HBO Max, Downtown Center, Park, Sunset Drive-In
Directed by Simon McQuoid, this most recent installment in the Mortal Combat franchise follows MMA fighter Cole Young (Lewis Tan), whose career seems to be fading fast. It's all but over ... except just maybe he's the only offspring of 117th century ninja clan leader Hanzo Hasashi (Hiroyuki Sanada), who was defeated by evil Bi-Han/Sub-Zero (Joe Taslim), who slew the whole Hasashi bloodline except for a hidden infant daughter found by Lord Raiden (Tadanobu Asano)—lowercase god of thunder—who saves the girl so she could continue the Hasashi bloodline and its prophesy that the blood of Hanzo Hasashi will unite a new generation of Earthrealm champions to defeat Outworld before Outworld wins a 10th Mortal Combat tournament and takes over Earth.