Submitted by teddyrooseveltp... on
Fri, 04/02/2021 - 11:06
I did a “deep dive” into some Google searching this morning to find out more about the Board of Directors of Mark Robinson’s new Carolina Teachers Alliance. To be an organization for educators, it seems to mostly consist of folks who are conservative activists.
Here’s a rundown of what I found - others could likely figure out more, particularly with their connections to other “dark money” conservative and evangelical groups around the state.
Amy Marshall
Executive Director, President, Founder
Her brief blurb at the CTA site describes her as “K-12 Educator & College adjunct”. I couldn’t find what college she’s affiliated with but she teaches at an online Christian school, the Alpha Omega Academy. Originally from Texas, has a BS in Biology from the University of Texas Arlington, and an MEd in History from Liberty University. On her profile page at the Academy, says the person she would like to meet would be “President Trump”.