Mars Exploration Fast Facts
elisfkc2 / Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0
Here’s some background information about Mars exploration. The United States and the Soviet Union are the only two countries to land a spacecraft on Mars.
There have been nine successful US Mars landings: Viking 1 and Viking 2 (both 1976), Pathfinder (1997), Spirit and Opportunity (both 2004), Phoenix (2008), Curiosity (2012), InSight (2018) and Perseverance (2021).
The only other country to land a spacecraft on Mars was the Soviet Union in 1971 and 1973.
The United States, the Soviet Union, the European Space Agency and India have successfully sent spacecraft to enter Mars’ orbit.
1965 – Mariner 4 passes within 6,000 miles (about 9,650 kilometers) of Mars and takes the first close-up photos of the planet’s surface.