Minister of Public Utilities Marvin Gonzales, right, chats with Paramin residents during a visit to the area earlier this month.
A major shake-up is expected to take place soon at state-owned Water and Sewerage Authority (WASA), as Minister of Public Utilities Marvin Gonzales moves to make the organisation efficient come 2021.
Part of the restructuring exercise may lead to job losses, a cut in overtime, an overhaul of the management, and will include the introduction of technology to detect leaking pipelines and low water pressure in communities.
The disclosure came from Gonzales last week, just days after a detailed report on WASA’s lingering issues along with recommendations to transform the beleaguered organisation into a productive and profitable one was submitted to Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley for review. For decades, WASA has been plagued with a host of problems that no government has been able to address.