Lok Sabha Election 2024 Live Updates: Delhi Police have detained Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) workers who were staging a protest at ITO (Income Tax Office) after the judicial custody of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal was extended on Tuesday. The protest erupted following the decision to extend Kejriwal's judicial custody, prompting AAP supporters to gather at ITO to demonstrate their dissent.Kejriwal's extended judicial custody comes amidst a politically charged atmosphere, with tensions running high between the ruling AAP and other political factions.Election Schedule: The elections are being held in seven phases. The first phase was held on April 19, second phase is set to take place on April 26, third phase on May 7, the fourth phase on May 13, fifth phase on May 20, sixth phase on May 25 and the seventh phase on June 1, 2024.The Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar in a press conference had said that the counting of votes will take place on June 4.The first phase of elections was held on April 19, with the deadline for candidate nominations being March 27. These elections will spanned across 21 States and Union Territories. Following this, the second phase of elections will commence on April 26, with the nomination deadline on April 4. This phase will cover 12 States and Union Territories. Moving on to the third phase, elections are scheduled for May 7, and the nomination deadline is April 20. This phase will also encompass 12 States and Union Territories. Subsequently, the fourth phase of elections will be held on May 13, with the nomination deadline on April 25, covering 10 States and Union Territories. The fifth phase is set for May 20, with the nomination deadline on May 3 and covering 8 States and Union Territories. On May 25, the sixth phase of elections will take place, with the nomination deadline on May 6, spanning across 7 States and Union Territories. Finally, the seventh phase of elections is scheduled for June 1, with the nomination deadline on May 14, covering 8 States and Union Territories.