MP Omar Ottley sworn in as Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor
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MP Omar Ottley sworn in as Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor
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Today, Tuesday, April 20, 2021, former Member of Parliament (MP) Omar Ottley was ceremoniously sworn in as Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor (VSA) at the cabinet of His Excellency Governor Eugene Holiday. Minister Ottley was put forth by the United People’s (UP) party as candidate minister after Chair of Parliament Rolando Brison withdrew his name as candidate Minister of VSA. After discussions of the screening reports during the past week, it was agreed that Ottley would be sworn in as Minister of VSA as originally intended. As part of the process, outgoing Minister of VSA, Richard Panneflek made his position available via letter to Governor Holiday on Friday, April 16, 2021.