Months after Covid-19, CNY ‘long-haulers’ suffer fatigue, breathing problems, loss of smell
Updated 6:09 AM;
Syracuse, N.Y. – Shanica Echols was discharged from the hospital last spring after a two-week stay with Covid-19.
A year later, she still suffers lingering symptoms. She still gets winded on the stairs in her two-story house.
“I get exhausted climbing the steps,” said Echols, a traveling nurse. “I’ll climb the steps and then sit down in my room for a little bit before I do what I came upstairs to do.”
Greg Jenkins’s eyes water when he slices an onion. But he can’t smell it. Eight months after being diagnosed with Covid-19, Jenkins still has diminished taste and smell. He, too, has a hard time climbing the stairs. A singer, he’s had to relearn songs, inserting more breaths into his phrasing.