Looking Back on April 22
100 Years Ago: 1921
Large audiences witnessed both performances of “Among the Breakers” at Thorne’s Corner Grange hall Monday and Tuesday nights. The two-act drama was presented by members of the grange and was handled in a manner worthy of actors of vastly more experience. The audience was very appreciative, it was clearly demonstrated by the frequent applause.
50 Years Ago: 1971
Mrs. Glen Lake, Mrs. Maura Leclair and Mrs. Lorraine Ouellette are collaborating in preparing a Variety Show to be presented at St. Mary’s Church parish hall on Friday evening, proceeds to benefit the Occupational Training Center’s work with the handicapped, which has its headquarters only a few yards away from the church. Mrs. Lake is director of the Auburn Senior Citizens Band which will play. Mrs. Leclair is director and accompanist for the Lewiston Senior Citizens Chorale, and Mrs. Ouellette is director of the Jolly Ten, a group of entertainers organized a few months ago.