Greetings and Peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you, dear People of God. A blessed Christmas since we are still in the season of Christmas. Wishing you all a blessed New Year 2021. May the peace of Christ give us the courage to face the challenging times that are before us.
1.0 A Thought For The Week:
A wise man won an expensive car in a lottery. His family and friends were very happy for him and came to celebrate. ‘Isn’t it great!’ they said. ‘You are so lucky.’ The man smiled and said ‘Maybe’. For a few weeks he enjoyed driving the car. Then one day a drunken driver crashed into his new car at an intersection and he ended up in the hospital, with multiple injuries. His family and friends came to see him and said, ‘That was really unfortunate.’ Again, the man smiled and said, ‘Maybe. ’While he was still in the hospital, one night there was a landslide and his house fell into the sea. Again, his friends came the next day and said, ‘Weren’t you lucky to have been here in the hospital.’ Again, he said, ‘Maybe.’ (Eckhart Tolle, New Earth)