Monadnock Ledger-Transcript
Published: 6/14/2017 10:22:32 PM
Editor’s note: An incomplete version of this story was published in the June 15 print edition. Here is the full story.
The second finalist for the ConVal High School principal position, who was vetted out of 100 applicants by a national search firm and a school committee, wasn’t offered the job because of a 2012 lawsuit, according to Superintendent Kim Saunders.
Shannon Mayfield, a former principal at high schools in Pennsylvania with at least 11 years of administrative experience, was one of two finalists picked by the school’s committee, after Ray and Associates Inc., a nationwide school executive search company, helped pare the pool of applicants down to 11. The two finalists — Mayfield and Michael Tenters — toured the school in May. Tenters was offered the position but declined for personal reasons.