MIAX Exchange Group - Options Markets - Reminder: 1G LL Shared Extranet Switch Infrastructure Upgrade
As previously announced in the February 17, 2021 Alert, MIAX Options, MIAX Pearl Options and MIAX Emerald Options Exchanges will upgrade the 1G Low Latency (LL) shared extranet switch infrastructure in July, 2021. All existing 1G LL cross connects must be migrated to the upgraded 1G LL shared extranet switch infrastructure.
The timeline is as follows:
The new 1G LL shared extranet switch infrastructure will be stood up on Monday, May 17, 2021.
Firms currently using the existing 1G LL shared extranet switch infrastructure can begin the migration to the new 1G LL infrastructure from May 17, 2021 through to July 30, 2021. The existing 1G LL fiber cross connects and the associated configuration will be used to complete the migration to the new 1G LL switch infrastructure (i.e. no new cross connects will be required).