Lawmakers ponder rental assistance vouchers
Proposed state housing assistance system would be modeled after federal Section 8 Housing Choice voucher program, which caps rent payment at 30% of monthly income
Author: John Croman
Updated: 8:36 PM CST February 5, 2021
ST PAUL, Minn — Minnesota legislators are considering a new approach to tackling the state's housing crisis, a problem brought into much sharper focus by the coronavirus pandemic.
DFL lawmakers are pitching a rental assistance voucher system, modeled after the federal Section 8 Housing Choice Voucher program that caps tenants' rental payments at 30 percent of their monthly income. The government pays the balance to landlords.
"We're bringing forth something that is both simply in its form and bold, in saying we believe in Minnesota that no Minnesotan should pay more than 30 percent of their income in their rent," said Rep. Mike Howard, the Richfield Democrat who is the chief offer of the Bring it Home Minnesota bill.