Kim Dudik
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Our state and the way of life we have enjoyed for decades is in danger of being lost. With a new governor and new Legislature in session, itâs vital Montana citizens are aware of the harmful actions occurring right now in Helena: politicizing our courts, substantially remaking state government, diminishing Montanans' rights, and consolidating power in the Governorâs Office.
Even though no problem exists with the current process, the governor and some Republican legislators are seeking to eliminate the judicial nomination process for vacancies that has existed since Montanaâs Constitution was enacted in the 1970s. They want to revert to an outdated system, abolish the judicial nomination committee, and allow the governor to handpick whomever he wants to fill judicial vacancies with no independent check on qualifications. Senate Bill 140, by Sen. Keith Regier, assigns all power to the governor for vacancies and politicizes our courts.