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LUISAVIAROMA Lands In Senegal With Photo Project
LUISAVIAROMA Lands In Senegal With Photo Project
The country is the latest stop in the brand’s “My Earth Is Beating” project with LVRSustainable and Extreme E.
The country is the latest stop in the brand’s “My Earth Is Beating” project with LVRSustainable and Extreme E.
May 27, 2021
Following up on the trip that started in April with a visit to the sands of Saudi Arabia, LUISAVIAROMA has now arrived in Senegal with the photojournalistic project “MY EARTH IS BEATING #myEIB.” Until May 31, National Geographic contributors Luca Locatelli and Gabriele Galimberti, along with journalist Raffaele Panizza, will photograph and document landscapes in the country, highlighting the environmental impact those areas have suffered.