More businesses using contactless payment methods
By Kao Shih-ching / Staff reporter
More small merchants, stores and vendors have adopted contactless payment methods amid rising domestic COVID-19 infections.
“The number of stores that have asked about our service and were interested in using our electronic payment tool has risen more than 40 percent since the COVID-19 alert was raised to level 3 nationwide last week,” Line Pay Taiwan Ltd (連加網路商業) said in a statement yesterday.
Line Pay Taiwan said that most of them are small or medium-sized stores or online merchants, which are generally more hesitant about accepting virtual payments than larger stores.
A convenience store worker scans a QR code on a customer’s phone to complete a transaction in Taipei on Nov. 6, 2019. More small merchants, stores and vendors have adopted contactless payment methods amid rising domestic COVID-19 infections, companies said yesterday.