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Montgomery, AL Author Publishes Memoir
May 26, 2021 (PRLEAP.COM) Entertainment News
In the Beginning: A Nostalgic, Narrative Story, a new book by Valvier Latease Harris Bright, has been released by Dorrance Publishing Co., Inc.
In the Beginning follows the memoirs of an African American "Baby Boomer" as she shares colorful memories while tying it to a larger context of her ancestral research into her European Harris and Stokely lineages. Historical connections are made through narrative story telling that brings into vivid light a period in the South that describes family, culture, color, race, religion, economics, opportunities, disadvantages and more. Valvier Latease Harris Bright details her life from childhood to adulthood, from Knoxville, Tennessee to Montgomery, Alabama. Many from both the North and the South, black or white, who were born in the forties through the sixties, will recognize similar experiences and cultural touchstones including segregation and the civil rights movement. Bright chronicles her personal journey from childhood relationships through marriage, childbirth and the death of both parents that transcends all ages. It is an inspiring, provocative and endearing journey.