Loma tell us their Top 10s of 2020
Shearwater) -- released their genuinely wonderful second album,
Don't Shy Away, back in October. It's hypnotic, haunting, mysterious and comforting, and features Brian Eno on the ethereal closing track, "Homing." If you haven't checked this album out, do yourself a favor and listen -- and watch some of their beautifully made videos -- below.
It's end of the year and everybody seems to be making Top 10 lists, but Loma's three members have offered us slightly unusual ones. Emily Cross' is “Top Ten (vegan) things I made in my kitchen in 2020," Dan Duszynski tells us the “Top Ten Things I am Thinking About Right Now” and Jonathan Meiburg gets wild with “Top Ten Backyard Animal Sightings of 2020.”