More than 170 Aggies venture to the West to help with the wildfires
As wildfires burn across 13 states, experts are saying the situation may continue to worsen with coming heat waves and possible lightning strikes.
Credit: Texas A&M Forest Service
Author: Elisabeth Tharp
Updated: 7:29 PM CDT August 3, 2021
COLLEGE STATION, Texas — Wildfires can be caused by humans or by mother nature herself. The severity of the Western fires has called for the help of Texas A&M.
Currently, 53 Texas am Forest Service personnel are in the Western states helping in various ways to stop the destruction, the majority are firefighters.
“Boots on the ground, working with hand tools and hoses,” Erin O'Connor Program Specialist III for the Texas A&M Forest Service said, “There are engine crews and dozer crews.”