Henry Agard Wallace (1888-1965) left his mark on what he memorably proclaimed the Century of the Common Man—as plant geneticist, entrepreneur, spiritualist, author, magazine editor, transformative secretary of agriculture under Franklin Roosevelt, and Roosevelt's second vice president. To his admirers Wallace was a conviction politician who denounced segregation in front of Southern audiences and criticized Cold War profiteers long before Dwight Eisenhower alerted us to the military-industrial complex. Detractors mocked Wallace as a religious crank, bureaucratic bungler, and apologist for Joseph Stalin.

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Washington ,United States ,Germany ,Kremlin ,Moskva ,Russia ,Alexandria ,Al Iskandariyah ,Egypt ,North Korea ,Mexico ,Slovak Republic ,Iran ,Moscow ,Turkey ,New York ,Iowa ,Soviet ,Americans ,American ,Soviets ,Iranian ,Czechoslovakia ,Russian ,Turkish ,North Korean ,America ,Russians ,George Washington Carver ,Andrey Gromyko ,Jesse Jesush Jones ,Wallace ,Harry Truman ,Bernie Sanders ,Wendell Willkie ,Joseph Stalin ,Dwight Eisenhower ,Johnny Appleseeds ,Harry Magdoff ,Nicholas Roerich ,Richard Nixon ,Henry Agard Wallace ,Milo Wallace ,Eleanor Roosevelt ,Jesse Jones ,Franklin Roosevelt ,Oliver Stone ,Henry Wallace ,William James ,Strom Thurmond ,Jan Masaryk ,John Nichols ,Benn Steil ,Joe Stalin ,Catholic Church ,Commerce Department ,Corn Company ,Dupont ,Progressive Party ,New York Times ,Supreme Court ,Council On Foreign Relations ,United Nations ,Democratic National Convention ,Avid Reader Press Simon Schuster ,Reconstruction Finance Corporation ,Agriculture Department ,Common Man ,Cold War ,National Convention ,Man Who Might Have ,Foreign Relations ,Marshall Plan ,Bretton Woods ,World War ,New York City ,George Washington ,Hi Bred Corn Company ,Liberal Catholic Church ,Wall Street ,World Wari Era ,Agricultural Adjustment Act ,New Deal ,Central Asian Eden ,Commerce Secretary Jesse ,Latin American ,World That Wasn T ,Potemkin Village ,Turkish Straits ,Madison Square Garden ,Truman Doctrine ,Open Letter ,Korean War ,Soviet Backed North Korean ,New Frontiers ,

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