Mayans MC sets up the final episode with “A Mixed-up and Splendid Rescue” written by Jenny Lynn and directed by Alonso Alvarez-Barreda (whose other credits include
Snowfall and
911) and “The House of Death Floats By” written by Sean Tretta and directed by Elgin James. Things start to really heat up, and the death count is mounting by the second episode.
In “A Mixed-up and Splendid Rescue,” the mixed-up part is evident – but not the splendid rescue. EZ (JD Pardo) is trying to prove his family can act like a happy family as he and Gaby (Sulem Calderon) try to make a nice brunch for Felipe (Edward James Olmos) and Angel (Clayton Cardenas). Gaby tells EZ that she’s been accepted into nursing school – but in Lodi. EZ is happy for Gaby, but she says she hasn’t decided whether she’s going or not. Angel is late for brunch and ruins the event by being obnoxious because he’s jealous of EZ’s happiness in the face of his own loss of Adelita (Carla Baratta).