Daily Monitor
Monday March 08 2021
The emergence of the iconic martyred Archbishop Janan Luwum arose out of the Ugandan political turmoil that was orchestrated by the infamous President Idi Amin Dada who reigned from 1971 to 1979. Archbishop Luwum’s forthright character of godliness and bravery inevitably brought him in collision course with Amin, his nemesis.
One of the distinguishing characteristics of Luwum was that he accepted Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Saviour on January 6, 1948 after an encounter with an Acholi couple who subscribed to the East African Revival Brethren fellowship also called Abalokole.
It is said that upon his conversion to new life in Christ, Luwum prophetically said: “I am prepared to die in the army of Jesus. As Jesus shed his blood for his people.