1.0 A Thought For The Week:
“It was Thomas Aquinas’ proofs for the existence of God that brought me into the Church,” said the eager theology student to his professor. “I’m very happy for you,” replied Sofia, the wise, seasoned and experienced teacher, “they almost drove me out of it.”
There’s a big difference between proving the existence of God and experiencing God; between explaining God and encountering God. Thinking, analysis, and philosophical arguments are lovely and can be very helpful tools but they also run the risk of boxing up the faith in dangerous and suffocating systems of belief. Analysing God or faith is like dissecting a frog. When you take it apart, you might find out what it’s made up of, but the frog itself is killed in the process. Are you seeking to define God or to encounter God, like the Psalmist who said: “Taste and see that the Lord is good”?