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MOLLY KINGSLEY: We are robbing our children of their childhood :
MOLLY KINGSLEY: We are robbing our children of their childhood
MOLLY KINGSLEY: We are robbing our children of their childhood
Molly Kingsley For The Daily Mail
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Since the Government shut down schools 15 months ago, our children have been victims of the response to Covid. It has made a mockery of their education and destroyed the sanctity of the classroom.
Every day, UsforThem – the campaign group I founded with two other worried mums when schools were first closed in lockdown – receives anguished accounts of whole school years being sent home because of a single positive test.
This month, the number of children isolating at home has risen by 400 per cent in England. Last week alone, 375,000 children were off school – the vast majority not infected themselves but having merely come into contact with a classmate, one of a tiny minority who had tested positive. And yet, tragically, this is only part of the problem.
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