Members of the Potomac Valley Radio Club to Activate NSS for Armed Forces Day
PVRC) will activate the historic NSS call sign on Saturday, May 8, during the 2021
Armed Forces Day Cross-Band Test. For more than 60 years, military and amateur stations have taken part in this exercise, during which
military stations transmit on military frequencies and listen for radio amateurs on adjacent amateur bands. It will take place May 7 – 8 this year.
NSS operation will be from the location of the former US Navy High-Power Radio Station at Greenbury Point in Annapolis, Maryland. NSS began operation in 1918 on VLF, using a pair of Federal Telegraph Company 500 kW Poulson arc transmitters and four 600-foot towers. NSS began operations on HF in the 1920s, and operations there continued until 1976.