Man Charged in 14-Year-Old Cold Case After Submitting DNA to Ancestry Site
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According to reports, a Florida man was arrested and charged in a 14-year-old sexual assault cold case after submitting his DNA to the ancestry site, FamilyTreeDNA.
James Vaughn, 44, was arrested after a crime lab used GEDmatch and FamilyTree's DNA databases to identify him as the attacker in a 2007 sexual assault case where a woman was attacked after getting a ride home from whom authorities believe to be Vaughn.
"It has taken 14 years for resolution in this case, but it's something that was important to us and was important to the victim, to get some closure in this case," said police chief Ruben Delgado. "That was the whole idea about this squad, to kind of take these cases that haven't been solved, kind of reenergize them."