The peace of the seemingly idyllic village of Badger's Drift is shattered by the inexplicable murder of an old lady, Emily Simpson, found dead in her cottage after witnessing something unsettling in the woods. Her old friend, Lucy Bellringer, is convinced that Emily's death was not from natural causes. She persuades Chief Investigator Barnaby and Detective Sergeant Troy of Causton CID to look into the matter and then hunt down the killer. Their investigation uncovers a web of sinister events, some long buried in the past.

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United States ,American ,Tom Barnaby ,Ferne Basset ,Cully Barnaby ,Max Jennings ,Aurelien Hayman Emily Simpson ,Emily Simpson Ren ,Barnaby Troy ,George Bullard ,Emily Simpson ,Caroline Graham ,Lucy Bellringer Rosalie Crutchley ,Gavin Troy ,John Nettles ,Sergeant Troy Daniel Casey ,Joyce Barnaby ,Simone Hollingsworth ,Sergeant Troy ,Corn Exchange In Causton ,Lodge Of The Golden Wind Horse ,National Insurance ,Courtesy Of American Public Television ,Encore Thursdays ,Detective Sergeant Troy ,American Public ,Daniel Casey ,Jane Wymark ,Laura Howard ,Barry Jackson ,Aurelien Hayman ,Killings At Badger ,Lucy Bellringer ,Rosalie Crutchley ,Midsomer Worthy ,Corn Exchange ,Bernard Hepton ,Roger Allam ,Golden Wind Horse ,Stephen Moyer ,

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