imprison Hillary Clinton. Absolute violations and antagonism toward the United States institutions and its practices, building and building. The Republican Party had a long time to decide what to do with this. They accepted donald trump and that open antagonism toward the United States and its electoral processes and democracy entered the white house. We now see its come into, you know, the house with some of the individuals and with hawley and cruz in the senate but its not about the individuals anymore. The party has welcomed them in. It is appointing them to committees. It is what alexandria ocasiocortez said to you last night is so powerful that mccarthy is not in control of the caucus and neither is Mitch Mcconnell at this point either. When he turned from Chastising Trump to made the turn this past week to no, no, no we are not going to do this, these men are being led by the faction of the party. The party embraced this. How do you treat an entire Political Party that is Working Antagonistically and violently against the United States . Yeah. And, you know, i said this. I raised this to representative gomez. The total absence it is not just like theres no apologies or second thoughts. It is full speed ahead. Right . So theres a moment the other day where the hawaii state gop, you know, tweeted out a that it like check out a video from this guy who was a holocaust denier. Pull up the youtube. The showers in auschwitz were really showers. What is going on here . And then the hawaii gop put out a statement. Our party believes in free speech and a responsibility to carry to justice. Promoting content for shock value does not help us build a more perfect union. Had no place in the party much less our country. Now, its not a perfect but its something. Thats the only one of those you can find. Thats it. Thats what you got. I think that aoc hit on something last night thats the point. Theyre not apologizing because theyre not sorry. Theyre agreeing with some of the positions. Not the most crazy of the Conspiracy Theories but certainly after the 2012 election when the Republican Party did an autopsy which said the racism is hurting you because the emerging demographics of a Majority Coalition of people of color is coming down the pike and the Republican Party decided to double down on the racism. In many ways i think that what youve seen in the past couple of weeks since the election was certified is them react similarly to the way that they did in 2012 to the autopsy. They doubled down on the racism and they restrict the votes of people less likely to vote for them and basically the strategy here, chris, and i think the problem is that its not really a political strategy. Theyre not engaged in this project of democracy that the rest of us are participating in because they dont actually want voters to make decisions and elect people. Even in the case of Marjorie Taylor greene i think if she was your childs teacher i do not think that she would still be employed having posted these things publicly and said these things publicly and awfully concerning that she has a position of immense power in the House Of Representatives just having held these views and express them publicly. To the point, this article in the guardian today, republicans considering more than 100 bills to restrict voting rights. We slide from the rothchild lasers, right, and that and the fraudulent election to, of course, the natural attempts to curtail voting. Zerlina maxwell and rebecca, thank you both. Tonight, three weeks of silence from Capitol Police, still no Public Accounting of what happened january 6th. Investigative journalist aaron davis is trying to get to the bottom of it and he joins me next. Next hey, i just got a text from my sister. You remember rick, her neighbor . Sure, hes the 76yearold guy who still runs marathons, right . Sadly, not anymore. Wow. So sudden. Um, were not about to have the we need Life Insurance conversation again, are we . No, were having the were getting coverage so we dont have to worry about it conversation. So youre calling about the 9. 95 a month plan from Colonial Penn . I am. We put it off long enough. We are getting that 9. 95 plan, today. jonathan is it time for you to call about the 9. 95 plan . Im jonathan from Colonial Penn Life Insurance company. Sometimes we just need a reminder not to take today for granted. If youre age 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance whole Life Insurance starting at just 9. 95 a month. There are no Health Questions so you cant be turned down for any health reason. The 9. 95 plan is Colonial Penns number one most popular whole life plan. Options start at just 9. 95 a month. Thats less than 35 cents a day. Your rate can never go up. Its locked in for life. Call today for free information. And youll also get this free beneficiary planner, so call now. soft music hello, Colonial Penn . Its moving day. And while her friends are doing the heavy lifting, jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. It only takes about a minute. Wait, a minute . But what have you been doing for the last two hours . Delegating . Oh, good one. Move your Xfinity Services without breaking a sweat. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Xfinity makes moving easy. Go online to transfer your services in about a minute. Get started today. In the wake of the deadly attack three weeks ago theres Big Questions of why we are only getting piecemeal information about the human toll from that violence. Including the toll on Police Officers there to protect the capitol that day. Earlier this week acting chief of the u. S. Capitol police pitman testified Behind Closed Doors before appropriations and apologized to lawmakers for failings that helped lead to the riot. We havent had a Press Conference from Capitol Police. The head of the police union put out a statement on injuries sustained by officers. This morning on the senate floor senator dick durbin of illinois read it into the record. I have officers who were not issued helmets prior to the attack and have brain injuries. One officer had two cracked ribs. Two smashed spinal disks. One officer will lose his eye. Another was stabbed with a metal fence stake. He said one officer died of injuries sustained On January 6th and two officers have since taken their own lives. I want to put that in the record because in a week with beginning of the Impeachment Trial we are going to reflect again on what happened january 6th. Some of my colleagues and many people on their side are saying we shouldnt spend time talking about what happened january 6th. In the words of former governor of South Carolina nikki haley, we ought to get over it. Get over it. Its hard to get over it when you consider the facts that i just read into the record. Aaron davis is an Investigative Reporter covering the aftermath of the attack or the Washington Post and joins me now. Capitol police Union Statement put out yesterday, read into the record today by senator dick durbin. Did you know the stats and information in that statement before that statement was issued or is that the first youre hearing it . Some of those stats were the first time even we were hearing it. We had heard obviously dozens, even scores of officers hurt, but to hear for the first time the full magnitude, some 80 officers now Capitol Police saying 140 officers were injured. These are not just simple injuries. Obviously several were sprayed with pepper spray and mace and talking about crushed vertebra, an officer who appears to be going to lose an eye. Officers who were kicked and pushed down flights of stairs, crushed. We have seen the horrible video of them crushed in doorways, just beaten. Theres a huge distrust now among the Rank And File in Capitol Police about, you know, just how forthcoming the leadership of the Capitol Police has been with the public and obviously we still have lots of questions both for Capitol Police and even beyond capitol luis. Theres a picture emerging of not just acute failures in the department but broadly the inability of the u. S. Intelligence community to look inward and to see the threat coming before january 6th. You said sort of Rank And File toward the leadership, this is obviously the Capitol Police union and having covered police and Police Involved shootings you cant take a police Union Statement at face value. It is not necessarily true. You have to confirm it. But its all we have for any kind of comprehensive anything from the Capitol Police. Like, when you say the Rank And File is distrustful, say more about what thats about. Obviously had the chief sund who was in control on the day of the siege resigned. You have an acting chief. They have begun to issue Press Briefings and gave a briefing to lawmakers this week Behind Closed Doors. Obviously as a journalist im not pleased with the lawmakers on that score either but we do know from statements and some of the documents we have received from inside the closed door meeting that the chief of the the new acting chief pitman gave us an explanation of why things happened the way they did and the pictures we saw and that they had intelligence it would be violent and did not act on it, did not take it seriously and because of that officers were not issued Rubber Bullets or nonlethal force, even their own pepper spray. Some didnt have batons or helmets so you were dealing with a force that was then outmatched, didnt have the weapons that the crowd that they were facing off with even had. The point that you say there about the briefing, this is so weird. I have covered a lot of awful events, you know, the shooting in las vegas. Orlando pulse nightclub. Parkland. Right . Usually that night or earlier some Law Enforcement official says this is what happened. These many officers hospitalized. These many lost their life. I just i dont understand how we dont know those things about the attack on the u. S. Capitol three weeks ago. Its still stunning really. It was left to the mayor of d. C. To issue a statement that night whos not anything to do with the federal government to say the capitol is secure, lawmakers are going back. There was never a press release, never a public statement. Youre right. Never that moment in front of the camera to get the download of what happened, what they saw when they entered the building. I think part of this were beginning to understand goes to the incredibly obscure Oversight Structure the Capitol Police have within the federal government with two bosses. Talking about a force of 2,000 officers, bigger than most u. S. Cities and they answered to the house sergeant of arms and a Senate Sergeant of arms and had no boss other than the speaker of the house and the Majority Leader in the senate. They were always seems like folksy trying to understand what they wanted, what images they wanted. More or less said as much and left with a situation of no accountability there for that department heading into this. All right. Aaron davis doing great reporting on this, thank you so much for making time for us tonight. Thank you. Next ill talk to the man fired from fox news after he called arizona for joe biden on election night. What he says he learned after this. What is this happening here . Why is arizona blue . Did we just call it . Did we make a call on arizona . Lets see. Theres a check mark. Did our Decision Desk make it . Yes. We can i believe. If thats the case then, guys, when we come back, well fill this in. In some moments that moment when fox news called arizona for joe biden it is possible that the Trump Presidency was over and multiple outlets reported after fox called Arizona Trump went ballistic because as the New York Times appointmented out if the true arizona was lost it could call into doubt any claim in the election that trump could make. Chris was fired last week, the day before joe biden was sworn into office and describes becoming a target of murderous rage from consumers who were furious of not having their views confirmed. He joins me. Chris, it is great to have you on the program. Thank you very much take me through that night and what it was like in terms of, a, making the call and then what happened afterwards. Well, first and foremost, i am not responsible. An awesome team of Fabulous Nerds correct. Led by bill salmon perhaps the best human i know and this fabulous squad of guys who came together to beat everybody because thats what we enjoyed doing really a great deal was being the best at this. And for our sake, for what we did, that was just that was par for the course. It was long after any calls were made that i had any idea that this was a huge deal or that people were freaking out or all that stuff. It is just what we do and kind of making donuts. On the night that the Decision Desk makes the call. And there is some pushback from some folks at the network but you had no sense you had stumbled into something apocalyptic ripples . I would not understand the magnitude of the anger on the right about this for sometime. I wouldnt really understand it until we saw what was happening. Because remember, fox makes the call, Decision Desk calls arizona for biden and then nothing happens for days as the slow pokes of northeast are counting, counting, counting. No calls that made and made the Associated Press and fox, ap was there, too. Ap and fox had called arizona and if not for that theres no calls any other place. That was effective in defeating trumps attempt to disrupt the election to steal an election because, yes, it was the narrative was broken. That is true but it is also true that we were kind of out there by ourselves and through that process we became a focus of all of this rage, all of this anger. And it was really i dont want to say scary. Scary is not the right thing because there were times in 2016 it was scary and all of that stuff. But the creditutity of which the consumers were saying the election was stolen woke me up to unhappy facts about the way that the industry works. The credulity of fox news consumers of believing things that are not true surprised me . What surprised me was the number of people who, whether it was watching fox or whether they were watching other networks or whatever they were doing, but the number of people that greeted the claims credulously and what that told me was that a lot of people have grown accustomed to being flattered by their news outlets. When something came along that disagreed with their Point Of View it wasnt just they didnt like it or turned off the channel but for the same kinds of folks that gathered on the National Mall On January 6th, for those folks it was not just a matter that they were unhappy or disagreed with it. It was a matter of real anger and spoke to me about the depth of the problem. What is your understanding of the enterprise that youre part of . That youre no longer part of. I understand as the terms of that departure you dont talk about those specific conditions but what does it say to you about what this enterprise, one of the most powerful Media Enterprises ever created i think arguably one of the most powerful in modern america, that the role it plays and what it does . Well, heres something i learned. I was a newspaper guy before i was in cable. And what i learned along the way, you know, if you have people who for centuries struggled to get enough information, struggled to know enough stuff, so that they can get through their lives, there was a morning paper, an afternoon paper, maybe catch something on the radio, and then the evening news, 24 hours is not the correct increment to consume news. That is not the Optimal Increment of News Consumption is 24 hours and when the industry started with ted turner back in the day, well be here. I dont know if anybody will watch it. It is everybody who is working in an advertiserbased system. But they have they have the power now to chase viewers and clicks where they are. Totally. This is a formal critique has merit. People chasing clicks or ratings. People not wanting things that dont confirm their priors. Thats all true, right . But the deeper problem is that your network, the president was feeding people substantive lies, incredibly important, material lies about the world. Not like the dems are bad or that we dont like them. They were lying. They were giving them mistruths about the state of the world. Thats a substantive problem with what was being pumped out, not a formal question of the 24hour news cycle. I hear you but i would also remind you for me, thats not what i was doing. I wasnt pumping out mistruths amy boss, you raise whatever eyebrow you want to raise. No. My eyebrow is that the network you worked for was. I mean look. I heres what i know. Every day i worked at fox news i did and said what i wanted to do and say. Right. Everything i wrote people say that was a great piece of la times. I was writing the same stuff when i was at fox. The problem here is a Business Model that Forces Providers, okay, it Forces Providers to meet the needs. If youre going to narrow cast, you cant up set the people who are coming to be served. Totally. I just want to because im a practitioner as you were. Right . I want to make a final distinction and we can leave it there which is just its true. The things you say about this medium and this medium in this moment, the narrow casting, the push and pull of consumers is true but there are lines and there are lines of integrity and honesty. Right . I patrol those lines. Theyre really important to me. I do this job and talk to people like you and i dont like to them because its important to me not to lie to them. Right. Okay . Yep. There are people on the network you worked for that are lying to people. And its really bad for the country. I dont know any other way to say it but thats just where we are. Lying is lying to people. I patrolled those boundaries and thats not what i participated in. Im glad youre liberated from a place people lie and i wish you well genuinely in writing in places where you can do good work, chris. Thank you so much for your time tonight. You bet. Still to come, what happened when a group of Health Care Workers got stranded on a snowy highway and had a few Vaccine Doses to spare. That amazing story ahead. That amazing story ahead if you you have ever planned a wedding or a catered event you know no matter how meticiously you plan theres always a mismatch between the number of people invited and how many show up. But since youre paying the caterer regardless all you care about is getting someone in the empty seats and theres the institution of the invite b list. The United States finds itself in a similar situation with vaccines because the two vaccines we have from moderna and pfizer need constant cold storage, then they need to be thawed to be administered and cannot be refrozen so if you take out 100 doses expecting to vaccinate 100 people but by the day only 80 people show up theres no putting the 20 doses back in the fridge. You have to find a way to use them or lose them and fast. There are a bunch of really creative ways people make sure those doses dont go to waste. For example out in los angeles people known as Vaccine Chasers are finding unofficial standby lines at mass vaccination clinics. At the end of each day at least 20 or 30 people who didnt have appointments are managing to get those left overdoses. And in oregon a bunch of lucky people just got vaccinated simply by getting caught in the right snowstorm at the right time. That incredible story and the Health Care Workers responsible for it are next. Dont go anywhere. Next. Dont go anywhere. Hey, i just got a text from my sister. You remember rick, her neighbor . Sure, hes the 76yearold guy who still runs marathons, right . Sadly, not anymore. Wow. So sudden. Um, were not about to have the we need Life Insurance conversation again, are we . No, were having the were getting coverage so we dont have to worry about it conversation. So youre calling about the 9. 95 a month plan from Colonial Penn . I am. We put it off long enough. We are getting that 9. 95 plan, today. jonathan is it time for you to call about the 9. 95 plan . Im jonathan from Colonial Penn Life Insurance company. Sometimes we just need a reminder not to take today for granted. If youre age 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance whole Life Insurance starting at just 9. 95 a month. There are no Health Questions so you cant be turned down for any health reason. The 9. 95 plan is Colonial Penns number one most popular whole life plan. Options start at just 9. 95 a month. Thats less than 35 cents a day. Your rate can never go up. Its locked in for life. Call today for free information. And youll also get this free beneficiary planner, so call now. soft music hello, Colonial Penn . Anecdotal stories across the country about these very lucky people who were not scheduled to get the vaccine, they happened to be hanging around the pharmacy at the end of the day when the pharmacists had some extra doses set to expire, they were asked, hey, do you want to get vaccinated . Two days ago staff had been Vaccinating Oregonians at a high school that day. And there was a Big Storm Coming and they were forced to get on the road. A storm had moved in and a Tractor Trailer jackknifed ahead of them and they ended up stranded on the highway with a bunch of other cars and they still had in their possession six more doses of the moderna vaccine. Those precious doses were going to expire in that car and here to tell us what happened next are two of the Health Care Workers who were on that snowy highway. The Emergency Preparedness coordinator and michael weber, the josephine director of Public Health. Youre in the car and youre stuck, what do you guys Start Talking about and thinking through . Well, wed been stuck about 40 minutes, and mike called me and said i think were just going to have to start administering those leftover doses. We had six of them left, so lets just start walking up and down and asking cars if people are interested in getting a vaccine. Mike, did you when i was reading this story, which sort of like it was like an Anxiety Dream of a thing i never even thought to have an Anxiety Dream about. But is there a Clock Ticking in the back of your head when your driving with a bunch of unused Vaccine Doses . Oh, absolutely. We had somewhere between three and four hours at that point, and we were being told the wait time was likely going to be at least two hours. And then we still had the drive down through winter weather, and it was just cutting it too close. So the decision honestly was pretty obvious for all of us. Okay, so then youre like weve got to use it. Youve got six doses. Mike, you start knocking on windows of other cars that are stranded behind this jackknifed tractortrailer, is that right . Well, i mean before that we actually it wasnt just us, right . There were the five Public Health staff that you see there. But all told there was about 20 people from the Vaccine Clinic that were stuck on that mountain with us including physicians. We had an amr ambulance parked with us that was stopped to support our clinic needs. So it wasnt completely unsupported. So i did go to the physician and say, hey, can i get you to signoff from a safety perspective, are you comfortable with this . And he said with what we have on hand, absolutely. I guess that explains part of the mystery to me. I just imagine like if someone came up to my car with a syringe and was like you want a shot, you want a vaccine shot . I would maybe im just too much of a new yorker but is this a scam ive never encountered before . How did people react . Yeah, we were really surprised. Only one person that we vaccinated asked for i. D. And they got a picture of the i. D. With the Doctor Holding the i. D. Otherwise people didnt question us. They were like this is county Public Health and theyre going to give me a vaccine. It was pretty encouraging. So people what was the pitch . What were you saying to them . Well, we were trying to explain to them wed been at the Mass Vaccination Event at the Illinois Valley high school and that we just had a few vaccines leftover, and since we were all stuck we were giving them out, and we were hoping they might be interested in taking one. And some people were so excited both spectrums and some people were like, no, go to the next car, im not interested. After i would think i get over my initial skepticism i would feel like i won the lottery. Were there people like, whoa, today is my lucky day . Oh, yeah. One of our favorite stories was a gentleman who the person in the car with him had already been vaccinated and he had just accepted he wasnt going to be anytime soon, he was months away. And at first he was asking are you serious, are you kidding me, is this a joke . And it took me a while to convince him that we were actually serious and we have a shot waiting for him. And he started doing a happy dance in the seat of his car. And when the doctor walked up to help him fill out the paperwork, he took his shirt off and jumped out the car of shirtless in the snowstorm waiting. He was so excited. Literally put in my veins. So this is bureaucratic question but an important one. Leah, there was paperwork, right, also reading this story are they going to track these people . Are they going to get a second shot . You guys had some paperwork for them . Yeah, it was very fortuitous of all the cars we had stranded with us we had the exact supply needed to administer the vaccine including all the needed paperwork. So people were able to fill it out. Are doctors are going to have to review it. We are going to have send them their cdc Vaccination Cards afterwards, but we were able to enter their information into the system. So you know where these people are, know who they are. You can send them the Vaccination Cards and you can make sure they get another shot . Yes, absolutely. We collected all their information. Mike, how is it going more broadly there . Theres lots of stories of folks being resistant to vaccines in different places. Youve got this really important basically you and the folks you work with, leah, and mike, youre doing the most important work in this country right now. How is it going . Going on some fronts really well and on some fronts not so much. We really struggled to get the amount of vaccine we need. Prior to our Mass Vaccination Event we only had 300 doses given to Public Health total. And that as of two weeks ago. So this last Mass Vaccination Event we did over 3,000. It was our first one, and it was our big kick off. And it was fantastic. But we still have that such a low quantity of dosage that the idea of losing even one is just its not acceptable. It simply wont happen. So on the other side of it we do live in a part of the country that has a strong vaccine hesitancy. So its just something we have to contend with. Thank you for the work youre doing. Thank you for being so quick on your feet, and thank you so much for telling your story tonight. I loved it. Thank you. That is all in on this thursday night. The Rachel Maddow show starts right now. Good evening, rachel. That was my favorite show of yours in a very long time, chris. Particularly that story. I love i read that story and it just i dont know, man, its been a rough period. It just filled me up in some way. Those those pictures. God bless them well, when you said it was like i was having an Anxiety Dream about something i didnt even know that i was supposed to have anxiety about, thats exactly right like, at your car window. You want the you want the shot . Um, yes, yes, really, also, i want to call the police, but maybe youre the police . Yeah. Just incredible. Thank you, my friend. Have a great night. Well done. Well done. And thanks to you at home for joining us this hour. Tonight we are going to be joined live this hour by the person who is fast becoming one of the most familiar faces and voices of the new admist

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