Since May 7, Midland County has had four auto-pedestrian fatalities, beating the annual average.
Author: Sammi Steele
Updated: 8:21 PM CDT June 14, 2021
MIDLAND, Texas — Here is a trend we do not like to see going up: auto-pedestrian accidents.
On average, Midland County sees about four deadly auto-pedestrian crashes a year.
However, in the past month alone there have been four.
The Midland Co. sheriff worries if driving and pedestrian habits do not change, we are going to see an all-time high in auto-pedestrian fatalities this year.
"Those auto-pedestrian accidents are the worst accidents you can come up to because normally those do result in a fatality," David Criner, Midland Co. Sheriff said. "It’s very sad to know that you are going to approach an accident scene and it’s going to affect someone’s loved one”