The MSE Equity Total Return Index lost ground, as it closed in negative territory at 8,016.442 points.
A total of 19 equities were active, 10 of which headed north, while another four closed in the opposite direction. Total weekly value increased by 16% to €0.87 million – generated across 158 transactions.
Medserv plc shares gained 17.5%, as the company announced that it has successfully concluded a conditional agreement with the shareholders of Regis Holdings Limited.
The company added that the execution of the said agreement will, upon completion, bring together the two groups of companies and, subject to shareholder approval, the Company will be renamed MedservRegis.
The acquisition of the shares in Regis will be financed through the issuance of 47,893,229 ordinary shares of a nominal value of €0.10c per share and a share premium of €0.58c in favour of the shareholders of Regis, subject always, amongst others, to the approval of shareholders of the company in the general meeting.