On Monday, the government approved a proposal by the Ministry of Health to standardise the conditions for entry to public places. From yesterday, the same conditions will apply wherever proof of vaccination, negative testing, or prior illness is required for entry. In other developments, from July 1st, regular workplace and school testing will no longer be mandatory, and the price for self-payer testing has been reduced. Photo Credit: Courtesy of South Moravian Region.
Czech Rep., June 9 (BD) – On Monday, the government approved a proposal by the Ministry of Health to apply
the same conditions for entry for all places where proof of vaccination, testing, or prior illness is required for entry, known as OTN (očkování, testování, nemoc). According to the new rules, the validity of a PCR test has been extended to seven days, and the antigen test to 72 hours. Vaccinations will be valid from 22 days after the first dose, while confirmation of a prior illness can be taken as proof of immunity for 180 days.