Mace(R) Security International, a Global Leader in Personal Self-Defense Sprays, 2Q21 Financial Results Show Retail and E-Commerce Revenue Grew a Combined 38% Over 2Q20
Retail and e-commerce sales increased $810,000 (38%) over 2Q 2020
Mace branded bear spray sales up 189% over 2Q 2020 and 214% over first six months 2020
Net income for the quarter was $702,000, or 21% of net sales, an increase of $249,000, compared to net income of 453,000 in the same period of 2020
Debt free as of June 30, 2021
2Q 2021 net sales totaled $3,396,000, down $36,000, or 1%, versus same period prior year resulting primarily from a decline in private label sales
Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Loan and interest of $625,000 forgiven by SBA