Japan has an all-senior-citizen male idol group who once helped promote a prefecture’s tourism industry. Key details: The five-member group, known as JI-POP, the first word of which comes from the Japanese word "ojisan" (“old man” or “grandpa”), made their debut single, titled “Hooray for Old Age," in late February 2016 to help promote Kochi Prefecture’s tourism industry. Meeting the members: The members of the group, who are all aged 65-87, are Norihiro Tanioka, who is known as the “City Market Sheriff”; Akira Odaka, the “Town Fisherman Director”; Iwao Yamamoto, who is the “Manufacturing Association Prez”; Yoshinori Deki, the “Shellfish-Loving Fisherman”; and Hidetada Yamada, the eldest of the group and the “Marathon Lover.”