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"There has been no berthing restrictions as of now at any LPG port due to COVID-19," one importer said.
The measures include night lockdowns at ports such as Kandla, lockdowns by the Mundra local municipality, strict lockdown imposed until May 1 in Mumbai and JNPT, night curfew in Goa until end-April, night curfew in Mangalore, night curfew in Tamil Nadu state, night curfew in Visakhapatnam, night curfew in some districts in Kakinada, night curfew and lockdown in Paradip, and night curfew in Krishnapattanam, shipping sources said.
While in Kandla, technicians or crew change is permitted, COVID-19 test reports must be received within a minimum of up to 35-48 hours from the time samples are received at the lab.