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Manibusan, Natividad capture June bowling titles :
Manibusan, Natividad capture June bowling titles
Brian Manibusan landed 10 strikes in a row before leaving a pin on his 11th strike attempt for a 289 game as he claimed his first Budweiser King of the
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Brian Manibusan
Jose Natividad
Corey Granillo
Maria Wood
Oneal Flores
Mike Sanchez
Greg Borja
Budweiser King
Budweiser Prince
Sheila Bangs
King And Prince
Central Lanes Bowling Center
J Leong
Mike Brown
Leal Flores
Marlene Reyes
Ngelo Aquino
Esar Villanueva Jr
Rince Of The Lanes Division
Jeremiah Camacho
Harlie Catbagan
Udy Palaganas
Ark Manibusan
Kill Roberto
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