Relaunch of the RJJ Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society
In the greater academic world, scholarly journals are famous for their strict demands of brevity, clarity and impersonality. They are also infamous for being pretty boring. Hence, the re-launching of an academic, scholarly journal after a two-year hiatus is hardly news that’ll “break the Internet.”
Yet the recent reintroduction of the esteemed RJJ Journal of Halacha and Contemporary Society — a scholarly publication whose issues deal in real time with halachah and its interface with modern-day issues (“Techum Shabbos at the Airport,” “Tevilas Keilim for Electric Appliances,” two examples of hundreds of practical pieces that have been published over the years) — is sure to be greeted by grateful readers who’ve missed the tackling of serious topics in a sophisticated and analytical manner, yet with a certain geshmak.