23 December 2020 8:14 pm / 4 comments
The country’s first autonomous vehicle test route on public roads is now in service, with Cyberview-subsidiary Futurise today officially announcing the approval of the Cyberjaya Malaysia Autonomous Vehicle (MyAV) testing route, which was developed together with the ministry of transport (MOT) under the National Regulatory Sandbox initiative.
There are two routes stretching seven kilometres in total,
The Star reports. The first is a short course, looping around the Futurise and Malaysian Global Innovation & Creativity Centre (MaGIC) buildings, while the second is a longer route that includes movement across Persiaran Apec, Persiaran Cyberpoint and Persiaran Rimba.
It was also announced that eMoovit Technology is the first company to receive approval to use the route for the testing of its autonomous vehicle testbed, which is a self-driving Proton Exora. The company, operating under the umbrella of Singaporean company MooVita, specialises in providing driverless software solutions for urban environments.