and this is the grand strategy of this court. the conservative justices are greedy for these cases. i want to be clear they have taken up a bunch of issues they did not need to resolve. they have preme churly waded into major cases because they want to use them as vehicles to shift the law to the right. they are packing in all of these barn burners into a single term, and now they're poised to dump them all on the public in rapid fire succession so that we can barely process one before the next drop. i think it's the friday news dump from hell for the next three or four weeks. we're just going to getting these major decisions and have a limited ability to respond to them. the political branches will have a limited ability to push back in ways they might be able to because before they know it, the next one will drop. guns, abortion, immunity, the environment. it's all going to come flooding the zone, and we're going to