Transcripts For MSNBC The 11th Hour With Brian Williams 20240711

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Attacks by those inspired by the assault three weeks ago now. An attack even Donald Trumps former Defense Secretary now says was, quote, fomented by the former president. All of it in service to the big lie. Since january 6th, a lot of Members Of Congress are reporting, 32 Members Of Congress have now asked House Leadership for more protection. We will probably need a supplemental for more security for members when the enemy is within the house of representatives. A threat that members are concerned about in addition to what is happening outside. What did you mean that the enemy is within in. We want to bring gun on the floor and have threatened violence on other Members Of Congress. There is of course already tension over initial moves to enhance Safety Procedures like Metal Detectors which some republican members have walked around, refusing to use. But there is also increasing anger among democrats about other members of the house, like freshman republican Marjorie Taylor greene of georgia. She has endorsed violence against Speaker Pelosi. She has expressed support for Baseless Qanon Conspiracy Theories and has liked social media posts, calling for things like violence against democrats and the fbi. Jimmy gomes has proposed to expel her from the house. The house can seat and expel any member that it chooses. It takes twothirds vote to do it. Shes incited crowds in the past to storm the capitol. She is able to bring a gun to the House Office Buildings and shes walked around the Metal Detectors going to the floor. Just today, Speaker Pelosi met with retired army general honore who is doing the Security Review in response to the insurrection, investigating what went wrong. President biden has the task of trying to push his agenda forward despite this tense atmosphere in the legislature. Today his focus was on health care. He signed Executive Orders revoking trumps Abortion Restrictions and expanding obamacare with a special Enrollment Period for those who lost their insurance because of the ongoing and uncontrolled pandemic. Biden also gave his most direct defense so far for the need for executive action. Today were going to, the best way to describe it, to undo the damage that is done. There is nothing new were doing here other than restoring the Affordable Care act and restoring medicaid to the way it was that was trump became president. Speaking of the uncontrolled pandemic, new fears about the spread of coronavirus variants. These new strains across our country. Mutations have shown up in about half of our states. Today South Carolina became the first state to report the first cases in the u. S. Of this south africa variant. One of the most veer lent highly contagious. It was found in two patients who had not traveled to south africa. The new president trying to get his nearly 2 trillion relief bill passed with bipartisan support, he hopes. New york times and other outlets are reporting democrat are getting ready to push the bill through congress with or without republican votes. Tonight the white house indicated that it was prepared to move fast. The American People dont have certainty about putting food on the table. When we hit this unemployment cliff in march. This can be a game thats made where we wait and wait and wait and negotiate and negotiate and negotiate. At the end of the day, he has his principles and he is not going to break this bill up. Nbc news has learned President Biden has directly reached out to at least two gop senators this week including newly reelected Susan Collins of maine and rob portman of ohio who is retiring from the senate. There was also this today. Kevin mccarthy at maralago with donald trump. A spokesman said, trump has agreed to work with mccarthy in the form. A statement on helping the Republican Party to become a majority in the house. And in true trumpian fashion, the statement went on to say this, and ask yourself who this sounds like. Quote, president trumps popularity has never been stronger than it is today. His endorsement means any endorsement at any time. With that, lets bring in our leadoff guest starting with carl. Few people know washington and the hill better than karl. Hes a 30year veteran journalist. He happens to be the correspondent for the times. Our senior White House Reporter at nbc news digital, and an Infectious Disease physician. The medical director of the special path general unit. She worked with the w. H. O. Has now rejoined under the new administration. Lets start with you and your beat. And specifically the elections having consequences rule that was in effect today. Both of these executive actions, Executive Orders that the president signed today on abortion rights, on the extension of obamacare, are triggers to the Republican Party, but there is talk all over the place at the white house for the need for unity. Well, yes. And theyre trying to get republicans to come to their side on the covid relief bill. They feel like taking off a band aid. The white house Chief Of Staff ron clain outlined orders through february 1st when the administration was coming in. Were not expecting this to be like a long trickle of Executive Orders. This feels like getting out a lot of the things they want to get out early on. And you heard President Biden make that point before. Theyre that doing anything new through these. It is just undoing some of the key accomplishments of the Trump Administration. Not only that but putting back in place a lot of the policies under the Obama Administration. So bringing back those obama years. And there has been a lot of criticism. Is biden doing too. On Executive Orders . It is undoing things. So once they get past this phase of this first week of undoing the trump legacy, then they are expected to really zero in, focus and they already are, to a huge step, on getting legislation passed and thats maybe when we see more of the unit effort coming in. Though it is that shaping up like there will be an enormous amount of unity despite seeing republicans appearing that theyre interesting in negotiating. And its great to see you. Lets pick up only last point. How realistic are these white house goals . Theyre trying to get 2 trillion through the u. S. Senate. Their white house goals of picking up republican votes, given your knowledge of this senate and these republicans. Yeah. Thanks for having me. It is an interesting going on. You were talking about obamacare there. Theres a lot of democrats on the hill. Chuck schumer is here form. You have to remember back to 2009 and some of these democrats felt they got sand bagged by republicans, that republicans were pretending to negotiate on certain things, health care in particular, but really wouldnt follow through. I think what youre seeing is democrats saying, all right. Well negotiate but were going to move forward on our own if we have to. So i think that is part of the tension that is going on. Republicans today are saying, wait a minute. You guys are setting yourself up next week to do budget reconciliation. But, and do it on your own and avoid a fbi. Wait. Were not done talking yet. I think theyre saying we wont do that again. Right about now, we could use a doctor. Luckily we have one. This is scary news about these variants from overseas. They can take advantage of air pockets and cracks, even in two masks, they are so virulent. Are you confident with the ability of the vaccines to turn them away and the ability of the Vaccine Industry to tweak the formulas as we go and make them more aggressive at turning these new strains away . Good evening. Let me start with the last one first. Yes, we actually do that with a lot of other vaccines such as the flu vaccine. So thats less of a concern. On the vanish front, the discovery of the South African Variant Discovered in South Carolina today, we now have the three most concerning strainson u. S. Soil. The one discovered in South Carolina, because it was found in patient thats did not have travel history and not related to each other, that means it has been around and theres Community Transmission this. The concern particularly with the brazilian variant and the south african variant, not only are they more transmissible, but they might decrease the efficacy of therapies. Now on the vaccine front, some very good news today. Novavax, one of the warp speed candidates, came out results with its u. K. Trial that came out with about 90 efficacy. They also released the results of a smaller study from south africa where it is a lot more indemic and they showed the efficacy fall 50 to 60 . Now if a vaccine is still reducing disease by 50 to 60 disease, thats still great. Particularly if it is severe disease. But it does raise the concern that we need to work on those boosters. We might need them sooner than we expected. And we need to work on those percentages to get to herd immune. We swing back to politics briefly. Both you and carl have invoked the year 2009. Early on in the Obama Administration. And theres this Old Washington west wing bromide. Not so old. It is part of modern era. Youre allowed one big thing. And after that, politics gets into all the crevices and everything youre trying to do. And speak to the problem of the biden presidency coming in with more than one big thing to do. We are still in the grips of an uncontrolled pandemic, after all. Right. I was talking to someone earlier this week. He said in a way it helps give them focus. Sometime you come in as an administration and there is two big things. We saw the Trump Administration struggle with health care taxes. What should we do first . The Obama Administration came in and they had a crisis. They had a focus. They had a very clear path they could go down. But while they have this focus at the moment, and the white house is incredibly focused behind trying to get this covid relief bill through, and having come from covering a white house a few weeks ago where the president didnt get involved in legislation until it was passed and then it was via twitter, this is a remarkable change in the dynamics here when it comes to the white house involve many. But how much Political Capital are they going to have to spend . How much oxygen will get sucked out of the room . How much time will have to get invested in addressing covid . Will this be a fight that they are fighting and focused on for three or four months . Or for the rest of the year. And then that is, i think, going to answer the question about whether or not they can get to immigration, to criminal justice reform, to gun reform legislation, to whatever else might be out there on the horizon. It will be dependen on how long this Current Crisis is on the front burner. Lets talk about washington for a second. It has been postulated that the only reason washington, d. C. Has an active and sprawling airport so close to all our National Monuments and where our president lives is so 535 Members Of Congress, and you never want to get between them and national airport, can use the airport to go home to their districts and come back for their grueling workweek. The average mental of Congress Gets on a plane, maybe they have am aide with them but theyre used to going back and forwards to home. 32 of them have come forward to the speaker because of the Death Threats and asked for presumably a modest Capitol Police detail to travel with them because of the threats they are under. Given the fact that Death Threats know no party these days, both party are receiving them. You would think that would bring people together. Has it . No, no. Things are very tense here. This was a really traumatic experience for the people in the capitol that day. They had not experienced Something Like that. They had been harassed in airports. They used to feel a little in their safe space. You would maybe run into constituents and they would applaud you. Trs push to say, we need more security. We need more security. And then there are other republicans, saying this is overblown. Youre making too much of this. I think the fence that you talked that earlier, this is going to be something that is a major issue. There is been a push over the years to have a fence built around the capitol. People are always, they always fought it off. Now there will be another big attempt with some justification. The mayor has already said she is opposed to it. I think Eleanor Holmes norton will be critical of it. Im somebody who lives in the neighborhood too. I dont just cover it. For the neighborhood people, it a really big part of community. They dont want it to be walled off. Youll hear the argument, we need security but dont let the domestic terrorists win in this case. So this security security is expensive, too, and going forward, theyll have to figure this out. I will say, people are nervous. It sort of ominous, right . To hear nancy pelosi say the threat is within. There is a lot that will happen in this area over the next few months. Indeed. All the razor wire and fences in the world wont help you if the speaker sadly turns out to be right. Doctor, back to you and you get the last word. Reports out of california. Theyre trying to reopen more interior spaces. New york said to be right behind them. And yet when you and i have these conversations on television, it is about virulent, scary new strains of this illness that has us all out of circulation. Talk about timing here. This is no one i know that doesnt want schools to reopen again. We all fall back on that word, reopen safely. Sure. And the concern is that were seeing this plateauing and decreasing of cases and hospitalizations because of that travel bump that we saw from the holidays is coming down. This is definitely most would agree, the calm before the storm. In all countries in which those more transmissible strains have been discovered, pretty quickly they become the more predominant strain. The reason thats concerning, if it is more transmissible, it will cause more hospitalizations and then more deaths. So now more than ever, we cant let more infections happen. There are more reasons to not let it happen. This is medical mystery about why the disease affects some people so differently than others. Now were discovering one of the things the virus does is ramps up your Immune System against your own body. And that might last for longer including our own research that survivors of sars covid19 have higher amounts of harmful antibodies. This is a signal for us to look to make sure that things like it is not becoming indemic in this country. Lets stop the infections from happening. Lets not let the strains get a foot hold like they have in other countries. We are much obliged for starting us off tonight. Our great thanks for coming on tonight. Greatly appreciate it. Everyone roots for the socalled little guy until the little guy becomes a big mob. Specially in the case of wall street. Well talk to cara swish better robinhood, theed why, the app. At the central of a big money fight. And then a different kind of mob. The violent kind. Why the speaker of the house says threats to our democracy are coming from within. All of it as The 11th Hour is getting underway this thursday evening. Underway this thursday evening. That let you pick up all your prescriptions all on the same day. We make filling your medicare prescriptions. Go like clockwork. So you can get back to what youd rather be doing hey, i just got a text from my sister. So you can get back to what youd rather be doing you remember rick, her neighbor . Sure, hes the 76yearold guy who still runs marathons, right . Sadly, not anymore. Wow. So sudden. Um, were not about to have the we need Life Insurance conversation again, are we . No, were having the were getting coverage so we dont have to worry about it conversation. So youre calling about the 9. 95 a month plan from Colonial Penn . I am. We put it off long enough. We are getting that 9. 95 plan, today. jonathan is it time for you to call about the 9. 95 plan . Im jonathan from Colonial Penn Life Insurance company. Sometimes we just need a reminder not to take today for granted. If youre age 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance whole Life Insurance starting at just 9. 95 a month. There are no Health Questions so you cant be turned down for any health reason. The 9. 95 plan is Colonial Penns number one most popular whole life plan. Options start at just 9. 95 a month. Thats less than 35 cents a day. Your rate can never go up. Its locked in for life. Call today for free information. And youll also get this free beneficiary planner, so call now. soft music hello, Colonial Penn . Its moving day. And while her friends are doing the heavy lifting, jess is busy moving her xfinity internet and tv services. It only takes about a minute. Wait, a minute . But what have you been doing for the last two hours . Delegating . Oh, good one. Move your Xfinity Services without breaking a sweat. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Xfinity makes moving easy. Go online to transfer your services in about a minute. Get started today. Reddit users have been driving wall street crazy. Envesting in certain stocks like game stop to force up the price. Every days of overheated activity prompted the investor app called robinhood to suddenly restrict some trades, Outuraniuming Retail At Home by phone investors. Robinhood now says it will allow limited trades tomorrow. It is confusing. To that end we are so happy to welcome back cara swesher, veteran technology and business journalist, contributing writer at the New York Times. She also has the podcast sway where her reason guests have included but not limited to Brian Kranlston and many more. I know she has spread out the sway hat swag to many people in the media. She also cohosts a Vox Media Podcast called pivot with another good friend of the broadcast. Im so happy that it is you. Because this is more than a Davy And Goliath meet cute story. This is more than just the Little People rising up. It more complicated than that. You explain tech to Little People for a living. Where do you want to start . Reddit or the robinhood app . Robinhood is becoming incredibly popular for young people who use it for investing and consider it a democratization. I wrote a column on it about six months ago. A young man committed suicide because he thought his trades were wrong and there was a lot of issues going on with it. But people have been using it to do trades and Everybody Vesting like anyone else. Most people dont have stock impact portfolios. Very rich people do. But most have benefited from the runup so theyve been attracted to it. Then you have reddit. One of these boards, i dont know what to call it. A Bulletin Board site. A little Social Media Site. It has been around forever and it has had all these places with discussions. Theyve been doing a lot of financial ones on reddit and especially one that started to talk about this idea of pushing back at hedge funds which had been shorting this game stop company which had been in distress. Specially because of the pandemic and lots of other secular reasons. So it was a clash between the hedge funds which were shorting the stock, which were saying it was going to fail. And they shorted it to an extent that it was 136 more. And this group decided this was ridiculous. There is been some internet people involved in game stop and thinking they can revive it so they were pushing back on the hedge funds and pushed hard enough to take their money. There we have it. Well, you explained it beautifully. You are so lucky in my view that cnbc is completely occupied with this. For the following which you have written. Tech executives are among those who have gotten significantly richer during this time. Not because of some of the new invengss but because it fills the voids created by the dire circumstances. The other side, the capitalist side, heres an argument like that and says thats what their businesses do. Theyre entrepreneurs. Why would you ever penalize success . Well, during this pandemic, certainly, im a big capitalist. I think if you inconvenient something, you should benefit from it. If you invest. You should benefit from it. They are among the richest people in the World Running the most lucrative companies in the world. So nothing has happened here. Amazon hand gotten some innovation that suddenly raised the wealth of jeff bezos this enormous amount. It is really interesting. One time wealth tax is what im talking about when Senator Sanders and warren the it. The people who run these Tech Companies have gotten enormously wealthy, especially in the stock market while others suffered. So i thought this was a good way to think about it and do another one around social media. You talk about it on the show a lot. The role that social media played in what happened at the capitol was very significant. Its not the most significant thing. I would blame the mob itself and also president trump. But they still had a role in allowing these highs to continue and foment this to continue. So why not have it like an executive presented it to me. Like this is a soda tax or a tax on cigarettes and things like that and these companies should do a little more election education. We can deal with the pandemic relief and things like that. 45 seconds or less. Are you amazed, jack dorsey on twitter silenced donald trump and are you amazed by how much he has been rendered silent . You know, it is interesting. He has lots of tools to get to people. He could come on your show, brian. It took a long time for youre laughing hysterically. You take him. It was a decision that had to be made. Donald trump continued to violate norms on these Social Media Site and rules that they have in place. And one thing that he really did. He crossed the line on inciting violence and Domestic Terrorism and inciting that Domestic Terrorism. So i think they had no choice to do it. They didnt want to be in the business of being responsible for him tenning to foment that kind of anger and hateful so it was the right decision. The issue i have is it was essentially two people decided the fate of donald trump and the concentration of power, facebook or twitter or google is really a problem. So thats why i have a bunch of billionaires outside my house, protesting. Theyre all, they have their own komb you were cha machines and everything else. Billionaires are such victims in this society. As you know. Yes, they are. Thank you. So. Tell your partner scott that hes written a dandy book on post pandemic america. We want him to come on and talk about it and we will help drive him up on amazon which is run famously by a billionaire. A hat is coming your way. A hat is coming your way. All right. Ill continue to watch the mail as i to every day. Coming up, the Qux Qanon Congresswoman from georgia said shes being attacked because she represents the people. So far her Political Party seems cool with that. Political partys cool with that robinhood believes now is the time to do money without the Commission Fees and account minimums. So, you can start investing today, wherever you are even on the bus. Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. Its time for sleep numbers january sale on the sleep number 360 smart bed. Can it help with snoring . Ive never heard snoring. Exactly. No problem. And done. And now, save 1,000 on the sleep number 360 special Edition Smart bed, now 1,799. Only for a limited time. What im concerned about is the Republican Leadership in the house of representatives. Assigning her to the Education Committee when she has mocked the killing of little children at sandy hook elementary school, when she has mocked the killing of teenagers in high school, at the Marjorie Stoneham Douglas high school. It is absolutely appalling. Growing calls for House Republican leader Kevin Mccarthy. He of the visit of maralago today to publicly denounce freshman congresswoman qanon Conspiracy Theories Marjorie Taylor greene of georgia. Long time sever bill kristol had this to take away. So far in 2021, Kevin Mccarthy has been more critical of liz cheney than of Marjorie Taylor greene. Back with us tonight. Author, viflt, comedian at the daily show with trevor noah. These days he is host of the podcast. And back with us, bill kristol, the author and writer and thinker of the bush administrations editor at large, over at the bulwark. Good evening to you both. I would like to begin with you. And were all about to see something for the first time. We have what im told is the first video, exclusive video out of this meeting today between mccarthy and trump. Well watch it and react on other side. I love you. You. You complete me. Just shut up. You had me at hello. You had me at hello. That is obviously we have rolled the wrong clip and we were sold a bill of goods here. I thought this was going to be of the mccarthy and trump meeting and someone of course will be in big trouble. So to reset, youve got the leader of the republicans in the house going down to kiss the ring and god knows what else. Meeting with a deposed former president in his underdecorated florida home. Is that because this is the only game they have . They badly need his supporters. And the thing they fear the most is having his supporters turn against them . Im still recovering from the video clip. Thank you and im mad at you right now for making me break. So on television. Thanks for having me back as usual. We will coordinate our outfits. Closer on the Color Schemes at least. Kevin mccarthy, the Republican Party, we keep waiting for them to make better choices on behalf of all of us. We keep giving them chances to get off this crazy bus. Helsinki was a chance to get off the bus. Charlottesville was a chance to get off the bus. Children in cages was a chance to get off the bus. And inject yourself with bleach for the deadly pandemic was a chance to get off the bus. The bus has flown off the edge of the cliff. There was an attack and fools are still clinging to the bus and theyre playing with fire. It is terrifying, disturbing, and it is is a symbol that trumpism will outlast trump the man and we have tort waiting and demand, you have to choose america and get off the bus. We need to move forward. It is very, very troubling. This next clip is sadly real. This was an exchange between Congress Gates who new to wyoming to campaign against the third ranging republican member in house. Liz cheney. This was with Tucker Carlson tonight on fox. Your name was invoked. A feeling we both know well. Well may it and discuss it on the other side. Inside the bell way of washington, d. C. , they have concentrated their power and now they want to reconstitute the Republican Party in their image. If you were to poll republican vote orders their belief, they would come. Closer to yours than to the beliefs of liz cheney and bill kristol. Why would kevin mckartsy, the leader of the republicans in the house back liz cheney . Of course, to maintain power, tucker. So bill, youre in on this. Youre maintaining power. Yeah. Ive maintained my power in the party but denouncing donald trump and supporting joe biden. Liz cheney did the right thing. She voted her conscience. She didnt actually try to whim the issue. Convince her fellow members. She is more conservative than i am. She supported donald trump for election in november. So i mean, those who hope that had trumps defeat might lead to a defeat. Not a all. He went crazy and people say he cant really go with that. He went with that. Then january 6th happen and theyre saying, well, thats the Breaking Point. Twaum the Breaking Point even that night with Kevin Mccarthy, the vous leaders. Now hes down visiting trump as a symbolish. Now mostly, not entirely, mostly the party of donald trump. Kevin mccarthy, matt gate, they are the dominant part of the country. It is dangerous. Sometimes it breaks and sometimes it has to be thought. It was all going away. A little bit of extremity. No one will go form. No one will tolerate her or put it on a committee. Through these alleged. Well, thats clarifying. Our guests have agreed to stay with us. Well fit in a break here. Nine days, a couple dozen Executive Orders in. Well look at the biden presidency thus far when we come back. Thus far when we come back robinhood believes now is the time to do money. Without the Commission Fees so you can start investing today, wherever you are even hanging with your dog. So, what are you waiting for . Download now and get your first stock on us. Robinhood. Undocumented. Nobody is naive in the white house about how hard it will be or none of us think that republicans are just going to lay down and work with us overnight. But we feel like we have to try. Jen psaki on with rachel tonight. The biden Team Standing by with its calls for unity while time defending the president s use of Executive Orders and actions. He has spent the first week in office signing a slew of them. Many of which are to undo trump policies. As we likes to mention, elections have squegss. Still with us, will, New York Times Editorial Page came out and said these Executive Orders and actions are a, quote, flawed substitute for legislation. And while they are correct, i wonder, a, what congress they see out there, and b, were they covering the Trump Administration . Yeah. And c, you would have to say which of these orders is inappropriate and requires new legislation . They are advancing legislation pretty aggressively. He did make that nice metaphor about the republicans on a bus, careening down a highway, endangering all of us. It just stuck with me during the break. Theyre not trapped on that bus. Theyre not taken hostage. They have chosen now to be on that bus. But trump was president. You can say they were under pressure. Hes the only president they have. Whats the point of breaking with him . He is not president. They are choosing to be a trumpist party. Thats really the significance of mccarthys visit to trump today. And there is so much talk of this home for unity. But the white house, when they say unity, they mean unity with the Congress Run By Mcconnell and by mccarthy and special Guest Appearances by congresswoman qanon and congresswoman boburt, she of open carry. So is that part overrated . Elections have consequences. This is their bus now. It is. I think the gray lady doth protest too much. I think the New York Times analysis and wisdom on this is off as bill mentioned, the Biden Administration has put forth jeopardy. Many are under doing previous Executive Orders or targeting the once in a century pandemic we find ourselves in. So there is not a lot of excess power grabbing going on as we saw in the previous administration. Were under this. Theyre working on the covid bill. So eight days in, im still going to enjoy this breath of sane fresh air and not get too worked up over Executive Orders which seem like theyll believe ended in the next few days, anyway. Indeed. For the most part, they are headed down. Well, Ladies And Gentlemen of audience to join us even late in the evening. Thank you both so much. You add so much when you come on. Coming up, this vaccine shortage. It isnt just a problem within our borders. Well look at the problem they are having with it overseas. Well get a live report coming up. T a live report coming up less than a month after the e. U. Left people strappeded, a new issue is derailing the partnership. Even as europe is on the verge of approving another coronavirus vaccine, the continent finds itself deeply divided over supplies, struggling to get shots into arms. In other words, the mess a lot of people saw coming a mile away. Nbc news Foreign Correspondent kier simmons has our report from london. Europe is tea scending into a vaccine wall. Questioning whether it effective for over 65. The u. K. Prime minister hitting back. Tonight facing shortages until april. And regions of spain already suspending vaccinations. The crisis of europes own making, placing orders late, set to finally approve astrazenecas vaccine tomorrow. Tomorrow, pfizer and astrazeneca in meetings. That 60 cut in Supply Targets because of production challenges. They must honor their obligations. The Fight Reopening Wounds from brexit. Brit an has vaccinate 12 of its population. Europe, only 2 . Now the e. U. Threatening to restrict Vaccine Exports unless it gets doses from u. K. Plants. Newspapers branding that blackmail. As europes wealthy nations white, the developing world is left to watch. The worlds poorist people at risk. Reporter tonight, some European Countries are turning to russia for a vaccine. Hungary, for example, ordering 2 million doses of the russian vaccine. Just underscoring why european leaders fear that this crisis could rock the very foundations of europe. And it has the potential to rock geopolitical politics. As we have said before, if you dont vaccinate the entire world, you dont defeat the coronavirus. It is not enough to just vaccinate europe or america. Because of course, where the virus is thriving, it is mutating. New variants will come back to attack europe and america. In vaccine national six selfdefeating. 4 53 a. M. In london. Thank you. Another break for us. We chronicle another great loss to this american life. Ican life. Hey, i just got a text from my sister. You remember rick, her neighbor . Sure, hes the 76yearold guy who still runs marathons, right . Sadly, not anymore. Wow. So sudden. Um, were not about to have the we need Life Insurance conversation again, are we . No, were having the were getting coverage so we dont have to worry about it conversation. So youre calling about the 9. 95 a month plan from Colonial Penn . I am. We put it off long enough. We are getting that 9. 95 plan, today. jonathan is it time for you to call about the 9. 95 plan . Im jonathan from Colonial Penn Life Insurance company. Sometimes we just need a reminder not to take today for granted. If youre age 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed acceptance whole Life Insurance starting at just 9. 95 a month. There are no Health Questions so you cant be turned down for any health reason. The 9. 95 plan is Colonial Penns number one most popular whole life plan. Options start at just 9. 95 a month. Thats less than 35 cents a day. Your rate can never go up. Its locked in for life. Call today for free information. And youll also get this free beneficiary planner, so call now. soft music hello, Colonial Penn . Only just a few of us left, you know. See enough years to last two life times. I dont mind seeing a few more of those. Hell know when to come. When he come, i be ready. Last thing before we go tonight is the loss of the elegant and essential cicely tight tyson. Her life spanned almost a full century on earth. She leaves us with indelible performances. They were roles she chose so carefully. Americans of a certain age will never forget her in the seminole production of the autobiography of miss jane pittman. It brought her one of three lifetime emmy awards. As miss jane pittman, she was a woman born into slavery and lived long enough to join the modern struggle. Prior to that she was nominated for an Academy Award for her stunning performance in sounder in 1972. Film buffs have their own favorites from the heart is a lonely hunter, right through Fried Green Tomatoes and the help. She was of course, also in roots. And tonight this photo along with these words. This one cuts deep. Cicely tyson was my first screen mom. She was as regal as they come. An artist of the highest order and i will love her forever. Because her career panel issed seven decades, she was that rare artist known to different generations for different and signature roles. And most recently, thanks to channeledra rhymes, we got to see her in how to get away with murder where she played a recurring character with dementia. That was in addition to her role in the series, cherish the day. Realizing her role in hollywood, and her visibility and the power that came with it, she turned down a lot of work and committed herself to playing only positive depictions of black women. She was born in harlem between world wars back in 1924. Her parents came to this country from the west indies. For a time she was married to miles davis. A few years back, back when the only had had true meaning, president obama awarded her the president ial medal of freedom. He did so on behalf of all of us, a grateful nation, grateful that we got to marvel at cicely tyson who is gone at the age of 96. Thats our broadcast this thursday night along with our broadcast for being with us. For all the men and women of nbc news. Good night. Tonight on all in Kevin Mccarthy answers to these qanon Members Of Congress. New warnings about the enemy inside congress. We will probably need a supplemental for more security for members. When the end me is within the jimmy gomez on the resolution to expel a Qanon Conspiracy Theorist from congress. Three weeks after the riot what we still dont know about security inside the capitol. Plus how can you call arizona but we cant call ohio . He was fired from fox news after his team called arizona for joe biden. If there were some way that it looked like donald trump was going to be able to bring arizona in we wouldnt have called it. Former fox News Politics editor chris styer on what he learned after his firing. All that and

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