1988 Master of Science degree in Public Administration, Angelo State University, Texas
2000 Master of Science in Military Operational Art and Science, Air University, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama
2007 Master of Science degree in National Resource Strategy, Industrial College of the Armed Forces, Ft. McNair, Washington D.C.
2. 1989-1992, Operations Officer, 10th Services Squadron, RAF Alconbury, UK
3. 1992-1995, Asst Prof of Aerospace Studies, AFROTC Det 75, San Diego State University
4. 1995-1997, Chief of Services, Arnold Engineering Development Center, Arnold AFB, TN
5. 1997-1999, Commander, 49th Services Squadron, Holloman AFB, NM
6. 2000-2002, Chief, Manpower and Organization, HAF Services, Pentagon
7. 2002-2003, Chief, Installations and Logistics Matters, Air Force Senior Leader Management Office, Pentagon