Published Wednesday, May. 12, 2021, 9:40 am
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Longwood women’s basketball assistant coach and recruiting director Ryenn Micaletti has been selected to participate in the TopConnect Leadership Institute beginning on Tuesday, May 18.
Formerly Villa 7, TopConnect identifies the top basketball assistant coaches and senior level athletics administrators in the country to provide them the necessary skills and relationships to assist them on their career path.
The TopConnect Leadership Institute is the most exclusive program offered by TopConnect, with candidates identified and recommended by athletic directors across the nation. Only 26 individuals, 13 coaches and 13 administrations, comprise the inaugural cohort. The program provides attendees an extra edge or advantage to both acquire a leadership opportunity and be successful in their leadership role. Over a four-month span, the program will use an in-depth curriculum built off symposiums that combines leadership discussions, activities and networking opportunities.