-Originally aired July 21, 1984.
-Your hosts are Jim Ross & Joel Watts. So back in April they introduced a new set, they used it for two weeks, then they went right back to the usual set, but now they’re on the new set again.
-Bill Watts is at ringside with Magnum TA for a special presentation. Bill Watts feels like the North American Championship needs a belt that matches the prestige of the title itself, so he unveils the new North American Championship belt, and this thing is GIGANTIC. Watts says the belt is 27 pounds, and I honestly believe him. Magnum tries to drape it over his shoulder but it’s so big that he can’t really do that, he has to hold it and flex to keep it from sliding off because it’s so big it just casts a shadow over the shoulder. This belt is MUCH larger than need be; in fact, it’s just plain big.