Minister Ottley meets with SZV and PAS, confirms no interruption of services to insured cardholders
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Minister Ottley meets with SZV and PAS, confirms no interruption of services to insured cardholders
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On Tuesday April 27 2021, the Minister of Public Health, Social Development and Labor (VSA), Omar Ottley accompanied by his Legal Advisor Lyndon Lewis and Chef de Cabinet Farrah Busby- Richardson, met with Franklin Chang Sing Pang, president of PAS pharmacy association of Sint Maarten, Natasha Carty of the Druggist, Mr. Glen A. Carty, CEO SZV, Elton Felisie CFO SZV and Reginald Willemsberg, COO SZV. The meeting was held to brief the Minister on the current situation and to discuss the issues affecting the relationship between SZV and PAS.