17 Mar 2021
British-based charity Save the Children said Tuesday children as young as 11 years old have been beheaded by the savage ISIS-affiliated Islamist insurgency in Mozambique.
The terrorists are reportedly murdering children before the eyes of their helpless mothers.
Sky News quoted horror stories related to Save the Children by civilians in Mozambique, including a mother who hid in terror with three of her children while the insurgents murdered her 12-year-old eldest son, and a woman who watched the death of her 11-year-old boy.
The Mozambique insurgency calls itself Ahlu-Sunnah Wa-Jama, a name it borrowed from Somalia’s Al-Shabaab terrorist organization; some of the killers, and many terrified local citizens, simply refer to the militants as “al-Shabaab.” The insurgency grew out of a popular movement against corrupt government and foreign exploitation of Mozambique’s oil and gas resources, but its loyalties lie with the Islamic State.