Make That $2 Billion: Ford Ups Equity Funding
April 7, 2021
The second edition of the Ford Foundation’s Building Institutions and Networks (BUILD) initiative will starting in January disburse another $1 billion in five-year grants to organizations led by people of color and women.
The 2015 BUILD initiative already has provided $1 billion in flexible funding to social justice organizations to help them “more effectively achieve their core goals and build resilience for the long term,” including five-year commitments of general operating support.
“Our transformative BUILD initiative has been instrumental in giving grantees the ability to quickly adapt to unforeseen challenges, which became more important than ever this past year,” Ford Foundation Executive Vice President for Programs Hilary Pennington said via a statement. “We will continue to work in lockstep with our partners by giving them the resources and the flexibility they need to carry out their important work, without the burden of restrictive frameworks that may limit their capacity to make real change in times of need,” she said.